Out of Darkness: Chapter 7 - The Road to Briarwood

Out of Darkness: Chapter 7 - The Road to Briarwood

A Chapter by James Marino

The road to Briarwood was not a road at all. It was more of a narrow muddy path that crossed farmland, woods, and tiny villages. The sky was clear and the two moons shone brightly, lighting the way enough to keep them going in the right direction. If they kept moving at a good pace they should arrive just after midnight.
They rode for a long time without speaking and Ailish could feel the tension between them. Theus had tried to start a conversation several times but she was not interested in talking. Small talk in these circumstances felt awkward, and she needed time to think. She had known Theus almost all his life and she knew he must be struggling with being thrown into the role as her guardian. She felt more like his mother. She was possibly more protective of him than he was of her.
She and Tallard had raised him when his parents died. At that time they were posing as father and daughter and were engaged in winemaking. The wine was real but their relationship was not. When he was older, Theus learned that his parent’s were actually part of a network of people that kept the Fad Maka hidden from view. Even though he now appeared twenty years older than her, she was the elder. For now she had to try and to let him step into Tallard’s shoes. Yet, she also thought that the role of guardian had to change. She was older now, even in Fad Matka years. If she were living in the time of her mother and father she would not be considered a child anymore. She thought it was time for her guardians to begin taking her counsel. Tallard certainly did not seem to be ready for that or even willing listen to her opinions most of the time. She doubted if Theus would be receptive at this point either, especially under these circumstances.

She tried to think the whole journey through step by step. What Tallard had laid out was just a basic plan. Hire some help. Meet him at Rivertown. Journey to Baelesh. Perhaps he had told Theus more than he told her. That wouldn’t surprise her in the least.

“So what exactly is the plan?” Ailish asked.

“We are going to Briarwood to hire… well, how should I put this. Paid escorts I guess you could say.”

“Just say it plainly. We are going to employ some thugs to get us to a safe house.”

“Please don’t call them thugs when we hire them. And it wasn’t my idea,” He sounded defensive.

“Mercenaries are so… disreputable.” Silence fell over them again. He looked over at her as if to say something more then looked away. She sighed. “I’m sorry Theus. I don’t mean to take out my frustration on you.”

“No need to apologize. I’m a bit shook up as well.”

“I just feel like we are making this up as we go along. Didn’t we used to have a plan for situations like this?”

“Yes, but Tallard broke off most contact with our network when we came here.” This was true but she knew that Tallard did reach out six months ago to let someone know that they were alive. She wondered if this communication had given them away. Perhaps that person had betrayed them.

“So we are really on our own this time,” She said. They were coming up a steep hill with a field of grain on the right side and some woods on the left. Half way up the hill Theus stopped and held up his hand. “Do you hear that?” he asked. Ailish listened. At first, all she heard was the sound of a light wind moving over the field grain. Then she heard the distinct sound of horses.

“Riders! Coming over the hill. Quickly, into the woods,” Theus Said. Ailish darted into the darkness of the trees, but just as Theus was about to follow her the riders came over the top and he did not follow. She went deep enough into the thick trees to where she could still hear but not see very well. Before long she could see riders going by. Good. They are not stopping, She thought. She watched Theus move aside letting them pass. Every once in a while she could see a flash of white on their clothing. Waarheid Sacred Warriors. We did just get out in time. After several of them passed, they stopped and turned while the others slowed and stopped in front of Theus. Ailish felt a hard knot form in the pit of her stomach.

“Greetings in the Faith brother.” She heard Theus say. “What honor brings you to our humble lands?”

“Your name?” The Warrior asked.

“Brother Theus, of the Vyron Monestary.”

“A bit late for a ride isn’t it? Brother?” Ailish knew that not only were these men well trained in fighting but they were also adept at interrogation. It was said that they could tell by facial expression or voice inflection if you were lying. The knot in her stomach tightened more and she suddenly felt like she was going to vomit.

“That’s exactly what I told Prior Tomas when he sent me out at this fool hour.” Theus sounded genuinely annoyed. “I said, Prior with all respect this can wait until the morning. But no, no, no. He said that Mr. Mullock was on his deathbed - you see Mr. Mullock is a great benefactor of the monastery and is set to leave his estate to us - so I was to go out to his house at once and look in on him and give him the End Rite if necessary.” She saw the sacred warrior hold up hand as if to stop him but Theus went on. “If you ask me Mr. Mullock is a hypochondriac. Why I’ve been out to his house at least three times in the last six months, once in the rain,” Theus exclaimed.

“All right. Enough.” The warrior commanded. “Have you seen anyone else on this road?”

“No I have not. Is there someone you are looking for? Perhaps I could help.”

There was a long pause and for a moment she thought the charade was over. But then the warrior said, “Let’s move on brothers.” The remainder of them passed Theus by one by one. She heard him begin to ride up the hill and she made her way through the woods parallel to him. In a few minutes she was out of the woods and beside him on the other side of the hill.

“Well done Theus. I almost believed you myself.”

“I nearly pissed myself when they stopped.” They coaxed their horses to move ahead. “Master interrogators. Humph. my grandmothers a*s.” Ailish snickered and he joined in. It was good to hear him laugh. It felt good to laugh with him.

At the bottom of the next hill the Sacred Warriors rode on.

“The Brother was lying Kaptein Alric,” Gair Said.

“Yes. I know. But lying about what. That he was sneaking off to plow some farmer’s daughter?”

“Or Wife,” one of the others laughed. He does not fit the description Pai Marbach gave them. We are looking for an old monk and a young woman. But still… He thought for a moment. He had strict instructions from Protector Thulton. All of them were to arrive at the monastery and secure it before he arrived. They were to detain the old brother and the girl if they came across them on the road. They had met several people along the way here. More than he expected for this far flung mud path and he had questioned them all. This had delayed them. Some were liars and some were not. But this little encounter gave him the feeling of not just lying but deception. Yes, the brother was laying on the honey a little thick. And he was from the Vyron Monastery. “Amos and Gair,” Alric said.

“Yes Kaptein,” They answered.

“Double back and follow him. Do not be seen or heard.”

“As you wish Kaptein.”

“If he is fornicating then bring them back and we will flog them. If he is not alone, and if he is not visiting some benefactor, then detain them and send word as to where you are holding them.” Amos and Gair turned and rode back the other way.

© 2013 James Marino

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Added on December 27, 2013
Last Updated on December 28, 2013


James Marino
James Marino

Pittsburgh, PA

I've been dabbling in writing since I was a kid. Several years ago I went took a writing course through the Long Ridge Writers Group and actively sought publication for some short stories. I've taken .. more..
