![]() RollerskatingA Chapter by Maura AnsleyDani I pulled on the rollerskates, pulling the laces as hard as I could in order to tighten them. Dylan laughed at my efforts. “Oh, shut up!” I said. I was laughing too, though. It was just that kind of day. But finally, I stood up . . . And fell back down. Both Dylan and Sam were laughing, but Sam grabbed my hand and pulled me up while Dylan fell on his back. Laughing, we pulled him up together. Long story short, we all ended up flat on our backs. But we eventually made it into the skating rink. Just then, one of my favorite songs started playing, that immediately summed up my mood.On Top of the World I sang along as loud as I could, not caring who was listening. Sam joined in with me.Then all three of us were singing. Around and around we skated and sang. I was dizzy, and out of breath, but I was happier than I had been in a long time. Just then the song ended. A new one started. Every girl but me screamed. “Ugh, I hate this song.” I told Sam. He rolled his eyes. “You would.” But before I could ask what he meant by that, he was already ahead. Oh, you're probably wondering what the song was. It was What Makes You Beautiful. Anyway, I managed to catch up to Dylan and Sam. However, the instant I caught up to them, i felt my skate catch underneath the other. Pinwheeling my arms wildly, I fell not forward, but sideways. A pair of strong arms caught me firmly, and helped me back up. It was, of course, Sam, who i had managed to fall straight into. I looked up, and our eyes met. There was concern in them, but also something foreign I couldn't identify. I felt slightly lightheaded, and couldn't look away from his eyes. Had they always been such a nice shade of brown? I felt . . . Odd. The more I looked into Sam's eyes, the farther into this strange trance I went. To this day, I still don't know what broke the spell. But I suddenly came to. I was standing up, leaning against the wall, and my ankle hurt. A lot. Dylan looked between me and Sam with an amused grin. I gritted my teeth. "Whoa, what's up with your ankle, Dani?" Dylan asked. I grinned weakly. Twin telepathy. "I think I sprained it." "No kidding. What are we going to do with you, Dani? You just cannot stop getting hurt!" "I know. I'm such a klutz." I sighed. Sam rolled his eyes. "Let’s just get that rollerskate off.” I nodded, and tried to skate. But I nearly crumpled from the pain of it.And then Sam and Dylan were carrying me. “Hey! I can skate.” “Dani, you just proved that you can’t skate in this condition.” Sam said. I sighed. “Fine . . .” Finally, they set me down on the bench where we had placed our coats. Dylan started unlacing my shoe. I gritted my teeth, trying not to cry out from the pain. Sam sat next to me. “Can you at least try to be careful from now on?” He asked. I stuck out my lower lip petulantly. “That was not my fault. Maybe, if you hadn’t been skating so fast . . .” “Well, if you weren’t so stubborn, you wouldn’t get hurt half as often as you do. How do you expect to play baseball with a sprained wrist, and a sprained ankle?” He said. I froze, all pain forgotten. I had to play baseball. If I didn’t . . . I didn’t know what would happen. “I have to play baseball.” I said. “Hey, It’s okay. You’re going to play baseball, Dani.” Sam soothed. Dylan finished getting the stupid rollerskate off my ankle. He winced. I looked down. It was swollen and purple. I took the only course of action viable. I fainted.
“Dani. Daaani.” “Dylan?” I said, groggily. “Yup. Wake up. We’re at home.” I opened my eyes. Dylan and mom were standing in front of me. I was on the couch. “Wow. I have to stop doing this . . .” I groaned. Wait. Sam wasn’t there. “Where’s Sam?” I asked. Dylan averted his eyes. “He left, after mom told us . . .” “Told you what?” “We’re moving.” Dylan After Dani fainted, I groaned. “Great. We’ve gotta get her home.” He nodded, and helped me pick her up. I had sent mom a quick text, so she was waiting outside for us. We laid her down in the backseat. I took the seat next to her, while Sam rode in the front. Once we got home, we laid her out on the couch. Then, mom turned to me. “Dylan, I’ve been thinking. This house is full of bad memories. Plus, Ashlynn, Thomas, and Cally are all leaving next year. So I think it’s time we got a fresh start as well. We’re moving.” I gaped at her. I could tell Sam was wearing a similar expression. Then suddenly, he turned, and walked out. The door opened, then shut. Sam was going home. Probably so Dani wouldn’t see him this upset. I knew we were Sam’s only friends. Which was strange, since many people liked him. Just then, Dani moved slightly. “Dani. Daaani.” “Dylan?” She said, somewhat groggily. “Yup. Wake up. We’re at home.” She opened her eyes, to see mom and I in front of the couch. “Wow. I have to stop doing this . . .” She groaned. I smirked. She looked to both sides of her, most likely looking for Sam.“Where’s Sam?” She asked. I told you so. “He left, after mom told us . . .” “Told you what?” “We’re moving.” She was silent for a moment. “When?” She finally asked. “Probably in a few weeks. Maybe a month.” Mom said. “Oh.” Dani said. “I found a beautiful house. You two will love it. It’s in . . .” I could practically see Dani tuning mom’s words out. She was thinking. About what, I honestly have no idea. And even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you. She’s my twin sister. I’m not telling you everything she thinks about. “What about school?” Dani asked. “Oh, they have some wonderful schools. You’ll probably go to McAuley,Dani. Dylan, you could go to Cheverus.” “PRIVATE SCHOOLS?” We both shouted at the same time. “But we’ve always gone to the same school!” Dani cried. “Wait, where exactly are we moving?” I asked. “Scarborough.” “Kids, you can both go to cheverus if you want. But we are moving. And that is final.” Mom said. And with that, she turned and walked into the kitchen. Later, Dani was texting Sam, and I leaned over her shoulder to see what they were saying. Their conversation went like this.
Sam: Dani? Dani: Hey. Sam: So when are you guys moving? Dani: In a couple of weeks . . . Sam: . . . Dani: And we’re moving to Scarborough! Sam: Well, I guess that’s not so bad. I mean, we can still visit each other and stuff. Dani: It just won’t be the same as having you right next door. Sam: I know. :*( Dani: Nice emoji, though. Sam: Thanks.
“Dani!” Cally called. “Come here for a sec!” Dani: G2G, Cally needs my help with something. TTYL? Sam: Duh. I love text speak. Dani: IKR! Ha ha. She put down her phone. “A little help, Dylan?” I put one arm around her shoulder, and helped her walk over to Cally, who was on the front porch, drawing. The doctor had given her some crutches, but she preferred my help, as the crutches made her arms sore. I sat her down on the porch swing, and walked back inside. © 2015 Maura Ansley |
Added on May 8, 2015 Last Updated on May 8, 2015 Author![]() Maura AnsleyAboutHi! Okay, I'm a girl, I write every second of every day, and I would like to be a published author someday. more..Writing