

A Story by Dave Davis

At the very core of a person is something so vulnerable, I feel like it’s just so hard to grasp really what is inside someone and what really goes on in all the people around us. Have you ever just sat back and looked around and thought that every person you see there is a whole life that they lived and a whole future ahead of them. We get so caught up in what we are doing that we don’t even look into the perspective of other people and what they are dealing with. They have a core inside of them that is vulnerable to the things that they struggle with. Yet we walk past those struggles every day without even knowing it. It’s just crazy to think that there is a past, present, and future that’s in every body that we see every day. Yeah we see a physical body but what about the mentality that is distilled inside their minds? The ideas and the creativity and the struggles and all the beauty that lies within one’s soul. All that passes us by every day in one physical body that we could probably care less about to get to know. It’s just unfathomable. You can see the brightest smile but really they are just hiding the darkest tears. But you will never know that because we only see what is on the outside. That is what makes the inside so vulnerable. I mean, why would we want to expose the inner depths of the insecurities and the failures and the sin that we experience every day? We don’t. So we all put on this front to try and have the person next to us think that everything is alright. The vulnerability is what makes us human though. And there is nothing more beautiful than vulnerability. Accepting the fact that we need each other through the hard times in our life because we know life is hard and it’s going to knock us down and we can only get up on our own so many times. And as we get knocked down more and more is makes us more vulnerable which then makes us angry. Hidden vulnerability is the source of anger. When we don’t want our insecurities to be shown we become angry so that we can have this front and protection from the world knowing what really goes on in our life. We want to be perfect to baldy but why? So we can all be spitting images of each other. Failure is beauty. Insecurity is beauty. Vulnerability is beauty. So why would we want to have this perfect life all the time. Struggle is what makes us better human beings. To each other and to ourselves. It’s something you should embrace not something that you hide. It opens up doors for laughter and good times. For love and being able to know that the person next to you is someone you care about and that they would do anything for you just like you would for them. Be free. Embrace insecurities and failures and faults and struggle and everything that looks bad because what we think looks bad is what other people think look beautiful. It’s what sets up apart from the person next to us and gives us an identity. It’s something that we should use for strength and not for weakness. Because when you embrace your vulnerability you become stronger as a person. You accept who you are and you no longer live for the expectations that society makes you think you need to achieve. You become who you want to be. You become free. 

© 2016 Dave Davis

Author's Note

Dave Davis
What do you think? there are probably some grammatical errors but I just want to know what ya'll think overall!

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Added on April 9, 2016
Last Updated on April 9, 2016


Dave Davis
Dave Davis

I am a college student who is currently studying business but likes to write. Read my stuff and tell me what you think! more..