![]() The iraqi SolutionA Chapter by jay geenen![]() A short exert![]()
The Iraqi Solution
To describe the place, the planet Htrae, is not that difficult in human earthly terms. Htrae, pronounced three, was a planet very similar to our own earth other than it was totally backwards, really a backwards place in a really backwards time in a really backwards dimension, a mirror to our own planet earth in dyslectic terms. Htrae was in a parallel universe to our own earth but in reverse; just metaphorically backwards. Everything was backwards, the planet spun with the east going west. The star that ruled the daytime skies was nus, backwards to our sun and the evening orb was noom backwards to our moon. Htrae and the star that provided light and energy, nus, was part of a galaxy that was the mirror image of our Milky Way galaxy and again as always backwards. The star, nus, and the surrounding planets and orbs were called the ralos system again backwards to our solar system. The name ralos came from the frie’s language of the Htrae inhabitants and was an extension of the word ral which meant nus or fire ball. The beings that inhabited Htrae were very human like, almost identical to mankind. They walked upright on two legs, had two arms, a head and body. These people beings possessed language to express their thoughts, arts to express what it was to be namuh (pronounce na-ma), their word backwards to ours meaning human and culture to enjoy their particular upbringing. The people beings of Htrae counted time in reverse to our own measurement of time by starting at the end of time and working to the beginning of time, again backwards to the way we understand and measure events and things. They usually lived in relative peace and security but they had learned to enjoy war and warfare. The people beings of the Htrae world thought themselves to intelligent peoples capable of understanding even the most complex of issues easily very much like earth people. The truth was the Htrae people beings could not explain how they came into being as a peoples or how the complex ralos system had formed. Their intelligence, at best, was limited but somehow these people beings did not acknowledge that they really only knew a few things of the great infinite sea of knowledge and those few things only related to their existence on Htrae. Any information that was not tangible or could not be proved scientifically was usually discarded as old lore of bygone days, like old wives tales in our time or the paranormal which for most people is only a matter of interest and not factual. These people beings did pretty much everything the same as earthly peoples, they elected governments or allowed dictators or kings to rule and governed their lands. They had armies and police forces to maintain order and civil obedience, or at least it appeared that these agencies were quite capable of carrying out their missions. Money and a barter system were established to exchange goods and services on the planet between individuals or even nations. The women gave birth to the new generation much as in our world the women also do. The schools on Htrae taught the children the basics of Htrae culture, the children learned how to read, write, think and cooperate with each other. The children on the planet Htrae learned the values of law and order thus maintaining Htrae security for its inhabitants as the children grew and became young adults thus insuring security down thorough out the ages. The education of the young people on Htrae was stressed as necessary with the people usually in the higher paying positions having more education. The education of the young was really preparing the future leaders of the Htrae world to be cooperative and law abiding.
Htrae was the six planet from nus in our terms, but on Htrae they counted the planets backward from the outermost thus Htrae was the third rocky orb from the orange fiery star, nus, in our earthly terms. The other curious thing about Htrae was the belief that the human like beings were de-evolving and specifically that in the past the beings were almost god like and now had de-evolved into Htrae people beings. The past, as taught by the scientists on Htrae was a glorious time where all people beings lived carefree without any threats of violence, hunger, sickness or diseases. In this time and age on Htrae it was believed that the courts, war, poverty, sickness, plagues, government, beauracy and insecurities did not exist for the ‘super beings’ for they did not have any need of government and sickness did not exist. All people beings in this golden age were the same; exactly the same and class distinction did not exist and was not even known or thought of. Class distinction based on birth right or money, power or intelligences would be a learned trait of the people beings as they digressed from this golden age into the war mongers that they would eventually became. These people beings lived in a garden by the river called Nede. The people beings did however pass on and the act of death was considered charity for the ‘super beings’ on Htrae believed that a being must pass the gates of time to allow a new young ‘super being’ to be born. The inhabitants on Htrae considered death as the ultimate celebration of life and Htrae inhabitants embraced death with vigor, pomp and ceremony. These were the past times and now Htrae beings had de-evolved into beings remarkably similar to ourselves for they feared death, feared strangers, hunger, sickness, plaques or being poor and disadvantaged and especially they feared the unknown and the future. They lived in a constant state of fear and believed the democratic process of electing Presidents, Ministers and national rulers of all kinds would somehow alleviate those fears. Unknowingly the habitants of Htrae had fallen into a political trap for the politicians all campaigned on law and order issues thus embellishing the fear issues. It simply was a case of the chicken and the egg and trying to decide which came first was really impossible. It was unknown if the threat and fears caused the politicians to campaign on law and order issues or if the continued campaigns on law and order issues caused fear. The politicians did little, if anything, to reassure the peoples of Htrae that they were safe other than to campaign on issues for more government including increases to the armies and police forces. Thus the people beings on Htrae began to feel unsafe, not so much because they actually were, but mostly due to the fear psyche the politicians wielded to gain election on a new mandate. Remarkably this psyche is very similar to our own human psyche, one where fear is embellished and trust is relegated to those that are considered humanitarians, religious or foolish. Most people beings on Htrae that honored trust were considered to be humanitarianly foolish. The politicians had a huge role to play in this fear psyche on Htrae for without fear there really would be no need for the huge governments and their bureaucracies associated with those governments or any need for an army, police force, politicians or bureaucrats. Fear was the motivator and the politicians know fear was the one tool used correctly that would guarantee election success. It is not known if the fear psyche prompted the acts of violence or if the acts of violence prompted the fear psyche, being sort of a chicken and egg debate. The fear issue did not matter to the politicians for anyone considering public office only had to campaign on the issues that his or her predecessor had not properly handled the fear issues that had occurred. Of course all the people hoping to gain political office would campaign on the notion ‘that things were getting worse’ thus embellishing the fear factor into all governments on Htrae. Dictators and kings politically preserved their positions in much the same manner by planting the seeds of fear that law and order would somehow go astray if somehow they were removed from their self appointed office. Thus it was on Htrae, and thus it is on earth, both backwards in a backwards time and in a backwards place, a place were fear and nationalism reigns and humanity is relegated to only the kindest of people beings. All people beings on Htrae as on earth are a combination of the humanitarian and fear traits with the result of any chosen action being unpredictable due to the combination of factors entering the process of choice for the individual in any situation. Some people beings are more humanitarian and others are more fearful and some people beings can only be described as neither.
Htrae governments, as on earth, had a vital role in maintaining law and order. That was not the problem, but instead the fear psyche that the politicians skillfully and repeatedly used to become elected and stay so elected was. After a while even the politicians began to believe their own fear rhetoric. As on Htrae and also on earth large armies were required to scare any enemy foe into submission or at very least persuade the enemy not to attack. This idea was accepted and believed by most of the people beings. Somehow the large military escalations translated into a feeling of national security without the vast majority of people even stopping to question if violence only brings about more violence. Armies are always violent, they have weapons of violence, and their whole purpose is to project violence on some perceived enemy or foe. The politicians always defended the military escalations by the idea of protectionism. The question was protection from what; our selves? Of course the large armies had to justify their existence so ‘mock wars’ were created and staged with the super powers battling some non debunked little nation of people beings and beating them soundly. The politicians of the super power countries could then proclaim that under their watch the nation was protected from the evil forces that dared to threaten their security and every citizen should feel extremely safe under the direction of their leadership. Every citizen of the large military countries on Htrae was to somehow feel safe and secure after the outcomes of these so called ‘mock wars’ were announced. The Presidents of the free democracies would declare states of emergencies, states of war occasionally but most often they just order the troops on a mission without any formal declaration or protocol. On the occasions where a formal declaration was given the leader used Presidential addresses that were televised, printed in the newspapers and communicated in any manner that was effective. ‘Wars’ would be declared on terrorism, or on some so called despot dictator that somehow had violated the so called Htrae political protocols as decided by the super powerful nations that had huge militaries. It is ironic that on Htrae, as on the earth, peace was rarely declared thus all nations seemed in a constant state of unrest and war. The peace declaration, when given, occurred generally after a particularly long gruesome war where many lives had been lost and neither side really wanted to war for a while. The inhabitants of the Htrae world seemed not to learn from past mistakes as war was declared over and over again. Thus both political cultures of Htrae and earth mirrored each other, each ironically viewed as backward by each other when in fact they should have viewed themselves as the one being backwards. Ironically war is described as an action that brings about peace. The truth of the matter is usually a declaration of peace occurs when the causalities were that enormous that the super powerful militarily countries were left with little choice but to withdraw from further hostilities. The Americans on earth experienced this phenomenon in the Vietnam conflict: the Htrae world would also experience the same type of outcome in their mirrored conflict called the ‘Vets’ war.
The acts of war seemed, to outside observers on Htrae, to be a game or sport where a winner and a loser were declared usually; very similar to the epic battle of David and Goliath. It seemed the people beings of the Htrae world enjoyed war and war games as long as the war ended reasonably soon without a great amount of causalities. The wars and war games were for the super powerful countries on Htrae to be nothing more than ‘mock war’ games played to keep the armies in full ready fighting mode. The game was a game as long as the fatality counts for the super powers remained manageable. Thus war and war games had become a part of the culture of the Htrae world, a sport of Kings and Presidents similar to water polo. The Htrae people beings and the peoples of earth were very similar in respect to war and war games. A huge video game industry exists on earth that supplies war game technologies to the blood savaged consumer that enjoys shooting virtual men, or blowing up virtual buildings and fighting to save some virtual large bosomed damsel in distress from the evil grips of some virtual villain. The villain in video games on earth is always easy to recognize due to some grotesque feature or attribute. In the real world the villain is not distinguishable because the super power may, in fact, at times be the villain. The Htrae world had not yet advanced to the point of having video wars. Maybe our hope for the future on earth is to have virtual wars on some predestined virtual war machine. Luckily for the people of earth Htrae was a backwards place to our own planet and we do not act in the manner they did which was backwards.
© 2009 jay geenenAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on March 17, 2009 Author![]() jay geenenRed deer, CanadaAboutI was born in saskatchewan and have my own web site at www.jaygeenen.com. I am a farm raise lad that grew up by a lake. I am in my early fifties and am working on my fifth novel. more..Writing