I look behind me seeing the boy with black hair yawning and beginning to wake... I head over to him... He begins to open his eyes, and groan... He looks at me, and then to the left as if falling back to sleep... Then realizing that he was tied up in some un-recognizable place, he freaks out. Tries to struggle free but fails. “Who are you! What have you done to me!” “Calm down man! First of all how did you get here!” “What?! Why should i trust you!” “You’re the one in my home!” “Wait... what happened to all the jerks!?” “You mean the guards?” “Yea…” “I took care of them… So what are you and your friend doing here?” “Wait…! My… friend? I didn’t… huh! I will kill you if you hurt her! You hear me!” “calm down man! Who is she and who are you?” “AArrr…” he struggles to break free… but fails again… *Yawn* “Were is she!” “She…” “SHUT UP ALREADY” “SISTER!” “What!” “Are you ok!?” “I'm fine other than the fact that I’m tied up with you!” “Ok then… so you two are brother sister and hate each other… good to know…” “We don’t hate each other she just gets grumpy when she gets woke up…” “No I do not!” “Ok, you guys hungry?” “Yes why?” “Here” [unties the rope] “Wait why would you free us if you already tied us up?” “Because I didn’t tie you up” “then who did?” “I dunno” “weren’t you the person telling the guards what to do?” “No… I woke up from stasis to see a load of people with guns in the ruins of my home.” “Ok then” I start the automatic entity fabricator… or *box that makes food* … *DING* “okay we got eggs fruit smoothies and oranges” “Isn’t that kinda old fashioned?” “Hey they’re the only things that won’t kill you out of this thing…” “Well that is good enough for me” “so how did you get here?” “We were trying to get away from the Spectral research facility about seventeen miles in that direction.” “What direction?” “What?” “You said in that direction and you just stood there.” “So” “never mind… so why did you run away?” “They wanted to have us and others brainwashed for their use” “so we ran off” “is there more kids there?” “Yea…” “We should go help them” “no that place could hardly withstand a bit of wind!” “One bullet goes flying and everyone is screwed!” “Well then too bad for them…” “But…” [Gestures towards His sister] “AAhh… Fine, we can sneak into the other nearby facility and it would allow us to take out that brainwashing camp” “well then, we ought a get going then; and by the way what are your guys names?” “I'm Vesia and…” “I'm Zenith” “Nick, nice to meet you guys”