I sit on this bridge over the river
I look down at the jagged rocks
I can feel the wind against my skin
As it plays with my blonde locks.
I begin to shake as I look down
With you is where I want to be
But would you care if I were to drown?
Are you just my dreams messing with me?
You might not even exist at all
You might be just a simple lie
All I have to do is let myself fall
I could be there with you when I die
I begin to climb the gate
I take a breath and gather my will
I let go of the rail and test my fate
Suddenly adrenaline is all I feel
Then in my head your voice rings clear
You softly tell me to come back
I think for a moment but no longer have fear
And doubt is now something that I lack
You have told me that you wouldn't lie
You told me you want me always there
You really would care if I were to die
Fate is something I promise not to dare
I look around for any witness
I climb back down and back away
I can't believe I almost did this
I need to trust and not think this way.