Heartless PrincessA Story by Jayce Em![]() Her heart was taken and she's cursed to live like an empty shell - not able to love again. His heart was full of hatred and he's cursed to live like a monster - not able to be loved again.![]() The bright, lonely moon was out again in heaven. It was crescent, like the letter carved on my signet. Its light passed through the window of the neighboring house and I was just sitting on a branch, watching them.
“Mommy, please tell me a story.” “Why, sweetie? Can’t you sleep?” “Yeah.” “Let me tell you a story of a girl who doesn’t have a heart.” “I don’t want scary stories, mom.” “It’s not scary, sweetie. It is a beautiful story indeed.” “Is it?” “Yes. The girl was beautiful. Her hair is as black as raven, her skin is a white feather of an angel, her eyes so peaceful like the blue sea, and her lips… her lips are like strawberries. She has the beauty, the brains, power and money. She even lives in a beautiful castle-like mansion. She has all human beings wanting in this material world. But there’s a thing odd about her. She doesn’t know how to smile. She doesn’t know… how to cry.” “Is it because she doesn’t have a heart?” “Yes.” “But where did her heart go? Was it eaten by a dragon?” “Ha-ha. No, sweetie. If the dragon had eaten her heart, she might not be alive.” “I don’t understand. Why doesn’t she have a heart?” “It was broken - literally broken.” “…” “Before
she was born, a beautiful witch was rejected by her one and only love- the
heartless princess father. She was angry and very jealous of the princess’ family so she castes a curse to the unborn heiress. She said, ‘the princess will have every material thing in this world. She will be beautiful and loving to all. But, she won’t be loved by anyone- even her own family will despise her. She will suffer the same pain I had with his father until her heart can’t contain it and will be turned into fragments, literally’. And when the princess was born, the curse had its effect. She lived a life where no one loves her. Even plants and animals will die with her presence, except for a crow. She was dubious of that event. The crow lives? But " how? “Every night, the crow’s entering her room without her notice. The black bird would take fragments of her heart placed on a wooden table using its short beak.” “So the crow was a thief? Why is it taking the pieces of princess’ heart?” “We could say the crow was stealing but who knows? Maybe he’s doing it for good.” “For good..?” “Let me continue the story. Ten nights had passed and the princess still had not noticed the crow’s actions. Until one night, in the last fragment of the princess’ heart, she woke up accidentally and saw the crow took the piece of her heart. With her curiosity, she followed the crow and was lead into the woods. She could hear human voices; one is a young man and the other sounded more like a pixie- a small fairy. But when she came closer, she only saw a cute pixie flying around the crow. Where’s the human? ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ " Pixie ‘Yes. Fixing a broken heart is what I need to undo the curse of my stepmother’ " crow ‘That
filthy witch you are talking? She’s really bad, isn’t she? She turned you into
a crow so that no lady would love you. Is it still because of her grudge to the king’s rejection?’ " Pixie ‘Yes it is. She died years ago but her spell was still on me. No lady was going to love me with this form.’ " Crow ‘Don’t worry, Raven. Who knows? Maybe that princess will love you back?’ " Pixie ‘How could she? She was known having no heart. Even the plants and animals died with her.’ " Crow ‘But you already had fixed her heart, haven’t you? I’m sure the curse on her will be broken.’ " Pixie ‘Maybe you’re right. But will she still love me though I’m not a prince? She’s a princess and I’m just a poor man cursed by his wicked stepmother.’ " Crow “The crow put the last piece of the princess’ heart and a beautiful light came out. The heart was complete again. As it floats in the air, it formed into stardust and went around the princess who’s hiding behind a huge tree. The princess then smiled and cried because of too much happiness. She walked towards the crow and leaned in front of him, putting the crow on her hands. ‘You fixed my heart. Thank you.’ “The princess kissed the crow’s beak. And the crow, it’s just how all true love’s kiss effect- he came back to his human form " a handsome young man. The princess stared at him with her mouth slightly opened because of disbelief.” ‘Hey, Princess. It’s not good having your mouth opened in front of a guy, you know that?’ " Raven ‘Wha- what? Excuse me?’ " Princess ‘Never mind.’ " Raven “Raven made a sly smile and kissed the princess’ lips one more time.” ‘Thanks for saving me.’ " Raven ‘No. Thanks for saving me.’ " Princess “Raven just smiled while holding her in his arms.” ‘Tell me. Are you really not a prince?’- Princess ‘If I am not, won’t you love me back?’ " Raven ‘Then if I am not a princess, won’t you love me?’ " Princess ‘I will love you still.’ ‘Same goes for me. I will still love you even if you’re not a prince. I’d rather be in these dark woods with you than with the people who don’t love me.’ ‘The curse was broken. They love you now.’ ‘More than you do?’ ‘Of course not.’ “They smiled and laughed. So, I guess you know what to say next, sweetie?”
The child was happily asleep. And her mother just closed the book and kissed her forehead. So, should I say the best line?
“They lived happily ever after. The end...”
© 2015 Jayce EmAuthor's Note