Chapter 11: Experience the Feeling

Chapter 11: Experience the Feeling

A Chapter by Jen Marks

This chapter makes me smile whenever I read it. I hope you like it as much as I do. Ellie's life gets spiced up a little...but it's all for the better! :)


I look back at Mandy. I am unable to form words. She smiles at me, and motions up to the stage with a nod of her head. I give her a confused look...
"Go on up!" She puts her hand on my back, and slowly begins to lead me closer to the stage. I stop walking, until I see Kevin up there... He's motioning for me to come towards him...
"Alright..." I begin pushing myself past the hundreds of screaming girls to Kevin's side. I'm being lead by Mandy, and I'm pulling Erin along behind me.



"For this next song -" Joe is interupted by screaming fans. He laughs at that, and continues. "For this next song...we have a special guest that's gonna come up here."
The three of us finally reach the right side of the stage. From here, I can see Nicholas fixing his hair over on the left side, gazing off towards the skies.
"C'mon, Nick -" Joe says, almost inaudibly into the microphone, so it's barely noticible to the crowd. Nick snaps back and faces Joe again.
Joe keeps stalling, "I believe we do!"
He looks over, and smiles as he sees me beside Kevin, "Kay, cool! She's gonna sit right here -- on the floor -- somewhere...ha! ...C'mon over!"
I glance back at Mandy and Erin. The both of them are making the same motions; wanting me to walk over to Joe... My legs begin to move. I am unaware of any brain power that is being put into these movements, but I'm walking...on the front of everyone.
Joseph lowers the microphone and puts his arm around me, "Hey, Elise! We're all so happy that you could make it here!"
My ears are filled with the sound of hundreds of screaming girls... I look out from where I'm standing on the stage. The crowd is immense. Joe brings a stool for me to sit on, then leaves me where I am, and walks over to where Nicholas is.
After I am seated, Kevin is the one to speak: "We're gonna change things up a little for y'all today."
I turn my head back to Nicholas and Joseph. Nick gives a comprehending nod to Joe, and hands his acoustic guitar over to him. He grabs his microphone from its stand, and starts walking over to me. Joe takes a seat on a stool similar to mine on the far right side of where I am, where Nicholas used to be, and adjusts Nick's guitar in his lap. Kevin stays where he is. Joe and Kevin both start strumming their acoustic guitars, simultaneously, to a mellow rhythm.
"Back in early August of 2006, when I wrote this song," Nicholas tells the audience, "the lyrics that you know now, weren't the ones that I had written down in my notebook of songs back then..." The crowd starts screaming again, but Nick persists. "Tonight I'm going to be singing the original version of this song for you -"
"- And with my permission..." Joe adds jokingly, from his stool. "Nicholas will be singing the entire song."
Girls scream, yet again... I think I'm getting used to this whole screaming thing... Now if I could just get used to being up here on this stage, where all jealous eyes are on me... I guess I'll just have to close my eyes and jump into the abyss...not literally, of course! Nicholas walks to the front of the stage, somewhat in front of me, and begins singing:


Hello Beautiful
How's it going?
Right here it's wonderful,
But I need to see you
'Cause I've been missing you...It's true

He walks over to me, and stands beside me, singing:

But tonight I'm gonna fly
Yeah, tonight I'm gonna fly

He puts his arm around my shoulders:

'Cause I could comb across the world
And see everything, but never be satisfied
If I couldn't see those eyes

Still singing, Nicholas walks to the other side of me:

Hello Beautiful
It's been a long time
Since my phone has rung
You've never been on that line
I've really been missing you...
It's true

He kneels down beside me, on one knee, and takes my hand:

So tonight I'm gonna fly
Yeah, tonight I'm gonna fly
'Cause I could comb across the world
And see everything, but never be satisfied

He stands up again, dramatically, and like before, he gently rests his arm around my shoulders:

If I couldn't see...those eyes...

A few tears fall from my eyes in happiness.




So it's the eighth of July, and it's a day off for the Jonas Brothers...they don't have any shows today!! And even though the last concert I went to was a few days ago, I still can't stop thinking about it. It was that good! Right now, the three older Jonas boys and myself are sitting on some patio chairs outside in their backyard; enjoying the warm summer air.
"I hope you really liked our concert the other night -" Joe starts off, slowly.
"Of course I did!" I furrow my brow in confusion, cutting him off. "I already told you that bunches of times! ...Why'd you bring it up again?"
"...I was just going to explain that to you..." Nick says in a somewhat serious tone.
"Oh, alright...go on...sorry."
"It's okay, but...the thing is -" He pauses, and looks down. He lets out a sigh of frustration, and runs a hand through his mess of curly hair.
"We're leaving the state to continue our tour," Joe says reluctantly, after a moment's silence. "And it’s not up to us. It’s up to our dad and your dad."
"What is?" I ask them half-heartedly; not really knowing what to expect.
"If you're going to come along or not…"
"Since your dad is the assistant manager of our band, we're hoping that he’s going to come along on our tour and bring you with him," Kevin explains. "But our parents are talking right now and debating who’s actually going to come with us."
"Who’s going so far?" I ask them.
"Right now it’s me, Joe, Kevin, Frankie, and my dad and mom," Nick tells me. "But we’re hoping to bring you along, as well as your dad."
"Wow...eight?! That’s a lot of people," I frown. "I don’t think we’re all going to be able to come...unless we have two buses or something..." My voice trails off.
Kevin, Joe, and Nick and I just stay seated, and contemplate this situation. Every once in a while someone will voice their short opinion, and the others will just stare into nothingness and nod, or make some kind of murmur or action that means good point, or that’s true, or oh, yeah.
However, throughout this time I can’t stop looking at Nicholas... I don’t know what's taking over me, but all I can wonder about is what would happen if I couldn’t see him for a number of months... Would we stay in touch? Would Nick not care about me and not even think about me for that long? Or what if…what if I’m able to go along on tour? What would happen then? All these thoughts seem to consume my mind...that is, until I see Mr Jonas and my father coming out of the house. Kevin Sr. walks over to us as we all stand up, out of our seats.
"Ellie’s dad has pitched in some money, and that means that we’re getting an even larger tour bus," he smiles. "So all of the people that we wanted to come in the first place are able to go now!"
We all cheer, everyone is happy, and my heart is racing.
Who knew that such simple words could make me so full of smiles?
Nick and I look at each other, and in that split second our cheeks brush as we embrace each other simultaneously.


Elise keeps looking at me... I can't help but wonder what she's thinking. It must've been a big shock for her when we told her that we're leaving the state again. I want her to come with us so badly...and it's far too difficult, trying to hold all of my feelings I have for her inside of me... I mean, our families just got "reunited," if you will, and I wouldn't really care for her to be taken away from us again so quickly.
...I wonder what would happen if she was able to come along...!
My mind switches gears as our fathers come out of the house. The four of us all stand up, out of our chairs. My dad walks over to us. I pray that she's able to come...not just for me, but for she can experience the feeling that we get every day while on tour.
"Ellie’s dad has pitched in some money, and that means that we’re getting an even larger tour bus," he beams (mainly to me; I can tell). "So all of the people that we wanted to come in the first place are able to go now!"
Everyone cheers happily; my spirits are uplifted, and I am simply overjoyed. To top it all off, my heart is speeding up... I look over at Ellie to see her reaction; she looks back at me. Right then, in that moment, I lean in to kiss her cheek but quickly rethink that decision. It's too soon to make that kind of move. As a result, our cheeks brush lightly as we hug each other tightly. I know -- it sounds poetic, doesn't it?!





For the last two days, the Jonas Brothers played shows in Massachusetts and New York. For those two performances, they took a small plane to those states; just there and back for a day each. However, now that their next show is in South Carolina, and all of their other concerts are across America, they have to start touring on an actual tour bus! ...And how do I know so much?? ...Let's just say Joe talks a lot.

So now, ever since we've all found out who's going to be coming along on the tour, everything has been crazy. Every single one of us (other than Kevin Sr. who is out getting information on the bus) is over at my house, sorting all of the things they need to bring along...not to mention trying to cram all of it into a couple of suitcases! I would run around, acting crazy like everyone else, but I like to keep a positive attitude...even amid total chaos!

Packing for this trip was way more difficult than I had imagined, but in the end everything seemed to work out. (All of the outfits that I packed could pretty much win outer beauty contests, and would attract the attention of anyone I come across!) Just as I finish fitting everything into my rather large suitcase, Kevin appears in my doorway.
"I'm guessing you're a fast packer too," he laughs.
"Yeah," I smile softly. "Come on in."
A few moments of silence go by, as I stuff some last-minute things into the front pockets of my suitcase. I take a deep breath, and exhale stongly as I sit beside Kevin on my bed.
"So what'd you come to talk about?" I ask in a mellow tone, having done so much work in such a short amount of time.
"Nicholas," he replies, nonchalantly.
"Okay..." I become a bit more tense. "...And -?"
"...Is he worth the chase?"
"Of course!" I reply, cheerily, not really knowing what Kevin meant by the question.
"You like him, don't you?" He asks. His tone isn't questioning at all.
I sigh, "How many times do I have to tell people this: I don't like Nick in that way!"
"Why don't you tell him that?" He lowers his head.
"What! Why?" I frown, confused.
"Well... You're kind of leading him on...just a little..."
"Leading him on?!" I say, not in an angry way, since I'm still just mainly confused.
" make it seem as if you like him a bit," he looks somewhat worrisome. Considering the subject that we're talking about, Kevin is being very kind about the whole thing! I'm still sitting there; my brow is furrowed.
"I mean, you're either a really good actress, or you're not telling me the whole truth," he shrugs.
"What are you talking about?" Thoughts are racing quickly through my mind, and getting mixed up with each other amid the madness.
"...I saw the look on your face when Joseph said we were going on tour...and also, how you pretty much jumped into Nick's arms when my dad said that you were gonna come along...!"
I'm silent again. I can see Kevin smirking at me.
"I just like Nick as a really good friend," I utter in a much quieter voice than before, after stalling for a moment to think. I look back up at Kevin. He surveys my expression intensely, yet caringly, with a concentrated look on his face.
"Let's go see what the others are up to," Kevin puts his arm around me just as Joe enters the room.
"KEVIN!" Joe screams.
"JOSEPH!" Kevin cringes, and removes his arm from around my shoulders. "I'm right here; you don't have to shout the house down!"
"I've been looking for you everywhere!"
"Really? Couldn't tell," Kevin rolls his eyes at Joe, and smirks back at me.
"Oh..." Joe says, unable to see that Kevin was joking. "Well, anyways, you really gotta help us, dude."
Kevin sighs, and motions for me to follow I do. We follow Joe down the upstairs hallway, towards my father's bedroom. Joseph and Nicholas are using that room to get all of their clothes sorted out so they can pack them neatly...just like how our parents and Frankie are using the living room.
"How are things going?" Kevin asks as the three of us enter the room.
"Can't you see for yourself?" Nick says sarcastically, stopping for a moment to survey the messy room...then he looks up at me. "Oh...hey, Ellie!"
"Hey..." I look around the room. "I've never seen any part of my house look so messy!"
"It's all Joe, I swear!" Nicholas raises his eyebrows, laughing, but kind of annoyed. "See...I'm trying to be all neat with my clothes, like I always am and whatever, then Joseph barges in on my area with his junky piles of stuff!!"
"Hmm..." I turn to Joe. "You haven't tried rolling all of your t-shirts into little balls, and throwing them into your suitcase yet, have you?" I ask him, sarcastically.
"Yeah, I did, actually," he frowns. "But it didn't really work too well..."
"He's really bad with this whole sarcasm thing, isn't he?" I whisper to Kevin, who covers up his laugh with a cough.
"Here, we'll help you guys," Kevin says. "We'll fold all of your t-shirts and pants for you, okay? And then you can deal with all of your other things, like your socks and stuff."
"Don't do anything to my socks," Nick raises his eyebrows at Keivn.
"Don't worry, Nick, I know how you are about your socks."
"Why?" I ask Kevin quietly. "What happened to his socks?"
"Nicholas can't have other people wearing his socks," Kevin informs me. "If you put on his socks, he'll get upset, and it's really funny!"
"Are you still talking about my socks?!" Nick overhears from across the room. "No one's gonna take my socks!!"




It took us almost an hour just to sort out all of Joe and Nick's items! Everyone in the whole house had finished their packing before us; my father even came up to help us finish putting everything in its proper place!
"Wasn't that fun?! Maybe we can do the same tomorrow!" Joe grins extra wide, as we are dragging our suitcases down my set of stairs.
Everyone stops and stares at Joe with exhausted looks.
"What?!" He asks. "I was being sarcastic!"

© 2009 Jen Marks

Author's Note

Jen Marks
Next up: life on tour! Woohoo! xD
I like comments; feedback is greatly appreciated! :)

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Added on September 14, 2009
Last Updated on September 14, 2009


Jen Marks
Jen Marks

Toronto, ON, Canada

Listen to my music here: YouTube / MySpace then one by one the stars would all go out ♥ Nicholas Jonas: You Can Call Me Crazy more..
