![]() Chapter ThreeA Chapter by Jennika has a short attention span :P"Punch harder. No, you need to build strength in both arms" I barked at Ryan. "Lift higher" I instructed Shawn. "Sing for me!" I yelled to no one in particular. "We love training, yes we do! We love training how 'bout you?" they yelled. "That's not really singing but it'll do. Now, lift higher, I'm adding more" I added forty more pounds for Shawn. My buzzer went off. "Okay, you get a five minute water break, then you two switch. How much can you bench?" I asked Ryan. "Two forty" "Then you can bump it up to three hundred" I said putting two hundred sixty pounds on the bench press. "Tiimes up, bet back to training" I shout while holding the punching bag for Shawn. For a little guy he packs a mean punch. "Ready for twenty more pounds?" "Absolutley" Ryan grunted. "Take the gloves off and punch as hard as you can" They did as they were told. Ryan seemed to be getting the hang of benching two eighty, so I added the last twenty pounds. Five minutes later, the buzzer went off. "Okay guys, no break this time. Hit the treadmills" I joined them to make them push themselves harder. Silvia came by fifteen minutes later telling us she'd finished with training for the day. "Okay ladies, go eat something to keep your energy up, but if I see you drink more than two glasses of water, I'll hunt you down" I said heading to the kitchen. "I'll guard the north passage tonight" I said as I took my place beside Silvia and Rob. "Me too" Ryan said. I raised my brows at Silvia. "What could it hurt?" she finally said. "Then Robert and Shawn can guard the south passage" I said grabbing a chair and headed to our posts. I set the chair down and laid down on the bench that's already there. He sat down in the chair and dozed off. At two in the morning I heard the pot hole cover being moved. I woke Ryan up and grabbed my gun. I handed Ryan my other gun and said, "Aim for the head, if you lose the gun, run" Two dark figures jumped down. I hit the first one with the butt of my gun and had the second in a headlock with my gun pointed at his throat. "Nice to see you again Stones" Drake said getting up. Dang, wrong person. I nod my head while moving in front of Ryan so that my back was to him. "Why did you kill Jacob? He was your best friend" he said moving closer. "Apparently not" I spat digging the barrel into the base of my hostage's neck. "So who am I going to shoot?" I asked backing up. "Billy" he smirked. "You sick twisted-" "Name calling won't help you" he said cutting me off. I snapped Billy's neck and pointed the gun at Drake as he pulled out his sword. "You won't kill me" he said smirking. "I could say the same for you" I spat. "You know we're so much alike, you and I" "I'm nothing like you" "Stubborn, obnoxious, murderer" he continued as if I hadn't spoke. I cocked the gun and hovered my finger over the trigger. "Your head would be a nice trophy" "Why? Because Sensai didn't like you? Because your parents were angry that you couldn't keep the family's name?" I sneered. He advanced foward and held his sword to my throat while I held my gun to his heart. Ryan, instead of running, put the barrel of his gun to the back of Drake's head and cocked it. I gulped, making the sword cut me a little. "I see you trained him well" he said with an evil smile, "It's a shame your talent will be wasted" Ryan started to pull the trigger. "Don't you dare, if anyone's going to kill him, it's me" I said. Drake grabbed my hand that had the gun in it and growled in my ear, "Or I could make you train my recruits" I pushed him away with my free hand. "I'd reather be dead" "Now that I've thought about it, that's a great idea" he smiled. "Or I could take you as capture and torture you to the brink of death" I said as I pulled my gun and hand out of his grasp. I grabbed his head and hit it against the wall. He got up from the floor and tackled me. Ryan tried to pull him off but Drake fired the gun in my hand. Ryan fell to the ground grabbing his leg then I felt my wrists being bound behind me. I squirmed and managed to kick him where the sun don't shine. I wiggled out of the loose binds and grabbed his sword. I strattled him as I pressed the sword roughly to his throat horizontally, pinning his shoulders with my knees. "Always outsmarting me" he said his ice cold blue eyes fixed on mine with hatred. "I will kill you" I said pressing the sword into his neck, drawing blood. "Then why haven't you killed me all the other chances you had?" "I could ask you the same question" He whistled and another guy dropped down. I got off of Drake and stabbed him. Drake got up and went out the pothole. I applied pressure to Ryan's leg. "Why didn't you kill him?" he panted. "I can't just yet" I said averting my gaze. "Silvia!" I yelled. No reply, oh snap. I abandoned his leg and ran down the south corridor where I heard swords clanking. Drake was waiting for me. He had Silvia in a headlock with a knife to her throat and his minion had Robert in the same position. "You son of a-" "Ah ah ah, name calling won't get you anywhere" Drake cut me off and flashed me a smile. "So where's the recruit we shot?" "He's expandable, now let them go" "Give me what I want" he said. "What's he talking about Sky?" Silvia asked. "Give me what I want" I said. "What are you talking about?" Robert asked trying to loosen the minion's hold on him. "You're in no position to bargain" Drake said pressing the knife into Silvia's throat. "Stop it! I don't have it here" I deflated. "What?" "Get the earwax out and listen" "Don't get sarcastic with me, now tell where it is" "Let them go first" "No way, you'll find a way to flip the situation" "Well then how about a trade? My two best trainees for them" I said. "No, I don't think so, tell me where it is!" "You're gonna have to let them go" I said boldly. "Let the boy go" he said. "Now Silvia" i said. "I don't think so, now tell me where it is" "Where what is?" Robert asked beside me. "Boy, you might want to go check on the guy that was with your sister" drake said to Robert. Robert started to go but I grabbed his arm. "He's probably dead" I said, "Let Silvia go" "No" I pulled my gun out and pointed it at his head. "You wouldn't" he smiled. "Let Silvia go or I'll shoot" I said. "Go ahead" he smirked pulling Silvia closer to him. I swiftly pulled the gun down so it was pointing at his arm and I pulled the trigger. He yelled obscenities, grabbing his arm. Silvia took the advantage and ran over to Robert while I calmly walked over to Drake, put my foot on his chest and kept the gun pointed at his head. "Now if you don't want to witness your leader dying, I suggest you give me the information if you have it" I announced to the minions. "They don't know it" he said pushing my foot up. "Don't make me shoot you again" He was breathing hard and I smiled inwardly at his doubting I would shoot him. From the corner of my eye I saw Silvia and Robert go down the passage. "Tell me what I want to know" He just smiled as he yanked my foot down causing me to fall. He grabbed the gun but I wasn't going to let him have it. We brawled over the gun a little more before he let go and started to escape. "Oh no you don't, tell me where it is" I said tackling him. "Get off" he said trying to break my hands apart. "Fight like a man" I growled back. I tightened my hold around him when I felt him turning. Unfortunatley he was stronger than me so he was able to turn anyways. I then did what I did best, punched him before he could hurt me. I scrambled up but again he pulled me down. "I hate you!" I screamed as he punctured my arm with a knife. "Good, now tell me where my parents' swords are!" he said slashing my left arm. "Tell me where mine is!" I yelled back. Robert and Silvia came back with a third person, Ryan, who they helped dispite my wishes. Ryan was all patched up and was barely limping. "Let go of her" Robert and Silvia yelled at the same time. Blood was still coming out of his wound and I knew he would eventually have to put pressure on it, so I had to fight for consciencesness. Drake sensed this too, for he got up and he made his escape with his remaining goons. Silvia was cleaning the blood off me quickly while Robert went over her work with alcohol. I gritted my teeth to keep from crying out. After they cleaned my arm, they bandaged up the choppy slash that will forever tattoo my skin. Silvia helped me up and we made our way through the tunnels. Ryan and Robert stayed behind to guard that spot as we made our way down to our post, after my many protests. Amazingly enough, the other eight recruits slept soundly as though nothing happened. That's going to change. © 2011 Jennika has a short attention span :PAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on May 4, 2011 Last Updated on May 4, 2011 Author![]() Jennika has a short attention span :PBoringsville, ARAboutBlah blah blah. :P I am no one but MYSELF. var wp_user="Jennika";var wp_size=1; Facebook page!(: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1219060186#!/pages/The-Nerd-Herd-D/112234605461716 M.. more..Writing