![]() Salty Hot ChocolateA Chapter by JasmineThe 10 things that I need to do before school tomorrow; 1. Write an essay
reviewing the Class Book that we read in English, 2. Complete page 24 ex. 1, 2, & 4,
page 25 ex. 5, 6, 7 & 8, and
the whole of page 26 of my maths text book in my exercise book (Why does my
teacher feel the need to kill me with homework over the weekend?) 3. Research some artist
(That I forgot to write down the name of) and present it in a creative way for
art homework, 4. Text Macy and ask for
the name of the artist that we have to research, 5. Finish off writing up
the method and conclusion for the Chemistry experiment that we did last
Thursday, 6. Remember what we did
in Chemistry last Thursday 7. Check with my mum to
see if my uniform is in the washing machine, 8. Make sandwiches and
keep them in the fridge, ready for tomorrow, 9. Shower, wash hair and
shave legs, And the last thing I need to do: 10. Pack bag and actually
get some sleep It’s 1:00pm on Sunday and I am knackered. After being picked up from Allison’s yesterday, I was dragged to some family
gathering thing and my parents made us stay until midnight, after I had barely
slept at Allison’s. I couldn’t even sleep in this because I had a Judo lesson at 10:00am,
followed by church. I showed up to both
the lesson and church looking an absolute mess in my huge grey hoodie, black
leggings and messy bun. I can’t even remember how either went " I’m so tired. All I know
is that I came home, went straight upstairs and now I’m here, in my room, getting started on the
mountain of homework that’s all in for
tomorrow. I’ve finished my chemistry, and I’m attempting to concentrate on my maths
before falling asleep. Ok. So I need to solve some equations - fun. Algebra would be fine if my brain understood
maths. Bedroom door’s opening.
I need a lock. Badly. “Max, what are you doing in here?” “I was making myself some hot chocolate, so
I made you some too.” Max? Making me hot chocolate? Ok it’s happened " either I’m hallucinating or someone had kidnapped my brother and sent
a replacement. Hmm, it smells normal, it
looks normal. “Max, I am not in the mood for your jokes so
just tell me what you put in this hot chocolate!” I knew it! He did something, because now he’s staring at his feet guiltily and quickly
swapping his hot chocolate with mine, “Okay, I may have put a load of salt in
yours for a laugh, but I’m sorry. Have mine - I really need to talk to you.” And now he’s invited himself in and has perched on the edge of my bed. “I don’t really think I feel like hot chocolate anymore, and I’ve got a tonne of homework to do so if you
want to talk, you’re gonna have to make
it quick and to the point.” Ok, this might
actually be serious " Max is gulping and
looking at his feet again. Maybe I was
too blunt, I mean, he looks generally worried about something. “You’re a girl, right?” Worry over " now he’s just being stupid. “No. I am not a
girl. In fact, I’m a boy, just like you! Have been all my life” “Well that explains your outfit!” He’s got a silly smug expression on his face. I do not have the time of the energy for
this. “LEAVE.
NOW.” “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!
Please! I actually wanted to ask
you something important!” “Well what is it then?” Now I feel bad " I may have snapped at him, but to be fair,
I’m tired and in the last 10 minutes he has
insulted me and put salt in my hot chocolate.
His face has changed though " he looks kinda sad and embarrassed. Now I definitely feel bad. Ok, I need to show a little sympathy. “Ok Max, I’m sorry, seriously, if you have an issue you can tell me!” He’s looking seriously embarrassed. Is he being bullied? Or beaten up? I don’t care about age, I will personally go all judo on anyone who
is hurting my brother. “What kind of things do girls like?” Ok. Now I’m kind of confused.
That was totally not what I was expecting. “Max, why do you want to know what girls
like?” “Because I just wanted to know okay?!” Ooooh, Max just
snapped at me! Defensive attitude, eyes
on feet, non-Dylan behaviour. I know
exactly what that means. “What’s her name?” His expression just
went blank. I am so totally right. Dylan is in crushville " population: him. “What’s whose name?” Please. He can’t try and confuse me now!
I’m not that easily confused. “What’s the name of the girl you like?” “What?
What are you talking about? I don’t like anyone! Why would you even... Ok, her name is Rosie.” “Awwww!
That’s so cute! You’re first crush!” My little bro’s growing up! Having
his first crush! Ok, this requires major
teasing, “Max and Rosie " sounds like an adorable couple!” “Never mind!
I knew I shouldn’t have asked
you! I’ll go search online for the answer!” And now he’s leaving. Shoot, ok,
I might have played that wrong, “See! THIS is why I
salted your hot chocolate!” Ok. I did a bad thing. Time to fix this and run after him, “Wait! Max! I didn’t mean to...” SLAM. His door.
In my face. Meh, I’ll apologise later. He has to forgive me -
I have so much on him that it would be a very risky move if he didn’t. Ok let’s see, Macy’s come back with the art homework and after a quick google, I
have found out how long this thing is. I’ll do that later. I’ve pretty much sure that I’ve done most of the stuff I need to do today " I’d apologize to Max for making fun of his little crush, but he’s in the shower. Nothing to do " May as well eat. “Melanie, is that you?” I
swear, I can’t go downstairs
without being called to do something. “Yeah it’s me! Just coming down
to get some food” “Ok, well could you go upstairs quickly and
just knock on the bathroom door and tell Max that he needs to get ready in the
next 5 minutes, he’s got to bake
something sweet to give to his class tomorrow!” Perfect! I’m bored, Max had a chore he needs to complete, and he’ll have to forgive me if I help him
out! “Don’t worry! I’ll bake something nice for Max’s class!” “Why?
What’s in it for you?” “Dad!
I’m fine!
I’m just helping out my brother!” Ok, now the
interrogation is over, time for some apology baking. What to bake, what to bake? I will play it safe, bake his favourite
cookies " oat and raisin. Let’s see: Bowl, hand-whisk, butter, sugar,
flour, baking soda, eggs, oats, raisins.
Now time to roll the mix into balls and squish them onto oven
trays. “What are you doing?!” And there’s Dylan " standing in the doorframe with his angry face and superhero
pyjamas. Sorry, no. He is being too rude to the person who is
baking cookies for his class, whether I owe him an apology or not. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” “I said, what are you doing?” Ignore the
rudeness. You owe him. Deep breaths - smile through the attitude. “I made cookies for your class tomorrow!” “What flavour?” “I made your favourite, raisins and
oats! Look - I’m really sorry about earlier when I made
fun of...” “Are you trying to get me killed?! I can’t take healthy cookies to school! I’ll be made fun of!
This is the first Monday of the month and this time it’s my turn to bring in the home-made morning
snack. People want sugar!! And chocolate!! And Fat!!
Nobody wants healthy raisins and oats!!!” Wait " Is he being serious?! I have just wasted a good half hour of my
life making cookies for him and he’s yelling at me for making his cookies too healthy! No.
That’s not right. He does not get to do that! “You know what? I don’t know why I bother!
Throw the cookie mix away, eat it, do what you want with it! If you don’t care about them then why should I? There is a box of brownie mix in the
cupboard; they taste 100% fake and are filled with sugar, chocolate, fat and
all the E numbers that you need to be popular with your little classmates! Have fun” Let him be upset with
me! I don’t even care about apologising anymore " If he’s being an annoying little brother then I can be an annoying
older sister. I don’t care about Max, I don’t care about cookies, I don’t care about anything! Except homework. I still have English
and art in for tomorrow and I don’t really want detention. © 2015 Jasmine |
Added on July 9, 2015 Last Updated on July 9, 2015 AuthorJasmineLondon, Lewisham, United KingdomAboutYoung writer who's an aspiring author and writes a satirical teen blog. more..Writing