DVD's Crisp Packets and Bowls of Ice Cream

DVD's Crisp Packets and Bowls of Ice Cream

A Chapter by Jasmine

10 things that I tend to do when I am upset and home alone;

1.       Eat every single piece of junk food that I can find in the house


2.       Watch old home movies of school productions that I did in junior school


3.       Watch cheesy musicals that I loved when I was 10 and make fun of the actors and actresses


4.       Bake something


5.       Clean something


6.       Screech at the top of my voice


7.       Write a song about my problems (Only after Ive been watching cheesy musicals)


8.       Eat ice cream


9.       Eat pizza


And the 10th thing I tend to do when I am upset and home alone;


      10.  Cry and cry and cry.  Then act like I was never crying.


So dads going out with his work friends and wont be home for hours, mum doesnt come home for another 10 minutes and Max gets picked up from by my aunt, so hell be there until my parents pick him up.  I have already done half the things on my list and Im barely listening to the final number of High School �" The Musical.

So guess what I found when I came in?  My alarm clock.  In Maxs room.  You honestly dont understand how much I wish I didnt have a brother sometimes, why must he feel the need to ruin my life?  But I showed him, at least I think I did.  I may have... Sort of... Trashed his room, like tipped the bin over emptied his laundry basket, and hidden his Nintendo, but you know, he had it coming and I was in the moment.

Oh well, I dont care �" Im a teenage girl, I will eat my sorrows in cookie dough ice cream. 

Im home!  And guess who Ive already picked up?

Great.... Looks like Mum already has Max.  Yay.  I cant contain my enthusiasm. 

 Urgh why you watching High School the Musical?  And now hes trying to steal the remote.  After being home for like 10 seconds, if that. 

Because I want to!  Im using the remote you cant just switch over!  I refuse to let go.  I have lost too much today, I will not lose the remote as well �" he will have to pry this remote out of my cold dead hands. 

I have stuff to watch!

Thats the best he can do?  Really?  That is the argument hes gonna go with?

Max, go easy on your sister!!  Judging by the mess, I would say that shes had a rough day!

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I love my mum.

Why?  Did you get into trouble at school?  Oh my gosh.  Is he serious?  I actually wanna punch that smirk off of his little face.  And that Im a little angel voice hes using. 

You know what?  I can use this to my advantage and see how much hes willing to reveal to mum, with the help of a little white lie from me of course.

No I didnt get into trouble; in fact Mrs Dawson loved my homework essay!

 How?!  What?  She couldnt have loved your homework!

And how would you know that, Max?

Haha �" busted.  Lets see him get out of this one, because mum looks pretty suspicious.

Well, Melanie, youre such a good writer, she couldnt have loved it, she must have adored it!

Ok, you can tell by her face that Mum didnt buy Maxs performance, but unfortunately she hasnt said anything more, shes left the room to order pizza.  Max looks like hes about to explode.  Time to take action. 

Problem Max?

Youre lying!  You never handed in your essay!

Really?  And how would you know that?

And hes silent because hes just realised what he almost admitted to.  Point: Me.  Ive almost broken him down, just a couple more little things and Ive broken him down.  I just need to scare him into telling mum the truth, which should be easy enough.  Hopefully. 

Yes thats right!  I have your note in my bag and I took a picture of my stolen alarm clock where I found it in your room!  I have proof that ties you to the crime!

Ok, Im going major Police Detective on him.  I dont know why, I think Ive been watching too many murder police detective shows lately.  Then again, so has Max;

You have no proof!  That may be evidence but all it proves is that I gave you a note saying I wanted you to get detention and that you could have put your alarm clock in my room and taken a picture of it there to frame me!

And why would I do that?

I dont know.  Why would I steal your alarm clock?  Now if you dont mind, Ill be in my room until my pizza arrives!

And now hes running away.  I am on rage mode now �" he cant run!  Thats it.  Im running after him �" he cannot run away from this now!

Fine!  I may have no tangible evidence, but you should know that you just almost got me detention and staying after school while sitting in silence in a room is not my ideal thing to do, so know that Im willing to fight fire with fire!

And hes opened his bedroom door.  His face is priceless �" open mouth, wide eyes, anger and fear �" I am good.  Now hes wondering around, picking up the boxers and socks discarded on the floor. 

What did you DO?!

Time to do it.  Beat him with his own words. 

You have no proof that it was me!  Theres no tangible evidence!

And now Im gone.  Down the hall, to my room.  I did it!  I won!  Im awesome, I dont even care. 

© 2015 Jasmine

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Added on July 9, 2015
Last Updated on July 9, 2015



London, Lewisham, United Kingdom

Young writer who's an aspiring author and writes a satirical teen blog. more..
