What a wonderful day this will be

What a wonderful day this will be

A Story by Jeff Boothe

As one would expect life can end quite abruptly. One day you just die. You wake up one day and say ‘what a wonderful day this will be’ not knowing that it will not be wonderful at all.


“What a wonderful day this will be.’ George said aloud to no one. He lived alone. He had no pets. He often talked to no one. He rolled out of bed, freshened up in the bathroom, got dressed and left his studio apartment on the upper east side of town.


Normally he would hail a taxi to get to work but today he decided to walk. It was only twenty or so blocks and he needed the exercise. The sun was bright and warm even though it was only April. The wind was light, adding just the right amount of coolness. The streets were almost empty. Looking at his watch, he found he was running very early. He would have time to stop for a bite to eat on the way.


Entering the next bistro along his meandering stroll to the office, he greeted the smiling waiter with a big grin of his own. She motioned for him to seat himself and he did. He hardly ever had time for a sit down meal, especially breakfast. He had over an hour to kill so he would enjoy this particular breakfast. Who knew when he would have the chance again? He ordered and lingered on every bite, savoring the nuances of the eggs, flapjacks, sausage and coffee.


As he finished he watched the rushing people coming and going, getting double half-caff something or another. They all seemed so rushed, so angry. They were missing so much. If only they would slow down.  At that moment, he noticed her. She was tall, but not too tall, certainly not taller than his 5 foot nine frame. She did not walk in, she sauntered. He loved watching people sauntering, especially women. She looked at him and displayed a warm smile, almost as if she knew him. He stood smiling and offering the chair across the table without saying a single word. He was not very good with women, especially pretty women. To his surprise, she accepted.


“Hi. I’m Agatha but please call me Agi. You?, she said melodically.


“Hey Agi, I’m George.” He replied. “I just finished but am in no particular hurry. If you don’t mind the comp’ny?”


“Not at all, hate to eat alone.”


George motioned for the waitress and Agi ordered. Small talk ensued until her food came. Then George just kept talking.


“I’m in advertising. I work uptown. Figured I’d walk today. It being so nice.” She nodded. “Meeting you here is like a bonus.”


“I always come in this bistro. Always eat alone; though I hate eating alone. I think I said that already.” She snickered.


“I never walk. Always take a cab. Seem to be running late all the time. Not this morning though. I woke early. It was beautiful out. I decided to walk. Take time to take in all of the beauty I never see.” He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to indicate her.  She blushed.  


“Awe, you’re sweet. And not so bad yourself.


‘I work uptown too and always walk. Go together?’ She said while simultaneously standing and opening her purse. George raised his hand to indicate he would get the check.  He did and they left.


Life was carefree and fun. George did not have a care in the world. He was walking to work with a beautiful woman chatting about whatever. 


“Not married? I peaked at your ‘I do’ finger at the bistro.’ Agi asked.


“Nope. Have yet to find that special someone. How ‘bout you? I too am guilty of stealing a glance at your left digits.” He replied.


“Once. Didn’t last. Cheater.” She stated very calmly.


“On you? Hard to believe.” He was being honest too. Though she was not a model, she was beautiful, to him at least. Shoulder length auburn hair, fair skin, and great build. Why would anyone cheat on her.


“I know huh? I take care of myself and I know I don’t look too bad and I can cook too.” She winked and smiled at George. He could tell she was not boasting about her looks, just acknowledging. They talked for several more blocks before they were at her building.


“This is me.” Agi reached into her purse, pulled out a business card, and wrote her home number on the back.  “Call me later. We can see where this is going.”


He smile, nodded and began to say he would when she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. This time he blushed.


“Nothing could keep me from calling you.” She smiled, turned and entered the building. He turned and continued down the block smiling all the way to the corner.


“What a wonderful day this will be…” Just as the words came from his mouth, a runaway cab hopped the curb. He did not see it coming. He did not here it. He did not feel it pin him to the brick building. His last thoughts were of her. His last feelings were bliss, hope and love.

© 2013 Jeff Boothe

Author's Note

Jeff Boothe
Updated 1/3/2012.. slightly

My Review

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I agree with Sam, didn't see the end coming, just like poor old George, it was fast paced and lively. Held my attention till the end.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

Poor George--I guess it just wasn't his day. The great hand of God, fate, or whoever does indeed do surprising things sometimes. I saw a couple of typos, but overall, a fine piece of writing.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on September 10, 2010
Last Updated on January 18, 2013
Previous Versions


Jeff Boothe
Jeff Boothe

Fort Worth, TX

I tend to write quickly. My mind grasping at an idea and my fingers getting it out as fast as they can. I write what comes to mind, as it comes to mind, start to finish. I don't poke around at the ed.. more..


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