![]() The Blind DateA Stage Play by Janine Boiselle![]() A vulgar, but humorous play I wrote about a man named Scott stuck on a blind date with a very peppy girl. To help him in the situation are the Angel and Devil on his shoulder. Enjoy!![]() Cast: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott- An average cubical desk worker; simple person, overall boring, but has a lot of internal thoughts. He is stuck on a blind date with Brittany. Brittany- A peppy, young woman who can talk for hours; wacky, loud, and childish. Angel- Scott’s
imaginary positive/good figure Devil- Scott’s imaginary
negative/bad figure Whitney- Waitress for Scott and Brittany’s table; extremely attractive and flirtatious, she is the
antithesis of her sister, Brittany. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Scene
begins in a small, local restaurant during the evening. Scott is sitting at a
table for two by himself anxiously looking out a window and checking the time
on his phone multiple times.) Scott: Ugh, I can’t
believe I agreed to this. Why do I always go along with the stupidest ideas? (Angel
appears behind Scott’s right shoulder) Angel: Lighten up, Scott!
Blind dates may have a stigma, but you never know what could happen. I’m sure a
lovely, young woman will be strutting her way into this restaurant any minute
now. (Devil
appears behind Scott’s left shoulder) Devil: Psh, don’t
listen to that idiot! Blind dates have a bad stigma because they are what they
are: a waste of time and money topped with big ol’ pile of awkward tension. Angel: (Turns to Devil) Oh come on; they’re not that
bad. Devil: You should get outta here
now while you have the chance. Scott: But what if I
run into her on the way out? Devil: Do you know
what the word blind means? The b***h doesn't know you! Scott: This restaurant isn't really big. I’m sure anyone with common sense would notice if I was
ditching her. Angel: Scott you need
to relax. You can’t knock something you've never tried. Come on, just give it a
chance. What have ya got to lose? Scott: Oh you know: my
time, my money, my confidence. Devil: That’s my boy! Angel: (Points
finger at Devil) You shut up, (Points to Scott), and you, stop being so ridiculous. You can’t
lose confidence if you never had any to begin with. Scott: Hey! I thought you were supposed to be
nice!? Angel: Spare me the bullshit; you need to hear
the truth. Devil: Whoa Scott, when did you hire Dr. Phil
to hang out on your shoulder? Angel: (Turns
to Devil) Can you not?! (Rolls eyes
and turns back to Scott) If you want to be a baby for the rest of your life,
go ahead and leave. But don’t come crying to me when you’re single, lonely, and
haven’t gotten laid in months by someone who isn't from a Red Light District. Devil: Who the hell made you an Angel?! Scott: Alright, alright, I’ll stay. Angel: Good. Cause I think that might be your
girl now. (Brittany enters restaurant, looks around the room) Devil: (Makes
a vomiting sound) Damn Scott! If that’s
your girl, you’re fucked my friend. Scott: (Ducks
head down and covers face) I hate my life. Angel: You guys are way too picky! She’s not
that bad; ugh, both of you are so over dramatic. Devil: You clearly have no taste in women. Angel: You
clearly are a prick. Devil: Why else would I have horns on top of
my f****n head? Scott: Will you two shut up?! I think she’s
coming over here. Devil: You’re the only one that can hear us, dumb a*s! (Brittany walks over to Scott’s table, and he stands
to introduce himself) Scott: Are you Brittany? Brittany: I am! You must be Scott! It’s so nice
to meet you! (Brittany grabs Scott’s hand
and shakes vigorously) Devil: Would ya look at that? First 10 seconds
of meeting her and she’s already crazy. Angel: You’re a dick. Scott: Yup. I’m Scott. Brittany: I. Am. So. EXCITED! I've never been on
a blind date before; this is fun already! This restaurant is sooooo cute. Here
let’s sit down and get to know each other. (Waitress comes over) Whitney: Good evening, folks. My name is Whitney and--- Scott: Wait (Scott points to Brittany), I thought you were Whitney. Whitney: Oh no sweetie, that’s--- Brittany: Brittany! I’m
Brittany! Scott: Oh…okay. Whitney: (Clears
throat) Would the two of you care to start off with some drinks? Brittany: I will have a Shirley Temple with EXTRA
cherries! Whitney: A creature of habit (Writes on notepad) And for you sir? Angel: Keep it simple; just get a soda or
something. Devil: Or some absinthe. (Rolls eyes) Scott: Jack and Coke on the rocks. Whitney: Excellent. I’ll get those right away (Waitress exits) Angel: Or you can just not listen to me. Scott: What? There’s soda in my drink. Devil: Just you watch, ladies; booze is gonna
be the MVP tonight. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the waitress came back
sloshed. Scott: So…uh… what do you do for a living? Brittany: I’m a professional mime! Scott: A mime? Brittany: Yeah, you know! (Starts acting like she is stuck in a box) Devil: (Bursts
into laughter) I think I’m gonna piss myself! Angel: (Turns to Devil) What!? Mimes are…cool! Devil: I’m pretty sure Angels aren't supposed to liiiiie. Brittany: What about
you?! Scott: I work for a
publishing company. Brittany: Oh my gosh, I
LOOOOOVVVVEEEE books! Do you get to read books all day?! I bet you do! Scott: Well, they’re not exactly books yet--- (Waitress shows up with drinks) Whitney: Alright, you folks ready to order? Devil: Scott, what are ya doin’ with your
life? This waitress is smokin’! If you don’t get her number, I will! Angel: Oh please, you couldn't even get
Brittany’s number! Devil: Says the virgin! Angel: I have you know; I need both of my
hands to keep track of how many times I've taken another angel’s halo. So you
can piss off, fireball. Brittany: Oh sugar plums! Scott and I here got so
excited that we didn't even get a chance to look at the menu! Whitney: I’m sure you could help him with the menu Brit"(Brittany kicks Whitney in the shin) BRECAUSE. Because teamwork is important! ...Or I can give both of you more time? Scott: Yes, pleas--- Brittany: Oh no, that won’t be necessary. Let’s
get Scott over here a nice 12 oz. sirloin with the mashed potatoes. You like
meat there, Scotty? Scott: Sure. Whitney: And how would you like that cooked? Scott: (puts
one hand up to pause Brittany from answering, then uses his other hand to take
a swig of his drink) Well done. Devil: There ya go; knock it back buddy. Whitney: (Writes
on notepad) Okay, and for you? Brittany: I’m gonna go with the kid’s pasta with
extra sauce. Such a baby stomach! (Starts
to rub her stomach as if she was pregnant) Whitney: Very well, I’ll put those orders in for
you now. (Whitney winks at Scott as she exits the scene.
Brittany begins to babble away again while Scott pretends to listen) Scott: Did the waitress just wink at me? Devil: HA! She did not. That was definitely
for me. Angel: You two are animals. Devil: Hell yeah we are, right Scott!? (Punches Scott in the shoulder) This
wild animal (points to himself) knows
what’s up: Brittany is insane! Angel: You guys didn't even give her a chance!
Maybe she talks a lot when she’s nervous. Scott: I don’t know how much longer I can take
this. I mean look at her: she looks like a circus act, oh wait no I forgot
she’s a f*****g MIME. And she’s talking like she just drank a full prescription
Aderall! I can’t even imagine how the rest of the night is gonna go, and at
this rate, I’m sure as hell not about to sit here and find out (turns to Devil) How do I get myself out
of this? Angel: No, no Scott, you’re not ditching this
poor girl. Scott: (Turns
to Angel) F**k that, man! She’s probably got a set of wedding rings in her
purse. (Turns back to Devil)
Seriously though, how are we gonna get out of here? Angel: Neh, neh, neh, neh, no! This is not
happening. Team meeting. Bathroom. NOW. (Scott gets out of his chair) Scott: Oh wow… (holds stomach, excuse
me Brittany. (Scott frantically speed walks away. As he enters
the bathroom, Whitney enters and is at the table with Brittany. While the two
girls talk, Scott is pacing around the bathroom trying to think of a plan) Whitney: Since when did I tell you that you can
borrow that shirt!? Brittany: You technically didn't, but I found it at mom's place. Whitney: Well you better not get spaghetti sauce
on it! (Girls continue to babble about the shirt, meanwhile
Scott and his accomplices argue in the bathroom) Scott: We’re fucked. We’re so fucked! Devil: What are you talking about? You’re the one who’s fucked. Angel: ENOUGH! (Scott and the Devil freeze, and then slowly turn their heads to the
Angel) Scott, you wouldn't be in this mess if you just gave the girl a
f*****g chance. And you! (Turns to Devil)
I could write a whole f****n' book about how much I don’t like you! So you
better shut your f****n' mouth before I punch your teeth in. Devil: (Looks
up in the air) Hey, God, are you hearing this right now? Scott: Alright, look! (turns to Angel) I’m sorry, man, but I just can’t sit back and let
this disaster get any worse (Turns to
Devil) so what’s the plan, hot shot? Devil: Pretend to be sick. Classic move, but
it’ll get the job done. Angel: Stupidity in the making. (As the three continue to argue about what to do,
the girls have stopped worrying about Whitney’s shirt and are talking about
Scott) Whitney: So what do you think of office drone? Brittany: Whitney, that’s not nice. Scott seems
like a wonderful man! Whitney: Sis, I don’t mean to bring you down…
you know I don’t, but I don’t think he’s interested in you. And I’m telling you
this because I care about your happiness. Brittany: You’re being ridiculous; he tots likes
me! (Brittany flips her hair with her
hand) And I saw you wink at him earlier. I bet you just want Scott for
yourself! Whitney: Brittany, it’s not like that, I just wanted to get some hints from him to make sure he isn't" (The bathroom door opens and out comes Scott) Brittany: (Whispers)
S**t, he’s back! No more talky! Go, go, go! (Scott walks back over to the table, but he is
hunched over holding his stomach) Scott: Oh man, Brittany. Brittany: Are you okay, pumpkin? Scott: I think I have a stomach bug. Brittany: Oh sweetie! Let me look in my purse for
some drugs. Hold on (begins to dig
through purse) Scott: (Holds
up hand in stopping motion) Oh no, that’s okay. I might have to go home, Brittany,
I’m sorry. I just feel really nauseous and Brittany: But, but you were just fine a minute
ago! Scott: Ah I think it’s the booze that did it; shouldn't have gotten a drink. Brittany: But you've only taken a few sips--- wait a minute… I know what you’re doing. Scott: I don’t know what you’re talking about Brittany;
I really don’t feel good (begins to gag
like he is about to throw up) Oh man, I think something’s comin' up! Brittany: (Stands
up) She was right about you… you’re pretending! Scott: I don’t know what--- Brittany: Don’t “I don’t know” me! I know exactly
what you’re doing. Pretending you’re sick just to try and get yourself out of
our date! Scott: (Chuckles) Well, I mean my stomach does really--- Brittany: (Slaps Scott across the face) What was that, Scott? Your stomach really hurts? Because I think I just hit your face! Devil: (Bursts into laughter) Aw, s**t, this is
awesome! Scott: But I--- Brittany: But what?! I've been nothing been nice to you since I walked into this restaurant. You’re a
MEANY! And do you know what THAT means?! Scott: Brittany,
please stop yelling. People are starring… Brittany: You’re in SOOOO
much trouble! (Brittany exits restaurant) Devil: Mission
complete! Angel: What are you talking
about? That was a total failure! Scott: I’m puttin’
this as a win in my book. She didn't even slap me that hard. (Waitress
enters) Whitney: What’s going on
out here? Where’s your date? Scott: (Sighs in relief) Damn man, you missed
it. She ran out the door. Thank God. I wasn't sure how much longer I could have
pretended that she wasn't psychotic. Absolutely awful night… Whitney: (Flirtatious tone) That’s too bad…maybe
I can make it better? (Seductively bites
her bottom lip) Scott: Your place or
mine sweetie? (He eyes her up and down) Hell,
if you’re the kinky type, (points behind
him) that bathroom back there locks from the inside. Oh and don’t worry, I didn't really puke. (he smirks) Whitney: Oooo,
adventurous! But before we get outta here, let me give you the bill. (Punches Scott in the eye) The tab comes
to a grand total of, “You’re a f****n' dickhead!” We charge extra for scumbags
who mistreat my little sister! (Scott leans against table) Scott: Aw s**t. Whitney: Aw s**t is
right! (Whitney begins to exit) ….f****n' a*****e….. Devil: Don’t worry
Scott. If it makes you feel any better, watching all of this happen is much
more painful than getting a punch to the face. Angel: Well, it looks
like you’re really gonna be going on
blind dates from now on huh? Devil: Step aside,boys, let the real lady's man show you how it's done next time. Scott: Next time?! (End
scene) © 2014 Janine BoiselleAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on December 26, 2014 Last Updated on December 28, 2014 Tags: blind date, funny, good angel, bad angel AuthorJanine BoiselleWaterford, CTAboutHey guys! Name's Janine. I used to be apart of an online writing site back when I was younger, and I don't know why I ever stopped. I'm trying to get myself to write more because it's one of my bi.. more..Writing