I awoke to see figures on the other side of the nearly shattered glass... I can hardly see them thru the frost... I can hear their voices their random chatter... I begin to regain my senses... my eyes still blurry... they begin to gather around my chamber... Staring... staring... a loud rumbling comes from the other room... they leave to check it out... I slowly open the chamber and fall to the ground! I stagger to my feet... still quite shaky... I worked my way over to the doorway... I looked inside... there was two children who looked about the same age as me tied up in the middle of the room... two Extremely well-armed soldiers standing watch near the entrance... I didn’t have much option but to hide or fight... I remembered the old defense system... and the controls on the wall... I go over to it and input the targets... press the button... -the sounds of gunfire echo about- I look in... the soldiers downed I enter and check the two in the middle of the room... they are two kids around the same age as me... one has a purple color of hair and the other has black... pitch black hair... cool... I loot the soldiers for their weapons and ammo...then kick them into the waste chute... then the kids begin to awaken... I hear a sound of proto-glass being hit with a crowbar! I race into the room to see a freak of a scientist trying to get to the glowing sapling... I grab a `chunk of metal from the ground, sneak up to him... and sliced his head clean off... the sapling still persisting in the protonic-growth chamber... I open the chamber and take the plant bringing it to the singulator, place it in, and start the system... I then drag the Decapitated scientist to the waste chute, threw him and his head in and turned to the sound of a loud yawn--