![]() Chapter 01: Meet Jenna MonroeA Chapter by Jen Marks![]() Kurt tries to persuade Jenna to join the Glee club yet again. Then she finds out which boy has been getting his attention... just before a new stud catches her eye ;)![]() “Ohmygosh, that's beautiful, stay like that! No... yeah, like that!” I
focus in on him and release the shutter on my Canon EOS 50D Digital SLR camera.
The iris closes in to completely surround the aperture for a quick second,
making for a great shot. “Awesome... You are so going to love me after you see
these!” “But I already love you,” he says while striking another simple pose. “You
made me mac-and-cheese this morning!” I carefully capture the scene once more; really starting to groove to I'm
Not Your Toy by La Roux playing in the background (Kurt's choice), “You
could be a model, you know that?” He seems to mull the idea over shortly, “Maybe I should be... Then I could
model my own clothing line while wearing my own fragrance!” “Wow, Kurt,” I laugh, rolling my eyes. He seems to get a kick out of my
reaction. I look back down at my camera and go through the last couple of shots
I took. “Alright, I think we're done here.” “What? Just because I expressed the kind of big dreams that I have?” he
sits, defeated, on his basement couch. “No!” I laugh again. “Because I got all the shots I needed! Besides, I
think I'm used to you expressing your big dreams to me by now.” “I know you have them too...” he adds quickly but softly, and immediately
looks up at me from the shirt he is folding to catch any reaction I have. His
left eyebrow is slightly raised, and I know exactly what he is thinking. “Kurt, I'm not joining Glee,” I chuckle a little. “Oh, come on, Jenna!” he stresses. “You know you have what it takes! You
can sing and play guitar!” “Nah B, I told y'all I'm not down with that,” I joke. “But seriously; I'm
not really into that... Sorry again.” His eyes widen at once and I can tell he is not conscious of his
surroundings. “What is it? Are you okay?” I ask, a little concerned. “Yes, yes, I'm fine...” he looks at me. “You said you needed to get some
community service hours for university, right?” “Well, yeah. To get into Ohio University I need to have somewhere around
one to two-hundred hours of community service, and a big fat portfolio made up
of the best photos I've taken.” A big smile spreads across his face, and he begins to murmur rapidly to
himself in a hushed tone, “There are one-hundred and eighty days in the school
year, which means roughly forty weeks, and we have Glee on an average of three
or four times a week - depending on how busy we are and how large the
assignment is... So that's one and a half hours of Glee, times three point five
days a week, times forty weeks...” He pulls out his pocket calculator. “Umm, Kurt? I don't think I understand wh-” “Two hundred and ten,” he states proudly, raising his head from the tiny
LCD screen in his hand. “Two hundred and ten what?” I ask suspiciously. “Two hundred and ten community hours,” Kurt explains intelligently. “If you
come to every single Glee practice and stay for the entire length of each, then
by the end of the year you will have obtained two hundred and ten community
hours; just ten hours over the maximum amount you need!” I let out a disappointed sigh, and put on a small smile, “That's nice of
you to put all the effort into calculating that for me, Kurt, but I already told
you many times that I don't want to join Gl-” “But you wouldn't be joining Glee!” he cuts me off, still enthused with his
idea. “You said you needed a big fat portfolio of your best pictures. So, you
can get that by being our photographer! We need publicity more than anything
anyways.” “Damn,” the word escapes from my pursed lips as I softly nod my head. The
boy makes a good argument... so good that I don't believe there is any down
side to it. I'll get my community hours while creating my portfolio, and I'll
get to be with my best friend every time he performs. And man, does he have a
voice! “I'll do it,” I grin. “Jenna!” he jumps towards me and hugs me tightly, adding in a quick kiss on
the cheek. “You are amazing! Finally!” “Hey, hey, hey - slow it down there, buddy,” I give him a stern look while
still smirking a little. “This does not mean I'm actually joining the club,
alright?” “I know, but you'll still be with us, and that's what counts,” he says
sweetly. He definitely knew that was cheese! “You are terrible,” I tell him. However, my satisfaction of finally finding
a way to get those hours gets to the better of me, and I can't help but smile. “Thank
you, Kurt.” * My words had become lost in disbelief. “How come you never told me about this?” I finally muster. “It never really seemed that serious,” he responds calmly, lightly
shrugging his shoulders. His eyes resume following player number 5 running
across the field. “What's his name?” I ask, observing the notable quarterback for once. “It's Finn.” “Finn... that's pretty hot.” “I know,” Kurt agrees, emptily. “But really?” I persist, still a bit taken aback. “Him? I thought you'd go
for the more fashionable type, you know... like maybe someone in my group of
friends, or one of the more preppy guys. Either that, or some hunky type like
Rafael Verga,” I laugh. He nods in thought, pathetically entranced by the sight of Finn. “That's it,” I finally arrive at a distinct conclusion and give my head a
quick nod as well. “I mainly thought you would've liked my type.” “Your type?” he turns to face me for once, slightly raising his left
eyebrow. “Yeah, my type. You know, the small-framed guys with lean muscle... They
have a sort of toned-down scene style or hipster style, but are still considered
indie like me. They'd usually still have that inner-almost-prep that only comes
out faintly in some of the clothes that they wear. Oh, and they'll always have
sexy hair!” I laugh lightly, imagining the perfect guy for me. But speaking of
sexy hair... I spot a very buff player running on to the field from the
sidelines; his helmet in hand. His skin is notably tanned, and his hair is
shaved into an interesting style of mohawk. “That does sound like your type...” Kurt laughs kindly, pulling my
attention back to him. “But no, Finn is it. I like the strong silent ones. The
ones that you can tell need someone to mold their path for them, even though
they look like they couldn't ever be defeated by someone small like me... I
could be there for him. I could be the one that brings upon his change...” “AND GOAL!” the team announcer's voice bellows from the surrounding
speakers as the crowd is brought up in euphoria. Sometimes it takes a great
team sport like high school football to bring together countless people, and
have them unite in loving one thing mutually, no matter how different they are
apart. * “It's what Glee is all about, really,” Kurt interprets my idea of high
school football after I so poetically illustrated my views on it. “Each of us
is unique in ourselves, but singing has brought us together as one. We're all
kind of like a family now.” We walk along one of the many cool open hallways of William McKinley High
School. It is the day after the first big game of the season, and needless to
say, everyone is pretty sluggish from their late nights at the wild after-parties.
Even Kurt and I had our own little party last night. My girlfriend Charleigh
came over to his place as well, and the three of us had some fun. There's no
experience more enjoyable than underage drinking. Kurt even made some specialty
mixes for us! “So Kurt,” I cheerfully change the subject, “you never told me who number
twenty was on the football team.” He sighs, “I'll say what I said yesterday,” he says as we reach our
lockers. “You don't want to get involved with him.” “Oh, why not?” I ask, playfully. “How bad can he really be?” My question answers itself as the guy we were just talking about speeds
past us down the hallway with a large slushie in his hand. His target: a
fragile little ninth grader. The young boy shivers under the impact of the red
icy drink as it is thrown at him, then immediately bolts in the opposite
direction of where he was heading. “That's what you get for messin' with my sister last year, Kaufmann!” the football
player yells after him, and resumes walking down the hallway. “That bad,” voices Kurt. “He used to be worse, but Glee softened him up a
bit I believe.” My eyes become wider, and I bite my lip to stifle the large grin that is
rapidly spreading across my face, “He is smokin'!” I go to follow him, but Kurt pulls me back. “Fine, Jenna. If you insist on talking to him, just wait until Glee club,”
Kurt advises. “It'll be much less of a hassle that way. And with Mr. Schue
there, I don't think he'll try to pull anything too foul.” “You gotta be kidding me... That guy's in the Glee club?” “Yes, Jenna, he is,” Kurt thoughtfully raises his left eyebrow. “Unfortunately,
he is quite the singer and guitar player. And surprisingly, he's a decent
dancer too.” “Oooh, we already have so much in common!” I giggle in a giddy, childlike
manner. Kurt groans and rolls his eyes, “Ugh, why did I have a feeling this day
would come?” “Oh, come on,” I playfully hit his shoulder, still laughing. “I'm just
fooling with you, Kurt! I'm not that obsessive of a person!” “You better not be...” he fails at stifling his smirk. “Because he's not
one to fall for. He'll break anyone's heart.” I look at him disbelievingly and sarcastically. © 2011 Jen MarksAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Jen MarksToronto, ON, CanadaAboutListen to my music here: YouTube / MySpace then one by one the stars would all go out ♥ Nicholas Jonas: You Can Call Me Crazy more..Writing