Wow, that last line brought a tear to my eye. Very well done, I can honestly say I feel the same way about my father and without him in my life I don't know where I would be. Your father should be proud of you I know I would, very good. Thanks for the read.
i like this... there is something about the relationship between a father and daughter that is very deep. its different with guys, but i watch my sisters with my dad and its an interesting bond. He is like THE stronghold in their life. i don't even know where my older sister would be without my dad haha...
You have always been there for me,
No matter what the cost,
You are the light of my life,
And without you Id be lost
those lines stuck out to me... that is the measure of a good father in this day and age... being there no matter the cost. anyone can love their child, its natural, but if a man can be there when it gets hard... that is strength... love the poem, best one i've read of yours so far! =)
you may have broke my heart, but ill be the one that haunts your dreamz!, AZ
i am very stuborn and never liked pple telling me what to do. expecially what to write. i loved my english classes but didnt get along with the teachers cause the way i wrote wasnt what they wanted. m.. more..