And I am.A Poem by jbop
Wild dogs and cyotes don't lay down at my glare.
Babies take one look at me and burst into tears. Saying that, they have begun to take a shine to me. I don't wear designer fashion, I don't have a stable job or mind. I wear jeans with a worn out crotch, and I just do what I do. La My eyes aren't crystal blue with cheeks you can see your panoramic reflection in. I have eyes that won't decide what colour they are and a lip piercing which makes me look all menacing to pensioners and other innocent civilians. I've drawn faces on all my toes and named them. I don't have deep, interesting origins and speak different languages. Actually, I'm welsh and I speak in riddles. I do strange things to myself in bizarre places just to have a funny surprise the next time I happen upon it. I have been known to sing at ants (who incidentally appeared to enjoy the performance), and I regularly argue with inanimate objects (they always start it). I started on a shoe rack today. I have countless publicised unflattering images of myself, I wouldn't know where to start, ('unflattering' doesn't even cover it). I have myowmatule as well. And I have my own style, it's called I'llpunchyouinthejawifyoulookatmeforlongerthan5seconds. I have inherited many bizarre genes, one of my favourite being that I have effortlessly hairless legs. So deal with that. I can sing. And I'm funny. Shut up Mum yes I am. I'm not a perfect porcelain doll. I dont know about you but they frighten the s**t out of me. I'm something you can't buy in shops, like one of those 24cd collections of country music on those adverts that go on for days, £19.95 and if you order now they send you 8 more and an ironing board cover for free. I may not be everything, But I'm everything else. I may not be an 'English rose' But I am me, even if I don't know what that is yet or what it means for the world, but the sheer insanity that I'm here at all means something, and what that is we don't yet know, but that's my favourite thing about life- no one ever knows what's going to happen. No amount of money, beauty, fame or intelligence can predict or alter its certainty. So I'll be me until then. © 2012 jbop |
2 Reviews Added on December 5, 2012 Last Updated on December 5, 2012 |