I watch the girl sit on her bed,
She looks alone,
I see something in her hand
If only I could get close enough.
She lifts the object into the air,
I see a tear roll down her cheek,
She has done this before,
"maybe", she thinks.
"This can be the last time",
I watch her as she lowers the glowing blade,
She presses it into her skin,
She makes no attempt at swiping it.
She presses and presses,
I see a fine red line appear before my eyes,
I want to yell at her to stop,
I can not find my voice.
She moves the knife away,
Looks at it,
Suddenly she swipes her wrists,
The blood is flowing now.
Spilling onto the floor like a red sea of death,
She throws the knife,
It lands on her floor,
She gets up,
I can no longer see her.
I frantically search for her,
I want to help!
Oh thank god,
She sits down and I can see her again.
The tears are steadily flowing now,
I want to comfort her,
I reach out my hand,
I touch nothing but my reflection in the mirror.