![]() July 27th, 2010A Chapter by AngelTo my baby boy: What a stressful week this has been. Mommy had to go to the emergency room because I have been having stomach problems and they have kept me here for the past five days. You, your daddy, and MeMe come and visit me every day. Every night I look forward to seeing your smiling little face the next day and it is so hard to be away from you at night because I love to check in on you and see you snuggled with Raffi (your giraffe) and it gives me comfort knowing that I am there for you when you wake up. I'm sad that I can't be home right now but until the doctor gives me the go ahead then you will have to keep on visiting mommy here. I can not believe in one month you are going to be turning one. It seems like the time has flown but we also have so much time ahead of us and new things to introduce to you that it is bittersweet. I have been thinking alot lately and about everything I have in my life to be thankful for and someday I want you to be able to look back and see what I am talking about. I think I am the luckiest girl in the world to have met your dad. He saved me from the endless dorks that I was dating and driving MeMe nuts with. I never thought she was right but a mommy always knows best and if I had listened I could have saved my heart a couple heart aches. But you are going to go out and learn all of this on your own. Someday you will have your heart soar with how much you love someone and some day you will also have your heart broken but always know that time heals. Time heals and god will make sure that you end up with the person you are supposed to be with. Sometimes I look at my life and wonder how I got so lucky to have you and your daddy and now a sister for you on the way. It's been a long journey but one I would not change for the world. Moms and children have different sorts of bonds. There are no words to explain a moms love for her child but it doesn't mean that it is always easy. There are going to be times we fight and times you are mad at me. There will be times you don't want to listen to me and times you are hurt by me. I can't change that and in the end it will help our relationship grow. Your MeMe and I have fought, cried, loved, and been silly to get to where we are today but honey it is so worth it because in the end your parents will end up being your best friends. You will grow to understand that we never meant you any harm and that we love you. So even in those silly moments and angry moments keep in mind that we love you. Love you, mommy © 2010 Angel |
Added on July 28, 2010 Last Updated on July 28, 2010 Author