Chapter 09: Pros and Cons

Chapter 09: Pros and Cons

A Chapter by Jen Marks

This chapter presents all of Ellie's remaining school friends that haven't been in the story yet (other than Bridget Van Orden). I like this one, 'cause it starts of cute...and then ends off cute...but in totally different ways! :)

"They...wrote a!" I can hardly speak.
"Well..." Mandy tilts her head and looks away from me. "...Nick did."
My mouth is dry; my throat is parched...and I can't help but smile, "...Nick?"
"Well if you had to guess which Jonas Brother would write a song about you, who would you assume?!" She asks me sarcastically, smirking.
"Oh...that's true," I laugh, shyly. "What's the song?"
"It's called Hello Beautiful," she tells me. "Have you heard it?"
"No, sorry. I haven't."
"You should really listen to it. It's an amazing song."
"My life is amazing..." I say, still in awe. "Everyone should have a life this amazing."
Mandy laughs out loud, "You always think of others before yourself, don't you?!"
"It's just how I am!" I make a pouty face.
She laughs again, then changes back to the subject we were just talking about, "So do you wanna hear the song?"
I pause for a moment to think:
Do I really want to hear the song that Nicholas Jonas wrote about me? The song that millions of girls already know the lyrics to? The song that tons of girls probably wish was written about them...?
"Really?!" Mandy is taken aback. "I thought you'd be all gung-ho about it! I have it right here on my iPod -"
"Really," I tell her kindly.
"Alright, if that floats your boat...I guess..."
"What do you mean, I guess?" I ask.
"I thought you'd get all hyper and wanna hear it right away!"
"Well I would, but it's -" I stop in the middle of my sentence.
"...It's just that it's Nick who wrote the song."
"Nick, huh?" She asks, suggestively, and waggles her eyebrows up and down.
"I didn't mean it like that!" I laugh, then pause to think again. "Just...if it was anyone else, I most likely would act the way you said -!"
"Because then it wouldn't be Nick who wrote the song," she imitates me again, still smirking.
I sigh, "You're always going to bring it back to this, aren't you?"
"I'll try to."
"I used to like Nick, Mandy! Used to! I was twelve, okay?! Don't get me wrong; he's a great guy...but he has changed so much...and I don't know if that's in a good or bad way yet..."
"I know how you feel...but you should really hang out with him more...and his brothers, of course!"
"You're not going to try and set us up, are you?" I groan.
She bites her lip, "You know me, Ellie! I won't be able to help it!"
I laugh and shake my head, "I don't really feel like having any distractions in my life right now -- is that alright? For now, I would just like to focus on -..."
"Focus on what?" She looks at me, waiting for an answer. She knows I don't have one.
"Umm...I really can't think of anything -- but when I do, I'll be focusing on that rather than dating Nick!"
"Alright, fine, I see how it is."
We stall for a moment, not really knowing what to talk about next.
"So..." I say, breaking the awkward silence. "Have you been to any Jonas Brothers concerts recently?"
"Have I been to any Jonas Brothers concerts!!" She laughs, as if I was joking around with her.
"I mean recently."
She just gives me a stop-fooling-around-and-be-serious look.
"I'm not kidding. I'm not familiar with the times! I know, I suck, but deal with my slowness...please..." I can't help but laugh while trying to be serious...even though I am serious about the question.
"Yes, Ellie. I have been to a lot of Jonas Brothers concerts recently... Is that the answer you're looking for?!" She giggles.
"Yeah, thanks!" I laugh too. "So how much has their music matured since I last saw them? And by music I mean their sound and performance."
"Wow, I can't even begin to describe how much they have changed..."
"Well, I know they have tons of girl fans -" I start.
"We call them fan-girls," Mandy informs me. "Well, at least the crazy-insane ones!"
"Yeah, those," I chuckle. "And that they're getting more and more famous every day...which is great and not so great."
"Are you implying that you're afraid you might lose them to fame?"
"Yeah, just a little bit."
"Ellie, they are always going to stay with us; you and me, both," she puts a hand on my knee. "We're their best friends, and nothing can break us apart. Not even fame or fortune."
"I know...just, sometimes I get caught up in my own world and imagine too many things," I point out.
"I've noticed!" She laughs again, and shakes her head.


"Do you really think this will work?" I ask Kevin and Joe.
"Dude, we've done this before," Joe assures me.
"It works every time," Kevin agrees.
"Alright," I still continue to think about it. "But, you know, this means that we won't be talking to her for quite a while. Like, until it works...and we don't even know when that will be."
"But it's for the best, man!" I can tell that Joe is trying way too hard to convince me into helping them with their plan. "We're only doing this for you, ya know!"
"Yeah, thanks, but I'd rather just work things out on my own...get it? The way normal people do?!" I raise my eyebrows at him and give him a blank stare.
"Yeah, Joe," Kevin adds in. "Maybe Nick's right...maybe this plan's just a little too crazy; a little too over the top...?"
"Trust me, dudes," Joe says, self-assured. "Do you even know how many girls I've dated?"
"I've heard you talk about how many girls you've dated," I say, mocking Joe, but not being too serious.
Joe rolls his eyes. I can see he's trying hard not to smile.
"Do you want us to help you or not?" He asks, plainly.
I think about the pros and cons of this situation. I plan out a list in my head...

CONS: Not talking to Ellie for I don't even know how long; Not hanging out with Ellie for that same amount of time; Lying to Ellie...for "good reasons?!"
PROS: Getting Ellie to come to our concerts; Bringing Ellie on stage during the show (and possibly after the show?); Bringing Ellie backstage; Showing her off to all of our fans and the rest of the world...

I smile at the pros of the situation, and I can't help but agree to participate in the plan, "Okay, fine."
Joe lets out a quick breath and smiles too, "Good! 'Cause we already started the plan, and mom's helping us!" He says in a childish way.
"WHAT?" My heart races. "You got mom to help with this?!"
"Well, why not?"
"Well, why no- SHE'S OUR MOM!"
"She's a girl," Kevin shrugs. "She can help."
I pause for a long time to consider mom helping. It's a really weird predicament.
"Alright," I shake my head at my two brothers. "Who else is in on it?"
"No one," says Kevin.
"So that's it? Just us three and mom?"
"Yeah! We don't want too many people knowing! That would freak Ellie out!"
"Oh, true..." I lower my head.
There is silence for a few moments, until Joe pipes up again:
"You really want this, don't you, bro?"
"For longer than I've known."

"So, like, two days ago when you told me about mom helping us, what exactly did you mean by helping?" I ask.
Kevin, Joe and I are walking to the closest Starbucks. It's only about three or four blocks away from our home, on the same road as our church.
"Well, mom made excuses for us not being able to talk to Ellie or hang out with her," Joe says.
"But that'll sound like we're avoiding her!" I smack the back of his head lightly.
"What Joseph meant was that mom always said we were out recording songs, or that we were at one of our concerts, signings, or meet-and-greets," Kevin explains.
"...Which will make her want to come to one of our concerts!" I finally realize what my brothers' plan is, and I grin wide.
"Exactly," Kevin pats my shoulder in a brotherly way.


The past week has been sort of a blur. It hasn't felt any different than when we were on the road...other than the fact that we've been staying at home for a while. That's a good change! In all reality, we're with most of the same people as we were when we were touring...other than Big Rob and our band, that is. There's Frankie, Joe, Kevin, mom and dad...and uncle Josh has been staying in the extra bedroom upstairs for three days now. He's been helping us tune-up all of our instruments, and he's also been in charge of planning a lot of our shows for us. We are all very thankful to have him with us.

Elise still hasn't come to any of our shows, and now that it's already the 3rd of July, I've really got to get a move on things... And if you're wondering why I'm so panicky about this, it's because we've just started our prom-themed tour, the Marvelous Party Tour. My brothers and I have been playing a few shows in Jersey lately -- we started off by doing a gig in Lodi -- but we're going to have to leave the state in a few days.


I haven't been able to reach the Jonases for seven days now...or has it been eight? I feel as if something's going on that I don't know about... I'm getting kind of nervous about this. I have been calling their house every single day (yes, I know, that sounds like I'm a stalker), however, not once have they been available!

What if they didn't like me when we got introduced again for the first time in two years? What if they're trying to avoid me, and are using their fame and music as excuses?

No, no, Denise said the boys were busy with music and meet-and-greets and recordings...and signings...and everything else imaginable...
I sigh. I guess it's just something I'll have to live with if I want to be friends with these boys.

Lately, I've just been relaxing a lot and enjoying the summer weather. Later today I'm going over to Alex's house. Leah and I talked to his mom about having a surprise party for his birthday. Childish, I know, but he's turning 16, so we thought it'd be a nice thing to do because you only turn 16 once, right? (And also because he's pretty much a loner and he has, like, two friends and doesn't really talk to girls...) On the plus side, I get to spend a whole day with him!

Around 2:30, my cell rings. Leah.
"Hey, Ellie, you coming down?" She asks, referring to her house.
"Yeah, I'll be right over!" Having already changed, I run into the bathroom to check my mirror, then run downstairs.
The weird thing about Alex is that even though I know he doesn't like me anymore, I still kind of care what he thinks about me... Well, I've liked him since the beginning of November 2006, so it's not really a little thing that I could easily stop. As a matter of fact, at this point, I don't really care who he likes.


My dad is sitting on the living room couch, watching television.
"Are you leaving now?" He asks.
"Yeah," I tell him while slipping on my shoes.
"Be safe."
"I know. I will," I say, grabbing my skateboard and heading out the door.


I CAN'T HANDLE IT ANYMORE! We've been going at this for eight days and counting, and Ellie still hasn't come to one of our concerts!
"Kevin, I think it's time we let Mandy know what's going on so she can help us."
"Yeah, I think you're right," he nods. "As long as she doesn't spill to Ellie what's up, then we're all good."
Joe walks in, having already listened to Kevin and I before entering, "Are you guys trying to get Mandy to help with our big plan?"
"Yeah, it'll make things go by so much faster," I let out a deep breath just thinking about it.
Joe whips out his cell phone from his pocket, "Kay, I'll call her right now."


Leah is lying on her front lawn when I reach her house. She gets up as soon as she hears the familiar sound of my skateboard on the pavement. Without saying a word I help her up off the ground by lending her my hand. We smile at each other. My smile is nervous, but Leah's is comforting, just as a friend's should be. I start walking down the sidewalk beside her with my skateboard in hand. Alex's house is three houses away from Leah's; what a lucky duck she is...!

Alex's van isn't in the driveway; he's at soccer practice right now. After we knock on the front door, his father leads us into the backyard. Danny, Erin, and Evan are already sitting at the picnic table on the patio, talking to each other. Leah and I join them and start chatting away.

A half-hour has passed since I first got here, and for a split-second I seem to believe Nick has walked into the backyard. Alex has changed quite a bit since I've last seen him. His hair is a bit longer (or should I say bigger?), and he has gotten more of a tan.
"SURPRISE!" We all yell when we see him.
Everyone sits at the picnic table; eating chips, drinking pop...the normal stuff, you know? The guys eventually migrate over to the pool, while the girls and I watch them, laughing as they try to push each other into the water. I'm quieter than usual, as I usually am around Alex, and the only thing I seem to be thinking about right now is how no other girls like him. Why don't they? He's so cute! And, might I add, he has a very toned body!

The girls and I have moved over to the grass at the side of the pool.
"You and Alex should totally get married!" Erin nudges me.
"You're funny," I say sarcastically.
"Seriously! You'd have little, itty-bitty, curly-haired babies! They'd be so cute!"
"That's true...we'd have cute babies!" I laugh out loud. "But he doesn't even like me anymore...I wish he still did!"
"What are you talking about?!" Leah cuts in. "Of course he still likes you!"
"You're just saying that 'cause you know I like him!" I say, matter-of-factly.
"When we were eating he couldn't stop staring at you," Leah continues. "He even knew that I knew!"
"Yeah, he glanced at me while he was staring at you!" Erin agrees. "So I gave him the you-know-you-want-her nod...or was it the bom-chicka-wah-wah nod? ...Anyways, he just smiled then started staring at you again! RIGHT IN MY SIGHT!"
"...Seriously?" I ask, stunned.
"YES!" Leah squeals. "And you know what they say: when a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something!"
"They're right, Ellie," laughs Evan, as he joins our little group. He's soaking wet from being in the pool. "You're pretty slow on these things, aren't you?"
"Yes, Evan," I drone, laughing. "You don't know how many times I've heard that this past month!"
"He even told me, himself, that he likes you," Evan ignores my last comment.
"You're joking."
"No, I'm not! Here, walk around with me and I'll tell you," he stands up and leads the way around the backyard; carefully avoiding the pool area, just so Alex doesn't hear us talking.
"Where do you want me to start?" He asks.
"Alright...well, a while ago, Alex and I were playing poker, and the deal was: whoever lost had to tell the other who they liked."
"Why was that the deal?" I ask, scrunching my nose. "Why didn't you just bet, like, five bucks or something?"
"We didn't have any money on us."
"Oh...continue!" I laugh, as does Evan.
"So long story short, Alex lost," Evan tells me, straight-up. "...I don't really know how or why he did, because all he does at lunch is play poker... So yeah, I guess that's all you need to know."
"And?!" I egg him on to finish what he was saying.
"And, what?"
"That's it?! How do you know he likes me for sure, then?"
"He lost! He said he was attracted to you!"
"Attracted?!" I giggle. "What a cutie!"
Evan just shakes his head, smiling, "He was gonna ask you out before school ended, but he was too scared to. I've said this many times, but...he's a wimp!"
"But I like that about him. It's cute."
"Whatever," he shrugs. "Each to their own."

As soon as I got home later that day, I e-mailed both Leah and Erin, and explained what Evan had told me. ...Let's just say my dreams that night were undisturbed!!

© 2009 Jen Marks

Author's Note

Jen Marks
Oh la la! :D Tee-hee, Alex likes Ellie!
I like comments; feedback is greatly appreciated! :)

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Added on September 14, 2009
Last Updated on September 14, 2009


Jen Marks
Jen Marks

Toronto, ON, Canada

Listen to my music here: YouTube / MySpace then one by one the stars would all go out ♥ Nicholas Jonas: You Can Call Me Crazy more..
