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Maybe I Will

Maybe I Will

A Poem by Riley Bray

The one thing I do hope you realize, high-and-mighties, is that I hate you all.

Kill myself.
Kill myself?
Maybe I will.

What would you do then?
What would you do
When you saw my dead face,
Knowing you were the reason why?

Wrists like fragile paper,
But bleeding out
In one dark and messy puddle.

What would you do then?
What would you do
When you saw your reflection in my personal quagmire,
Knowing I did it just for you?

My eyes unseeing,
Looking blindly to the ceiling
And breaking cracks in your shocked sobriety.

What would you do then?
What would you do
When you felt yourself unraveling in front of me,
Naked to my corpse's rueful charms?

You'd find a note on my chest,
Hatefully scrawled out to you,
Proving just how bitter I really was.

What would you do then?
What would you do
When you broke down in front of everyone,
Knowing your words murdered me?

You lay in the bathroom,
Beside my freezing body,
Speechless and gutted by the impact you had.

What would they do then?
What would they do
When they realized you were just like me,
And I am who you became?

Kill myself.
Kill myself?
Maybe I will.

© 2013 Riley Bray

Author's Note

Riley Bray
A testament to all the numbskulls who can't fathom the impact their words may have. This poem is directed at a girl I absolutely hate who did tell me to kill myself in a fairly blunt way, and a fellow writers work got me thinking about it again.

My Review

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This is beautifully written and I'd also like to say remember that there is always reason to keep living and that God created you specifically--individually--for a purpose, whether or not you can see it right now. I guarantee that the future will be brighter if you allow it to come; however long it takes to get better. You are a great and wonderful writer and I hope you continue writing, and more importantly, I hope you continue living and show those that hurt you that you are better than them. Also, remember that the worth of souls is great in the sight of God (Doctrine and Covenants 18:10)--each and every soul individually. I hope this didn't sound preachy or anything because it wasn't meant to. You are extremely talented. Keep up the great work :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Riley Bray

11 Years Ago

Thanks for the review and the kind words, but you should know when it comes down to it my aversion t.. read more
So true that too many people speak without knowing what their words could lead to. If there was an easier way to show them what they are doing without the loss of an innocent life, then I pray that they see it before it's too late. Life is too precious to throw away just for one person's careless tongue. Nobody should give in to their foolishness. They're not worth it. If you want to prove them wrong, then keep living and show them that you are a much better person then they will ever be. Wonderful poem, and I hope this will shed some light on somebody's actions and make a change before it's too late.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Riley Bray

11 Years Ago

Thanks for the review, Dark, I appreciate it.
Dark Rider

11 Years Ago

You're welcome. :)
I know what you mean, but just remember that death in incurable. Keep writing, keep living. It'll be worth it.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Riley Bray

11 Years Ago

Thanks Insanity.

11 Years Ago

No problem. :) *hugs* is very honest and truthful...please do not do this to hurt someone else...the price is too high...Laury

Posted 11 Years Ago

Riley Bray

11 Years Ago

Thanks for your time, and I suppose.
Who's this hateful person???
This poem was strong and very effective..
This kind of people can really hurt someone..
I'm sorry she hurt you so bad..
We're here if you need us..

Posted 11 Years Ago

Riley Bray

11 Years Ago

Does it even really matter? Seems like is every one. Thanks for your time. ^^
I hate it when people say those words to eachother, even jokingly. Even if they dont mean it the words cut deeper than a blade ever could. Dont listen to people like that and keep up the good, impactful writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

Riley Bray

11 Years Ago

Thanks for the review Barklight. Honestly, I don't care when my friends say it, but it never ceases .. read more
Good poem. I like dark poems.
Don't listen to people like her. She just needs to shut up.
Keep it up!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Riley Bray

11 Years Ago

Thanks Simona.
nice poem. I love reading dark poems.
the girl told you to kill yourself? dontpay attention to bull like that. i have been told to kill myself more times then i can remember, i even have a scar proving i tried it once. you are bettet then her. she isnt worth it.

great poem ... keep it up.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Riley Bray

11 Years Ago

Thanks for your time. I'm sorry for your misfortune, kudos to you for finally rising above it though.. read more
Yeah, I've known people like that.
People who call you fowl names and tell you to do harm to yourself.
You know why I think that girl did that to you?
She's jealous because you have a brain, she's jealous because you have more personality and artistic nature in one toenail than she has in her whole body.
If you kill yourself, you're not doing the world a favor, you're giving it a great loss.
This is a nice, dark poem spoken from the heart.
Well done, and ignore those jerks who tell you to kill yourself because you're more than that. ^^

Posted 11 Years Ago

Riley Bray

11 Years Ago

Thanks for the review and your time Bluefire.

11 Years Ago

No problem. ^^
She told you to kill yourself? I LOVE people like that! *rolls eyes in utter sarcasm* Listen, as you know, people like that have disgusting personalities and need to learn how to cope with the inner turmoil they have that causes them to lash out at others. But then again, you do have the occasional "numbskull" (I like your word choice so I'm going to mimic it) who's just a terrible person and says those things simply because they can. Theres one in every crowd, unfortunately. Whatever the case, don't let her get to you. Sorry you're angry, but just remember you're a billion times better than garbage like that. Despite its dark tone, this is an absolutely fantastic poem. I've always loved your writing. Please keep it up. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Riley Bray

11 Years Ago

Thanks Kuro. Rare to see you write a review. :P Also thanks for supporting my writing, since you've .. read more

11 Years Ago

Anytime! :D

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11 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 11, 2013
Last Updated on July 12, 2013


Riley Bray
Riley Bray

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you."---Maya Angelou "I'm not even going to get mad anymore...I'm just gonna start expecting the lowest from the people I thought h.. more..

Machine Machine

A Poem by Riley Bray