To appreciate the allusions in these writes you ought to see that this transfiguration of Man into an Angelic Being is part of what is going on here -- that it is definitely one layer of this. The Poetic allusions do have other layers or vibrations which can be found hinted at within the Alchemical Triptych of Poems. The Alchemy of Light and The Alchemist are the other two members of this Triptych with The Calcinator. The ICONIC Black Madonna with Christ Child is another hint for this piece. Although I'm not a religious man per se, I find the allusions of religious mythologies to contain various verities concerning the evolutionary possibilities of Man to Divinity; in this case the Alchemical transformation of Man into an Angelic Being.
The Calcinator is a tad abstruse -- the idea is simply that transmutating the baser elements to gold through Alchemical Fire which is shifting atomic valences and even the mass and spin of particles at the Quantum layer of reality -- this is reflected in the Holy Fire of the Heart, a process which changes a Man into something akin to Angelic!
I liked the slipperiness of the words -- and their Magical qualities. Poetry as AbraCadabra.
The 'numinous valences' of the Atoms and Quantum tunneling of Divine Light changing the Quantum mass and spin of the particles can be best imagined as what went on when the Christ Being Transmuted into Divinity over the course of three days in a cave, then resurrected leaving a portrait of the Transfiguration on a shroud. He was only visible in this Light Body stage for a short time according to the stories.
Alchemical principles are in accord with the stages of evolution and are somewhat hidden in plain sight. Nature is plain and simple and aching, longing to evolve into it's own light body. My previous allusions in the story of 'Every Planet longs to become a Star', are also of this Light Body Mythology.
Stars and Galaxies are like the Angels, you see! From Stars we come to Stars we shall return -- a scientifically verified verity. Lucifer was a Star before his fall. Galaxies even have wings. I imagine that the Rhapsody of Divine transmutation is being triggered wherein this Divine Light in us and our beloved planet transfigure into a Star! Oh, how glorious we are!
This is playing with Mythology which may be stories of our own coming Raptures!
It's ironic and a well made Poetic plaint. The impermanence of relationship as being a touch stone, a reminder that our lives are often clad in wearisome miseries making the 'every beautiful day' an empty statement. Yet, it is not so, at least not always so; the dust and ashes of the wastelands is also a temporary trip. A verity of Human struggle wending a way to some surety, some safe haven, a paradise.
Triplicities abound, Blessed be! Poetry often plumbs the plight of the dispossessed and the marginalized. Whether the forces are without or within it's time to begin -- As the mysteries of our own Hearts unfold, showing us how connected we are to all that is, that we are never 'alone' but always growing, becoming, being!
... and we are a miracle ... a song of Love, where sorrow and Joy, laughter and tears, are each a note in it ...
Beauty echoes through all things, like Natures laughter in a flower... and a communion of the 'Eternal Present' exists, as if no past ever compelled, nor future beckoned.
I'm reminded of the Mythologies of the Nile Kings. On their journey to forever, through to the other side they must stop and be questioned and their Hearts weighed against a feather. They are asked two questions which assure their journey to a Heaven or a Hell world. The first question is, 'Have you ever experienced JOY?' The second and more profound with relevance to Poetic realization is, ' Have you ever brought JOY to others?' -- there it is, the Secret to Immortality! Raising the vibration. Alchemy at the quantum level.
The Sufi system of exercises in raising oneself in vibration consists of utilizing a threefold path to awareness. They combine the Mental, Emotional and Instinctual in a harmonious way to attain Light Emitting capacities. Whirling feet realized they use a Zykir which is a mantra in the Heart center and the Mind is constantly marking time and memorizing meter while the body is whirling; ecstasies are reached as the Alchemical Fire burns within; the being body is raised to Light Body! Quantum changes are made this way -- all Religions echo these Cosmic Truths but often falter to fundamentalism which is the last refuge of the ignorant and fearful.
The allusion of the Fig Tree is wondrous. It was the first Tree to be intentionally Farmed by Man and is coveted for the wholesomely nutritious Fig. As the symbol of Life it also escalates to the present condition of our World; the World Tree is broken too.
Nature is plain and simple and She cannot be killed by the discriminatory ignorance's of Mankind. Rather Mankind is in for a tempestuous transfiguration as part of Her birthing to something heretofore unseen on this Planet. She transmutes and roils in change and Her many Love children to come are imminent!
Woman has taken the brunt of the ignorance's of Hierarchical Monkey Male dominated tyrannies. Many have fallen to the Economic wars assailing our Planet even now. Women, Children, Animals and Trees have all fallen row on row to the unquenchable appetites of Fear. Mans arrogance of ignorance has lead us all down the present path; we can do nothing about it now. The time is nigh -- Love over Fear through radical forgiveness will further our personal evolution, however.
This shows that arranged marriages may be the better way, after all. Man has a myopic flaw; He's a Fool for Love! So are we all with Hearts ever innocent to begin again! The Poet is a Romantic and the vision of Romanticism echoes the Devotional Bhakti Yoga of the East. The alluring longing song a mantra to the remembrance of the beloved one. In Constant Remembrance of the Beloved a longing ache to awake! Oh, to kiss the beloved with the same kiss the beloved kisses me and by that surrender live in eternity! That kiss!
Love has very little to do with most forms of marriage. It is usually DarWINian yet may have Human affection as its basis. A training ground to surrender often failed to mutinies of selfish, I wanna be me, I’m special misconsiderations.
As a Native American I am aware of the Moon Time and the belief that Woman is closer to the Earth. I believe that is the case most of the Time, actually! Other cultures like the Greeks knew that a Woman's Power was great during Her Moon and a special Temple was built for them to be in during the three days of Moon time. When doing the various ceremonies in our Sweat Lodges the Moon Time woman are given their own Moon Sweat Lodge. The cycle of Nature as reflected in Woman as the Power to Birth and the cycles that even the Great Oceans are moved by is a wondrous reminder of the gift that Womb:Man is.
A point of note is that in forensically foot printing the DNA histories of the Native Americans here it was found that the nearest racial connection is with the Greeks after all! Our Great Mother started in Africa so the science has unfolded.
That Woman also seems to be the one suffering the ignorance's of Mankind the most with Cancers and other diseases of Pollution. She is so in tune with Nature that she also sympathetically feels the malaise of Nature. Now it is being reacted to by a healing crises and Earth changes.
There are no maps for the territories of the Heart ... and neither are there numerical gauges nor graphs! Spreadsheets don't mean a thing when your Heart does sing!
Man is doomed by his own hand. He is ruled by his own Monsters. Economies of War!
I concur with the plaint albeit with the caveat that Nature has not played out Her last. She cannot be killed by Man. She is plain and simple after all and the Man made holocausts that She will overcome are now and forthcoming after all. A healing crisis and we the viral mutant to be exorcised. Change is imminent!
These Hierarchy Desire Monkey games are behind the arrogance of ignorance of DarWINian imbued Economies. It is tedious playing the theatrical games of the old paradigm; Monkey Math, so I've transfigured and -- -- if you want to get anything done in this Universe you've got to become a force of Nature and follow transfigurations and ache your longing to the edge of forever and get ready for the ecstasy...
Abstruse and profound writing. THe process of change is not always voluntary.Do we not constantly create and recreate our own universes. As poets we take the basic words of our language filter them through experience and imagination to produce something new
Yes it is a view -- and like the Quantum Scientific realization of the observer: the observer is a part of the experiment, changes it, creates another instance of reality and is interconnected with the result intimately. Part of my intention in writing is that the reader partakes of the Artistic revelations by intimately imbibing the images and rhythms of the piece written. Kinda like the ideas behind Magic except the purpose is connectivity and integration to all that is -- I deplore writing for cunning and wit to the admiration of the powers of language; that is old paradigm and one of the arrogances of ignorance which is bringing the miseries of World Changes; the fall of Man. The healing crisis.
Nevertheless we can continue to rise --
Raising the vibration of our being body has been done in various ways throughout all races and cultures. Prayer was one form based on devotional surrender and intentional suffering where the being was raised vibrationally and experienced the blisses sometimes called rapture. Tantra another version. There are countless ways and they all yield to the Goal of Love.
The 33 rings of splendor in the Sanskrit speak of these realms of blisses they call the rings of the Heart and Mind. As each ring is experienced the traveler enters a new vista of reality and revelations pour into him as Amirta of the Gods. Truth is organic and shifts and changes according to the Zeitgeist of the times. The traveler is dancing beautifully on this shifting ground.
An alive and juicy Heart leads to an alive and creative Mind --
-- at the Heart level there is no differentiation of Race or even Sex -- that is a discrimination of Mind and highly over rated.
I can see white hot steel pouring through this one and the sparks and flicks of light jumping off into the coolness of the darkness around it.
Divine Light and inspiration indeed. The elements live and breathe in this poem. Sorry I read these out of order, but it in no way took away from your writing.
The prologue statement almost had me in tears. Then I went to the dictionary and looked up half the words...Slight exaggeration. This is beautifully written, as always, and the wording is gorgeous though the meaning was something more than just the sum of the words. It was a statement when all was said and done. For me, it almost was like a "how to" guide on how to energize into doing, creating, by being transubstantiated by being reduced and decomposed, and then life put back in with intentional mass. I love it. It was sad to think that you, all of us, are broken down and apart by what happens to us and only consciously make the effort to put ourselves and our art together . I really wonder about the two religious references and couldn't exactly place the nuances of the words in what you were saying except as just references for the broader meaning of the words. Thank you for sending this my way. It was so much my pleasure to think and feel through your work.
Another wonderful write which seems to blend a bit of science, Nature and the muse altogether in a wonderful conglomeration of soul. Thank you for sharing. Nicely done.
Abstruse and profound writing. THe process of change is not always voluntary.Do we not constantly create and recreate our own universes. As poets we take the basic words of our language filter them through experience and imagination to produce something new
Push that edge of forever till it becomes smooth and translucent,
With a prayer or mantra the world transpires toward some common
goal that perhaps we've not thought of just yet in its entirety.
It is a tad abstruse -- the idea is simply that transmutating the baser elements to gold through Alchemical Fire which is shifting atomic valences and even the mass and spin of particles at the Quantum layer of reality -- this is reflected in the Holy Fire of the Heart a process which changes a Man into something akin to Angelic!
I find this piece really brilliant. but I have no idea what you really are meaning. Are you pointing towards transfiguration of one element to anouther... or fire? I'm just probably on crack. But that's ok. I't about time for me to lie down now.
GOOD LORD. Excuse me - sometimes my initial response are less than articulate and mostly profane - earthbound creature that I is poetry like this that makes my heart ache. All my petty prosey poetic nonesense drops from my nacred shell like chaff to the winnowing floor - scattered seeds of thought on cracked earth...I am unsprouted, unrooted,
But there is also joy - real poetry illicits joy - so I look up and I read your formidable gift.
Thank you.
love is a sphere which has its center everywhere, and its circumference nowhere; longing is the compass, always pointing there
To write properly and clear,
Is in part, the goal.
To write simply, and .. more..