![]() The DamnedA Story by TDash![]() Short story![]() As the suns hit the horizon an amazing display of colors breathes life into the sky, but where there was once amazement at this, now only held panic, and despair. White lab coats flapped as men run from computer to computer, entering calculations. Muffled explosions and gun fire could be heard through the thick bulkhead doors, making the exhausted men work even faster. In the center of the room a glowing object floats above a strange device, giving off a warm energy that gives strength to the men, as if it new they were working to save it. When someone would look closely at it, it would shift forms, making it impossible to tell what it looks like. “Commander Richard”. “How close are we”? The deep rumbling voice brought attention to a large figure standing by the object. “Were at 83 percent, an hour and a half to go”, a wiry man stepped forward, trying to hide his grim despair, “sir, we have minutes, at best, before we’re overrun”. “Enter the coordinates”, he looked away from the object placing a hand on the smaller man’s shoulder, “we must send it, now”. “But, it’s not calibrated, who knows where it will end up”, he looks at the glowing object. Light fills the room, a soft, warm glow, bringing with it a calm that settles on everyone in the room. A soft breeze flows through the room, carrying a soft voice that puts everyone but the 2 men to sleep. “I will send somebody with it, to guide it to somebody who is worthy. I trust you will not let it fall into the hands of the ancients”. As the light fades the others become aware, working with a refreshed vigor. “Hector, power it up, were sending it now”. The wiry man hesitates then sits at a station. A red light surrounds the object, slowly pulsating, building power to send the ever changing object away. Muffled screams pierce the silence, the explosions sending people stumbling. Hector stands next to the large man, staring at the shifting object. “I wonder if its better this way, that we weren’t chosen, we would’ve fallen here, and all would be lost”. Hector looks longingly at the object, imagining what could’ve been. Ignoring Hector, the big man just sighs. ”We’re going to have to fight, I’m sorry”. He hands Hector a small machine gun. “Stay behind me, take out any that break through”. The rest of the scientists take up similar weapons. Only than Hector realizes that all the explosions have stopped, there’s no more screaming coming from the other side of the bulkheads. “Bring up the cameras”, a large screen lights up showing an empty hallway littered with bodies. “Their gone, but where did they go?” An explosion rips through the bulkheads, sending people flying across the lab. Soldiers come rushing in, only to be cut down by the large man, who managed to stay standing through the explosion. Other scientists recovering from shock grab random weapons and start shooting, “Hector, launch the capsule, we can hold them off”, with that he lets off another burst of shots, laying down another group of soldiers, snapping Hector out of his shock. He takes off running towards the center console, tripping over some rubble halfway there sending a sharp pain up his leg, letting out a scream that rings out over the gun fire. Looking down he can see the jagged end of a bone sticking out of his leg. Gritting his teeth he drags himself to the center console, leaving a trail of blood, painting a line of red across the floor. He punches the button, sending the red light into a cacophony of flashes, blinding any soldiers facing it. “Stop him” a man yells over the gun fire. Bullets pepper the ground around him sending up dust. Several find their mark, burying themselves into his chest. Hector lets out a scream, falling onto his back. As the gun fire tapers to a stop, all the scientists having run out of ammo, a low, pulsating rumble fills the lab, quickly building speed and intensity. A figure rushes across the room, and dives at the pulsing machine. When he hits the red field, he flashes, and disappears, leaving only a blood curdling scream. As the pulsing intensifies to the point of cracking the foundation, sending people stumbling, a large figure walks across the carnage, unaffected by the quaking floor. Half way to the machine he is tackled by another large figure, sending them both flying. Richard shakily stands, blood oozing from a hole in his shoulder. The other man is already on his feet, and attacks Richard with one devastating blow after another. Within seconds Richard is on his back, barely breathing. Standing above him, the man smiles and continues to the crimson field. He just stands there, staring into the light. Slowly he starts emitting darkness, like he’s absorbing all the light around him. As he disappears into a veil of darkness, Richard groans, the red light flickering as he gains consciousness again. He roles onto his stomach, and slowly rise to his knees, grunting with the effort. The darkness spreads, encircling the light, constricting around it. As the darkness constricts more Richards collapses again, screaming. The pulsing suddenly stops, sending out an explosion of energy, dissipating the darkness and sending the figure inside flying across the room. Richards screaming stops, as he roles onto his side a laugh escapes his lips. Before anyone knows what’s happened someone kicks Richard, sending him flying, hitting the wall with a sickening thud. “Where is it, where have you sent it”? The large man asks, the hate in his voice sending shivers down everyone’s spine. Richard stands, his leg twisted at an unnatural angle, a smile spreading across his face. “It hurts doesn't it, knowing you've failed”, Richard takes step forward wincing as he steps on his broken leg. Before anyone can blink, the man slams Richard into the wall by the neck, sending cracks spider webbing out around him. Richard looks the man in the eye, staring down the most dangerous man in the universe. © 2016 TDash |
3 Reviews Added on May 17, 2016 Last Updated on May 17, 2016 |