No Solid Ground: Renewable Contentment and Sustainable Happiness in an Age of Uncertainty
A Book by Jeffrey Joe Miller
This is a tumultuous and uncertain time to be living in planet Earth. We’re experiencing an accelerating convergence of change in all aspects of our existence. Being content and happy is difficult. 
© 2017 Jeffrey Joe Miller
Author's Note
Although this book incorporates a large amount of scientific and historical material, it isn’t intended as a scholarly work. I’ve provided sources when direct quotes are used. However, this work is intended for the lay reader and isn’t an exhaustively documented text. For more in-depth investigation into the information presented in Part I: A Very Modern Madness, I refer the interested reader to the References section.
This text uses a number of terms that may be unfamiliar. These are included in a glossary at the end of the book.
Jeffrey Joe MillerSan Francisco, CA
Jeffrey Joe Miller holds master’s degrees in clinical psychology and counseling psychology, with specialized training in ecopsychology and somatic psychology. For several decades, he has studied.. more..