"A cry for help: The memoirs of J. Roman Vega".

"A cry for help: The memoirs of J. Roman Vega".

A Story by J. Roman Vega

Non fiction.

Second email to CDC (CDC website):
Re: Malicious conduct; Behavior disorders.
Can you help me? I am periodically assaulted physically by black people who harrass me to entrap me to steal my identity for the police. Last time I got my arm broken in residencial Vista Hermosa San Juan PR, December 8, 2016. I was hospitalized December 10, 2010. Before that I was attacked on Martin Luther King day 2015 at the hub train station of the MTA in 149st-3rd Ave, Bronx NY.
Presently my San Juan PR community does not take affirmative action about apprehending black men and women who go throughout the community asking people to remain silent while I'm attacked. I am in great fear and grave danger as the hostile known as my community does everything to ensure that I don't overcome diplomatically as I am the only honest individual in all my endeavors.

One text message to the FBI (Field office 787 766 5656):
Tengo razon para creer que estoy siendo discriminado. Todos los dias cuando miro por mi ventana yo noto que la guagua 17 de AMA viene en ambos lados cada hora presisamente a la hora (:07 y :45) pero cuando yo espero la guagua 17 de AMA, la guagua 17 de AMA no viene a la parada o toma dos o tres horas en llegar, como en este momento que nesesito llegar a mi mas resiente patron. Estoy reportando esta situasion porque me causa dolor y sufrimiento y siento que es sabotage porque ruina mi iternireario (agenda).

Tweet to @FBI, February 6, 2021:
My name is Jose Roman. The president and everyone in the media mention me. That's why I have reason to believe everyone except me is receiving thousands of dollars in stimulus pay.

March 5, 2021
At aproximately 4:24pm on CIA Facebook page and FBI Facebook page:
A car playing regeton music just passed saying that someone robs my bank account. There has also been claims of the bank handing a perpetrator the money that I earned from unemployment.

I suspect an inside job. The department of labor website keeps letting me claim regularly but I don't receive the funds, there is also a so called "issue 55" the matter with my case that i reported and is not being tended to, despite me being attended by the departament of labor customer service. The banks are known to make funds quickly disappear from my balance and not document it on my bank statement. At the banks, State buildings (such as departament of labor, and etc.) Security guards (behaving as a syndicate) hostily deny me access, and stalk me at every public place (sometimes in plain clothes) to harass me by urging the community to "withhold my unemployment benefit earnings and give it to" them "so" their "day will go better" (I worked five years full-time for part time pay). I also identify a female thst looks like a Fajardo, PR, D.M.V. intelligent, as the same profile of the person who denied me car registraron, and económic impact relief in unemployment benefits.

I just received inteligence saying: "It's Nas".........minutes later: "There's a sign to cover up the matter, and police see it".
(This type of behavior indicates that I need polítical asylum from the Presidents, since them and VIP's like them and rapper "Nas" are always harrasing me with audio sources that I can't block while at the same time aiding and urging histile society.
Amnesty international group on Facebook:

Examples like these in NBC New York is how the media gets away with intelligently aiding and urging malicious messages. We need to end mental illness among so called professionals until they demonstrate a profile of somebody who can always speak on the record because they of course deny it making them symptomatic of skizafrenia. When the law is broken like malicious conduct and or slander, and the offended gets no compensation or even any documented criminal or civil justice, this is a form of political imprsonement, because the law is not being enforced against the offender or for the offended despite my complaints to every authority including federal court like Roman vs fox5 2004/2005, new York southern district. NBC 9:02-9:03am reporters kept suspiciously saying "no" (an anonymous source that moment in their nat sound said it is in reference to making sure my bank account doesn't recover)
NBC 9:55-9:56am right before commercial break said "Jose".
NBC 4:51-4:52pm reporter said "sorry for your perseverance Jose it's over".

ABC news 5:19-5:20pm Lee Goldberg said " San Juan sent somebody to say make sure he doesn't get a thing".
April 7, 2021. 8:19am-8:20am
An anonymous source said anytime Jenna Bush gets involved, my bank account gets "nada".
April 8, 2021 NYC NBC
The sociopaths are at it still, they can't stop harassing me.
8:32am-8:33am weatherman said comment about Al Roker abusing me "Al Roker can't keep dissing Jose".
8:40am reporter said "keep lying Jose"
(a consumer reporter intelligently spoke conveying malicious messages during the same program that I was mentioned more than once. This is the kind of profile that needs psychiatric treatment and must not be allowed to be a tv personality for their relentless slander that they skizofrenicly deny, it hurts my success and my good name, and that's away that they politically imprison me, keeping me from defeating poverty and then getting away with civil injustice. 8:47am "homeless "
8:48am "Sweet treat" , "host mob")
8:55pm Carson Daly out of context said negative comment "no, power for the people".
(NYC NBC 9:05pm "Juan will still be working" Asian reporter intelligently mentions name of Mexican that could possibly be stealing my identity).
9:25am personality says "homeless" it's the fifth time the word is mentioned in the previous hour, out of context and intelligently. This is hostility.
9:41am-9:42am NYC NBC discussing "Jose" and "brutal". I am not in the public eye, they are just targeting me by intelligently aiding and urging messages about me to millions of viewers.
11:04am-11:05pm San Juan PR "Allegra" radio fm, taking part in aiding and urging hostility just like the NYC NBC reporters, comentated "rest in nope".
5:56pm ABC NYC reporter harasses me by telling millions of viewers "Jose Roman gets evicted"
6:21pm ABC San Juan PR reporter said "when Jose's not around a woman says f**k me and that's the way they give back for stealing from Jose Roman".
Amnesty international group Facebook:
April 8, 2021

Estoy en el tribunal de San Juan en hato rey en la seccion de discutir tickets. Una empleada acuso una clienta de tratar de robarme y ahora entro un hombre negro declarando que "se lo han robado". Soy José Aníbal Román Vega.
Residencial Vista Hermosa, edificio 12, apartamento 155. San Juan, PR.

The court clerk also claimed the police wanted her to do something illegal about my ticket so that I can't find a good job. Others claim that my court appearance can expose someone who withdrew a large amount from my bank account.

April 9, 2021, 11:35am-11:36am.
NYC NBC personalities were discussing using the sex trade to justify themselves in their case against me.
I believe they mentioned the words "cost of a porn" and "loving to have sex" "except when in reference to José".
(to make up for their faults, like stealing my identity/money benefits/and politically imprisoning me through discrimination and intelligently conspiring to traffic me in society by steering the course of my agenda insuring someone else asssumes my identity, what they call faking my identity).
Amnesty international group Facebook:
April 7, 2021

I had to complain about someone harassing and stalking me.
Intelligence started saying that the offender is doing it for celebrity Drake/Dre. I could not identify.
The said person informed people to make a payment, which then someone else who is intelligent said that Manhattan can not continue to pay.
Another intelligent source said that the illegal imigrant who is offending me has been stealing alot of money ever since I went to Miami last July. I have a problem with the community of cleptomaniacs stealing my identity in cooperation with a foreigner, and they are able to steal my i.d., my wages, my unemployment pay and any other benefit that they can stalk and harass me for.
What's sad is that this is a form of transparent political imprsonement because I don't know any criminal who doesn't get caught for quietly approaching banks and state agencies one by one by the masses to simply request to steal everything entitled to me and having their wishes granted that easily, despite my countless efforts to grieve to the police, fbi, cia, and federal court. This is indeed a form of political imprsonement to prevent me from gaining, or defeating poverty, or even having a functioning vehicle. Every politician, law enforcement, and reporter is intelligent on the situation as soon as I approach them or turn on the radio or television set. Everyone in the community and government is in on the crime and I don't get constitutional justice, or a fair and speedy trial. Lawyers won't help me and society makes sure I can't afford it.
Facebook: Amnesty International Group Page.

One of the things I've been suffering from since I've been living in Residencial Vista Hermosa in San Juan PR is what I can only call paranormal abuse. I've complained about harrasment/unconsentual talk via environmental audio sources. My complaints have been to the PD, FBI, and CIA. What it is, is something all with the personality disorder I realize politically socially imprison me deny, and can probably only be investigated by paranormal experts unless an expert in audio technology/engineering comes forward and can detect it. It's random messages that are produced from either thin air/(sound thrown) or camouflaged in any sound that's randomly produced (also like a sound thrower), other times the messages that always feel hostile no matter what context it may sound like due to their unconsentual nature, appear to sound like hidden microphone/speakers.
There's this one particular person I've reported to the authorities for what I referred to as torturing, for harassing me with more than twenty hostile messages a day on average, that come at times like the shower, or masturbating (what I compared to the Attica riot case), or when I'm enjoying my piece and quiet. The person who is commiting these offenses against me identifies herself as the project manager of Residencial Vista Hermosa San Juan PR, and she tells me she goes by the name of Ms. De Lourdes/Maria De Lourdes. She without relent unconsentually speaks to me twenty plus times a day to tease, mock, threaten, intimidate, and insult me. She mostly harasses me in my living quarters, but one time her audio reached me and harassed me while I was a way at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Miami, by the airport. She can also harrass me with audio on the San Juan PR streets. If you ever get to meet her you'll find her to be in my opinion, cold, calculated, calice, audacious, deceptive no less, spoiled, powerful (commanding a considerable force of civilians, criminalistic individuals, and white collar accomplices), highly corrupt, sedated sounding perhaps even a little sedated looking, besides her obvious pro characteristics. When she harasses me she makes me feel raped, and she also makes me feel like she's a fatal attraction, making me feel powerless and helpless because all my said and done efforts haven't prevented her from abusing me, and it's been going on for a year or two. She's also said to corrupt my bank account and steal my finances.

Yes, I'm constantly tormented, the only explanation is that I'm a victim of some type of social political imprsonement where the bondage that causes me physical and mental pain and suffering are that I receive no justice for offenses like harrasment so constant it can be considered brainwashing to the point that they make you afraid to dress how you want and buy the foods you want, and I receive no justice for my complaints about identity theft, and confirmed stealth/intangible energy weapon mediums that disable me from time to time. If you did not notice, poverty is improsenment and an unequal state to those who receive and strive off of money benefits, social acceptance, and are allowed to steal anothers money and benefits for not being socially accepted.
President Joe Biden, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Facebook pages May 6, 2021:

Dear Mr. President, My five year career ended due to Covid-19. Now I'm unemployed and I should be receiving the unemployment benefits you aproved, but the state is stealing my money. They don't work my case or respond to my submitted documents. They don't answer the phone when I call, and they hang up on me without giving me the chance to be interviewed. I am not receiving equal opportunity relief and no one knows how to help me claim my fourteen hundred dollar stimulus check.
I live in Puerto Rico public housing and the staff also enjoys white collar crimes against me.
I'm poor, alone, and abused. I need your help to get fair and speedy treatment. I'm underprivelaged and have always had low income. Right now I have no income. I'm the only honest person I know. Can you please help me?

The banks treat me like I'm their victim in identity theft and human traffic. I have reason to believe that they swindle from my account.
President Joe Biden's Facebook page, May 23, 2021:

Please excuse my hypothesis Secretary Buttigieg, you mentioned unión jobs. That's like private jobs. Unions áre exclusive because they discriminate. Often being controlled by italian or irish syndicates who pride in escaping into the pride of marriage, then call guys like me a bum. Unión dues áre like bribes and kickbacks. Why can't every job be insured? Unions áre too competitive to enter, and the waiting list is too long. I'm tired of corrupton and discrimination. Every single job in América should be great paying and permanent. The truth is that it's evident that by the way employees harrass, rob you, steal your identity and terminate you to create unemployment and homelessness that: jobs áre skizofrenic harrassment, and a split personality dilussion. The workforce should be abolished. Who ever is powerful enough to cease the earth should share what it produces. Discrimination is self evident, there should be no excuse for unemployment, homeless, or poverty. All should have a surplus of cash to live in luxury.

P.S.: I worked at a job for five years until covid-19. There was a unión at work, I wasn't in it. That's unequal. Now there stealing my identity, and the state who áre all unión workers, is viciously stealing my unemployment benefits by not servicing me when I apply for the extensión I deserve, denying me. All because unions don't want to see me have money.

I suffer because the government doesn't fight crime. It doesn't enforce the laws. The government pretends to be superunintelligent, and the government is a panzi scheme that leaves honest, experienced people like me in a state of underprivilage.
June 13, 2021 on President Joe Biden's Facebook page (and on "House speaker Nancy Pelosi"
Facebook page June 10, 2021 post about what the equal oportunity pay act began).

Ms. Pelosi, did you know that women get above equal oportunity for stealing my benefits and wages and treating me cruel and unussual in business places. They proudly mention that they get their above equal leniency by donating sex and kickback money that they call "high love". Then they get above equal oportunity leniency for publicly ordering me to be assaulted and evicted, and preventing I get a fair court process. It brings tears to my eyes over and over again, and everyday proves to be that the women syndicate do not provide equal oportunity hope for me, leading me to not be a home owner, be married, or make below low income, by women rushing to my scene and receiving above equal oportunity intelligence leniency for calling me a bum undeservedly and having me unconstitutionally denied over and over and over again over marriage, sex, fraternal, gender, and race discrimination. I promise I am telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God, because I've informed every authority.

I dream of the day when one person matters because in the free world, justice is the only democratic question.

Message to "Federal Trade Commission" on June 8, 2021.

2020 I applied for unemployment then I sought Departamento de Trabajo offices. I pled with hostile security to see staff who sent me around to their locations, saying "go there". I brokedown to plee grieving and staff saw my case. Seeing no one processed my case, they instantly processed it saying I'll receive thousands of dollars. Weeks later I followed up on my case the same way. Staff said I expired my pandemic relief 10 weeks/$600 a week. My community voiced that my peers and staff began stealing it because I flew to Miami FL, resulting in the Embassy Hotel and the car I bought to cause nontransparent fees at "Banco Popular". At "Banco Oriental" I attempted to open an account but got denied after being treated like I applied for credit. September 2020 my 26 weeks of benefits expire. I sought staff. They didn't process my case at that moment and said I should schedule an appointment on turnospr.com, which was flawed at the moment not being able to make the appointment. While the office staff by then treated me hostile, security was pimarily hostile in making it what I felt was 'biasly' imposible to speak to staff. I didn't receive a fair/speedy extension that day due to staff not processing it instantly. I then got a job not earning enough to fix my car, resulting in me losing a delivery job for "RonPon" December 18, 2020. Januaruy 2020 Departamento de Trabajo website offered extensions. It had an apparent flaw not allowing me to graphically claim 2 or 3 of the 12 weeks, replying I only qualify for 2 weeks pay since a transition October 10 2020 and that I should consult with staff. Seeking staff after being treated hostile by security, I got staff's attention who said my application has a technical error. They sent me to another location where staff asked for my social security & phone numbers telling me someone will contact me. They called me minutes later telling me what to submit in email, but never replied to my email. Later turnospr.com functioned and I scheduled the soonest available phone interview April 28, 2021, 1pm. On April 28, 2021 I received a call at 9am while showering. I returned the call, and was received by one who replied "I'll transfer your call", transferring me various times only for one to hang up on me or not answer. January 2021 I claimed weeks from September 26, 2020 to aproximately March 6, 2020 from which I only received September 26, 2020-October 10, 2020 without pandemic relief included and with a decision pending since complying with submitting documents after the claim January 2021. Since then I didn't receive all the benefits I deserve, or a reply about resolving application errors. I received mail at times looking typograhically flawed. My community voiced about mailmen commiting theft/fraud, and that my peers and residencial vista hermosa in San Juan PR staff, along with Departamento de Trabajo staff steal my benefits/pandemic relief with "Banco Popular", possibly "Banco Oriental". People looking like State employees and Police stalk/harrass me in public at every establishment, aiding/urging people to rob me and fail me. I'm told my identity is stolen by Blacks and Dominicans saying they're me at every employer, and who always urge people to evict me.
(2021 Facebook)
Happy 4th of July.

Ms. Pelosi,

I want to kill Ms. De Lourdes because she makes me respond to her out of Stockholm syndrome when she voyeurs and harrasses me 24 hours a day through unapparent audio/visual sources. She poses as the administrator of residencial vista hermosa in San Juan, PR, and she tells me things like that she killed my mother.
(2021 Policía de Puerto Rico Facebook page)

Quiero matar a administradora de Lourdes porque coje ventaja de mi múltiples veces por hora, disiendome cosas visiosas por audiovisual escondido en mi hogar y alrededor de mi hogar. No es consensual y lo hace las veinticuatro horas al día y cuando estoy desnudo.

Por favor ayúdenme. Ahora creo que es la madre que me está gritando de la calle como si yo la conosco, y me da ganas de matarla.

Junio 28, 2021
Residencial Vista Hermosa
San Juan PR

Hay niños sin supervisión afuera de edificio 12, y están gravemente molestandome, gritando y disiendome cosas visiosas.
Son los niños de John Gotti y el llora por medio de amplificación cuando contesto los hostagsmientos/solitcitasiones inconsensuales de ellos.
President Joe Biden's Facebook page.
August 3, 2021

San Juan, PR

Police illegally prevent me from working. The community illegally urges employers to not let me earn a hundred dollars or more.

Puerto Rico's infrastructure loves heroine.

I have a civil rights challenge similar to Rosa Parks. The bus service suspends, slows, or denies me entrance. The bus drivers sexually harrass me because they don't want me to see the female passengers or because the female passengers prostitute for the drivers exclusively. The drivers and their clients have Jim Crow attitudes. The drivers are a well known violent militant syndicate work union who coerce the community with maliciuos aiding and urging.
August 5, 2021
Aproximately 10:30am
Puerto Rican Governor and representatives photo:

María, Pedroluissi el kabron, y to esos pillos que me roban el relevo y desempleo. Pedroluissi debe ser tirrotiado ai donde se para por "hijacking" el gobierno puertorriqueño porque durante su "hearing" frente la cámara en luz de el resignamiento de Enrique Roselló, el le dijo a la gente que son por la gente para la gente "yes sir I can hit you" (televisión 2019).
August 5, 2021
Aproximadately 11:20pm
President Joe Biden's Facebook page:

Mr. President,

Is part of the infrastructure deal going to fund police presence, cameras, eticate classes, and pshyc therapy for employees of Mass transit? As non governmental departaments they are some of the most hanus agrivating stalkers and harrassers. In Miami they don't talk back enough to me, in Phoenix they've told me I'm on "death side", in San Juan PR they cease service or skip my stop, and in San Juan PR I have to be threatened with the allegations that the New York City MTA is working on stealing my identity. In Queens NY, my coworkers complained to me that the New York City MTA caused the Maspeth sector traffic jams to slow down our business. Plus the MTA needs police presence. I was violently assaulted until I bled by several men on Martín Luther King day 2015 inside the 149st-3rd ave Uptown side 2+5 train stop in Bronx NY, where the police reported to me there was no camera so i never received justice, but that's probably all in light of the New York community blackmailing me for a similar asssult I commited 23 years earlier when i was fifteen years old making no one bleed on the Downtown side 4 train between kingsbridge and moshulu stops. There are rumors that when the New York community wants me evicted or fired from work, they play the tape to the person in charge and have me kicked out immediately because I never got arrested. My infrastructure point is that the public transit authorities should of had me prosecuted with all their skilled organizational intelligence instead of being cruel and unussual and saving it for blackmail, barring me from success.

Im told that the people have fun watching the tape of me being assaulted. It could of been prevented if they weren't loitering/scalping at the turnstyle in wait to harrass me about calling 911 on loiterers in my mom's building who were loud enough to disturb my peace inside my mom's apartment.
August 18, 2021
President Joe Biden Facebook page:

Mr. President,

I'm falling under the impression that my ex coworker Juan who is reffered to as "jues"/judge, from Young Shing Trading in Queens, NY, is a Mexican mafia head who steals my identity and orders his followers to batter me.

© 2021 J. Roman Vega

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Added on November 22, 2020
Last Updated on August 19, 2021
Tags: Unsung victims.


J. Roman Vega
J. Roman Vega

San Juan, Puerto Nuevo, Puerto Rico

I'm a producer, trainer, and self-proclaimed philosopher, who is a Latino raised in New York City. My literature includes acts of abstract academia, and creative works of politically correctness. more..
