Behind Closed Doors
A Book by Jennika has a short attention span :P
Not sure what genre it is, so I put "Experimental" :/ 
© 2011 Jennika has a short attention span :P
Author's Note
Not really sure if you can call this a description :/ I keep having dreams about this. I don't want to give anything away, but something actually made me stay up all night because it was so horrible. I'm not sure what genre it is, so it's "Experimental." I'm going to try my best to make a commitment to finish this book, so that maybe I'll stop dreaming about it.
They say don't judge a book by it's cover. Others say that we're just humans and can't help ourselves. People don't know what happens behind closed doors. Your nice old neighbor could be a pedophile. Your math teacher could be a murderer. There's no way to tell, which is why we use stereotypical judgements to decide if we're safe or not. Sometimes that's the wrong judgement call.
Hmmm. . Sounds a little freaky? but also interestng. Throw some chapters up girl so I can read!
Posted 13 Years Ago
1 Review
Added on July 3, 2011
Last Updated on July 11, 2011
Jennika has a short attention span :PBoringsville, AR
Blah blah blah. :P
I am no one but MYSELF.
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