A very nice poem, Jen (if that's your real name). Inspiring, really. If I were talking to the person that wrote this poem I might be compelled to say something like: I'm not God. Not even a messenger. Just another soul that can say, "Been there, done that." The secret is you have to want "the change." There are so many voices, as you say, suggesting that you do this or that. It's the subtle knife that cuts away at YOU... the Arab's curse; death by a thousand cuts. These cuts are in your mind and on your soul; perhaps your physical body as well. They, the forces that compel you beyond your comprehension, they won't relent until YOU decide to give yourself another chance... other options that maybe you don't yet know you have. Just LOOK for them. They're there, as is the peace and purpose your long for. Hold your hand up to your face, look at it, wiggle your fingers. It's JUST THAT EASY. Be well, do good work. Peace.
A very nice poem, Jen (if that's your real name). Inspiring, really. If I were talking to the person that wrote this poem I might be compelled to say something like: I'm not God. Not even a messenger. Just another soul that can say, "Been there, done that." The secret is you have to want "the change." There are so many voices, as you say, suggesting that you do this or that. It's the subtle knife that cuts away at YOU... the Arab's curse; death by a thousand cuts. These cuts are in your mind and on your soul; perhaps your physical body as well. They, the forces that compel you beyond your comprehension, they won't relent until YOU decide to give yourself another chance... other options that maybe you don't yet know you have. Just LOOK for them. They're there, as is the peace and purpose your long for. Hold your hand up to your face, look at it, wiggle your fingers. It's JUST THAT EASY. Be well, do good work. Peace.
What do i say here.....well, iv'e been writing since i was 12 years old. I find that it's an outlet for me, seeing's how i'm not very good at talking. I'm not here for rating's or to boost my ego, jus.. more..