Out of Darkness: Chapter 1 - Into the Shadow

Out of Darkness: Chapter 1 - Into the Shadow

A Chapter by James Marino

Events that take place two weeks before chapter 2

"What devilry is this?" Protector Haar asked, approaching the darkness on his grey courser. The horse snorted, smelling something foul, and he pulled up short of the wall of shadow in the forest. It was like a curtain of night standing there waiting for him to draw it aside and step in. His hand went to his chest where the Anam stone was embedded in his sternum. Under his black hardened leather armor the Anam gave him no indication of danger. It was as silent as the forest around him. It was too silent. He could hear a breeze blowing through the canopy of leaves above, and he felt it at the back of his head through his short cropped hair. It felt like the wind was pushing him forward. The darkness beckoned him.

Kaptein Berro pulled up beside him, and he could hear every crunch of the dry leaves on the forest floor. The sound seemed amplified, too loud, threatening to wake whatever slept here. “None who enters here returns,” Berro said. Haar turned his head and gave Berro a stern look. "That's what the stories say." Berro reddened and turned away from the Protector’s stare which made him more uncomfortable than the smokey veil before him.

“Are you frightened of campfire stories Kaptein?"

"No, Protector.” Haar didn't think Berro sounded sure of himself. The other ten Sacred Warriors of the Waarheid Faith stopped several paces behind them, mounted, ready, and waiting. Over their armor they wore the dark grey tunic of the order, embroidered with bright white thread. The tunic bore a circle, half white, half black, with two swords crossed over in the center; The sacred symbol of the Protectors of the Faith. Some wore swords at their sides and others on their backs. Some had short bows with quivers full of black and white arrows. Protector Haar could feel trepidation and anticipation in their silence.

Riding up next to him on the other side was Eemil, a young man that The Most Holy Pai Marbach had sent with them. He was not one of them. He was young, without armor, unarmed, and was there to assist them in this task. He was not sure how. Marbach had not been forthcoming on that point when they set out. He was anxious to see what the young man could do. Eemil’s face looked white, more like prey than anything useful. He wasn’t sure the boy would even enter the shadow with them.

He raised his voice. “Men, it is an illusion. A mirage meant to scare away intruders." Then to himself he said, “We of the Waarheid Faith do not scare so easily.”

It was like an illusion. It looked as if a thick storm cloud was above, blocking out the sunlight. He could see that wall was a thin grey mist, and beyond it, the same thick forest that they traveled through went on. The darkness was hiding something. We will take what you are hiding. Once through, it would be no different than riding in the night.

Eemil moved his horse closer, and turned his head slightly. Haar thought he looked like a dog that heard a high pitched whistle. "Can you hear it?" Eemil whispered. Haar narrowed his eyes, listening. There was nothing. Just the faint sound of the wind in the trees above. Looking closer, he noticed that wisps of darkness pulsed out from the wall, tiny grey tendrils that dissolved in the sunlight. The veil extended upward above the trees and left and right as far as he could see. Then, in the silence, he heard whispering. What he thought was leaves rustling above was actually a constant whisper of voices. “Yes, I hear it," he answered.

Putting his heels into his courser, he drew closer to the darkness. As if sensing his approach, a ghostly hand reached out toward him. On the tip of one of the fingers was a sparkle of light. He watched, unafraid and fascinated, and as it touched his chest the holy Anam stone began to hum. The whispering abruptly cut off. It was in my mind. It is a mind trick. My Anam will protect us.

"Pai Marbach said to ride to the center. To ride quickly toward the light…"

"And you will lift this darkness," Haar finished for Eemil, staring ahead.

Eemil paused and swallowed hard. "I will."

Raising his hand up high in a fist, he signaled his men to draw swords. They drew them as one. Protector Haar drew a deep breath and cried, "For the One True Faith.”

"We live. We serve. We die.” They answered, and plunged into the shadow.

© 2013 James Marino

Author's Note

James Marino
This is not a prologue that happens in the distant past. It happens just weeks before the story begins and will resurface in chapter 4 or 5 through the antagonist point of view. I want this to be a very spooky and intriguing beginning.

My Review

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Spooky- yes. Intriguing- very. I love how you focus on certain details, such as the colour of the arrows and the young man without any armor, whilst giving next to nothing away. What is that wall of shadow? Why does it react to the protagonist? I really, really want to know. This is the beginning of what could be a very original and exciting tale.
I wasn't sure if you wanted proof reading, but since it's quite short, here are a couple of places where I did hiccup a little...
- 'and he felt it at his back of his head through his short cropped hair' - Is this meant to be 'at the back of his''?
- 'threatening wake whatever slept here' - threatening to wake?
Anyways, great start. Keep going! : )

Posted 10 Years Ago

James Marino

10 Years Ago

Ahh good catches! Thanks, will fix!

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1 Review
Added on December 1, 2013
Last Updated on December 28, 2013


James Marino
James Marino

Pittsburgh, PA

I've been dabbling in writing since I was a kid. Several years ago I went took a writing course through the Long Ridge Writers Group and actively sought publication for some short stories. I've taken .. more..
