Pink Bandeaus, Hotpants and Heels

Pink Bandeaus, Hotpants and Heels

A Chapter by Jasmine

The 10 steps to get from school to Chelseas party

1.       Walk to Allisons (She lives one of the roads near the school)

2.       Say hello to her parents and run upstairs

3.       Watch the TV in her room while Becki straightens Allisons hair

4.       Compare outfit choices and choose what were going to wear

5.       Order pizza

6.       Get dressed

7.       Eat (Carefully)

8.       Apply makeup & finish hair

9.       Take pictures in front of her mirror

And the last thing that we need to do:

10.   Leave for the party in her mums car, ensuring what we are at least 20 minutes late

Allisons house is actually huge - 4 floors, 6 bathrooms and 8 bedrooms. 

Her room is massive - it has an ensuite bathroom and a walk in wardrobe, as well as a king-sized bed and a single bed for her cat.  However, despite the enormity, we are all crowded in front of her full length mirror, trying to view our outfits from all angles.  It took a while before we were all happy with our outfits, but if I do say so myself, we did a pretty good job. 

Both Allison and Becki decided to go with the cat theme.  Allisons borrowed Brookes dark denim high-waisted shorts and Beckis ¾ length, flowy, leopard print sleeveless top, wore her canvas black trainers, used my headband with the leopard ears attached, and dressed as a leopard.  Beckis dressed as a normal cat and wore a pair of black sequined shorts that she bought last week and had been just dying to wear, and a plain black vest top.  She borrowed Macys black cat ears and got me to draw eyeliner whiskers on her cheeks.

Brookes stayed with her Minnie Mouse idea and paired Beckis short black spotty skirt with her red halter neck, Macys red wedges, shes left her hair out in its sleek black bob and borrowed her 6 year old cousins Minnie Mouse ears.

Instead of going for her angel theme, Ive leant Brooke my black, one sleeved chiffon dress and shes made the outfit complete with her black heels and the pair of black angel wings that she got from the party store, so shes dressed as a dark angel. 

And then theres me, wearing Beckis black high-waisted shorts, the baseball cap that I brought with me, Brooke cut my large camouflage print T-shirt and turned it into a relatively fashionable ¾ length flowy cropped top, and Im pairing it with Allisons black biker boots.  Now, Beckis drawing military lines on my face with some ugly green-black lipstick that she got free in a magazine.

What time is it now? Macys asked, as shes curling the last of her straight hair.

Ummmm......  9:15! Beckis replied, checking the time on her phone and now shes shoving her phone back down her bra.

Perfect!  We are officially fashionably late!  

Well then we better go!


The party started at 9:00pm and now its 9:30 and weve just come in.  The party is in full swing and completely amazing - but a little over the top for my liking. 

Everythings pink and the club walls are decorated with picture after picture of Chelsea.  Theres music pounding, lights flashing, people dancing, pale pink balloons all over the floor, (Apparently weve missed the balloon drop), pick and mix, rose balloon arches leading down the middle of the room and an area where you can go over and get a professional photographer to take your picture.  There are neon pink lights attached to every wall that flash on and off in large capital letters reading, YOU HAVE NOW ENTERED CHELSEA LAND.

This is just surreal.  I actually feel so small, and not because of my height.  Its like some big, bright maze of girlyness.  I actually dont know where to start. 


Gosh.  Its like walking through a main road.  There are sweaty bodies everywhere, and we keep having to stop and budge our way past people.  Weve made our way around this place at least twice now, and I have seen no trace of Megan and Kelly anywhere.

I think Allison just yelled something about finding out where they are, but I honestly dont know  - I cant hear anything over the music.  Okay, actually I dont know what she said, because now shes walked over to some boy, and started talking to him.  Shes on stereotypical flirt mode: twirling her hair, tilting her head to the side and letting out a coy giggle every couple of seconds.  OMG.  Shes taking out her phone and hes taking out his.  Wow.  Weve only been here about 5 minutes and shes already got his phone number.  She works fast.  Okay shes coming back.  I should actually listen to what shes saying.

Eep!  His name is Sam, hes in year 9 at the boys school down the road, he likes my leopard ears and he gave me his number!  Oh and he said that the V.I.Ps should be coming out any minute now.

Ok, the musics stopped.  The DJ has just stopped playing music.  And now hes getting his microphone ready, sounds like theyre finally coming in.

Visitors of Chelsea land; we invite you all to applaud the best friends of the woman that made this all happen, Give a big welcome to Chelseas V.I.Ps!!

Oh.  My.  Actual.  Gosh. 

What are they wearing?  Are they serious?  How can they think that they look good?  I mean, a cheesy pop songs now playing, the backdoors been flung open, and the 5 of them are skipping down the aisle of balloon arches, all as orange as pumpkins, in light blue denim knickers shorts, bright pink sequined bandeaus and matching pink patent high heels.

Macys turned to Brooke and I with a shocked look on her face,

Is it just me, or are Kellys butt cheeks totally hanging out of those shorts?

Im laughing.  Brookes just raising her eyebrows.  Now the songs changed to an even cheesier pop song and the DJs speaking again.

And now, I present the birthday girl herself, CHELSEA BILLAM!

Wow.  And I thought that the party couldnt get any girlier.  Chelsea is being pulled down the aisle by two muscular boys in light blue tuxedos inside a cardboard motorbike.  A pink cardboard motorbike.  And Chelseas standing up waving at people, wearing a pale pink strapless lacy corset tucked into a black tutu with bright pink bows on (its so puffy, I mean, it doesnt even cover her thong) and bright patent high heeled boots that stretch over her knees.

Great.  Kellys running over, grinning from ear to ear,

What do you think?  Guess what I am!

This is really awkward.  I mean, I could easily tell her what I think she is, but Im pretty sure she wouldnt like the answer.  Shes waiting for an answer, its funny, shes looking expectantly at everyone, and up close, she looks incredibly fake.  To start with, shes got pumpkin orange fake tan on, is wearing an excessive amount of foundation, has luminous pink glittery eye shadow on (Which, may I add, is applied extremely poorly �" I mean it reaches her eyebrows, and not in a nice way), pink blush smeared all over her cheeks, shes coated her lips in red lipstick and her hair looks longer, puffier and like straw towards the end.  Hair extensions.

I think shes given up with us guessing, everyones just staring at her in shock.  Shes rolled her eyes and is carrying on anyway.

Im a Barbie doll!  You get it?  Basically, were all Barbie dolls and Chelsea is the lead Barbie!

No offence, but since when did Barbie Dolls wear sparkly pink bandeaus and denim hot pants? Beckis asked, still taking in Kellys lack of clothing outfit.

Since Barbie became a teenager! Kellys giggled, giving another little twirl.

Im finding this incredibly hard to understand.  I mean, yes, fair enough, shes being forced to wear this by Chelsea but really?  How can she think that this is a good idea?  I mean, I feel uncomfortable enough in Allisons shorts, and my butt cheeks cant be seen by the public.

Im so thirsty and the bar is selling one drink �" a plastic cup of luminous pink lemonade.  Like seriously, its just fizzy lemonade with some form of highlighter pink food colouring.  I have to say though �" these bar stools are really comfy �" surprise, surprise, theyre pink.  It is £2.50 for a glass of pink bubbly stuff, its ridiculous. 

I may have to buy some though.  I dont know what it is but my mouth is so dry.  Good, the bar tenders coming over, time to order.

Umm... Yeah Id like a cup of...

Nothing.  She doesnt want anything! Allisons butted in. 

Why dont I want anything?

None of you want anything, because I have your first challenge!  You have 10 minutes to get a guy to buy you a drink

I dont think I can do that.  Thats really awkward.  And desperate.  And weird.  Macy and Brooke seem to be thinking the same thing, because theyre giving Allison the exact same look that Im giving to her.

Guys.  A challenge is a challenge!  Now you have 9 minutes and 43 seconds left, you should all get going!

And were off.  Kind of, I mean Becki pulled us all into the middle of the floor against our will.   Look for the shy, awkward ones!  Shes yelling over the music, Thats probably our best chance at getting a free drink,

It doesnt surprise me that Becki has tips on how to get guys to buy us drinks - shes kinda boy obsessed.  If she wasnt so nice and sweet, everybody at school would so call her a slag behind her back, but because shes one of the friendliest people you will ever meet, everybody just ignores all the slag-like things that come out of her mouth.

I think Ive found one! Brookes shrieked, and shes pointing to a boy whos standing by himself, staring at his feet, What do I do now?

Talk, flirt, laugh at his jokes, Beckis listing, ticking the points off on her fingers, Then ask him if he wants to go over to the bar and hint that you want a drink!

Okay, Im going in,

Its funny watching Brooke talking to this guy, I mean hes easily shorter than me �" and thats saying something.  He looks about 49 and Brooke is easily 56/57, plus, shes in wedges so shes easily a foot taller than him �" shes literally towering over this guy and he looks really intimidated.  Oh my gosh, they look so awkward together.  Theyre standing there looking lost for conversation, its kind of odd.

Beckis obviously bored of watching them.  Shes already searching the room for new prospects.  I fact �" shes pointing to a tall, slightly lanky blonde guy standing alone by the DJ.

Macy, youre tall - that guy is perfect!

And now Beckis pushing a slightly confused Macy in his direction, wishing her good luck before she can even respond.

Now shes turned towards me, Okay, we have 7 minutes left and I have the perfect guy for you!

Shes linked my arm, and shes leading me through the floor, while explaining what shes doing awfully quickly.

His name is Danny; hes in year nine like us, hes really cute, I think hes older than you, he liked me for a while, but we got over it and now were really good friends!  Hes really sweet but I couldnt go out with him because hes shorter than me and I dont date shorter guys, but youre pretty short too, so you guys will be perfect! She smiled as she continued walking.

Im not that short!  Im 52! Ok, I admit, 52 is pretty short... But I plan to grow at some point.

And Dannys like...  I dunno...  53?  Ah, here he is.  Danny, this is my friend Melanie, Melanie, this is Danny.  OMG!!!  You guys look really cute together!

And now shes gone.  Shes left me alone with him.  Shes right though, Danny is pretty cute.  Hes got short, dark hair, brown eyes, the same kinda skin colour as me and OMG his smile is amazing.  Plus his outfits pretty cool, he didnt try too hard and it looks good.  Hes in jeans, a navy striped shirt and hes got a gold plastic crown on his head. 

Hi, so yeah Im Danny

Hes smiling at me.  That smile is so perfect OMG.  I cant bring myself to talk.  What is this?  Why am I so awkward around guys?  I need to do something.  He must think Im like... I dunno... stupid or something.  Ok, I giggled.  What is it with me and giggling?  I do nervous giggles after everything, urgh Im so weird.  Hes staring at me expectantly.  I need to say something.  OMG. 

Nice costume! I like the top, it is really cool.

See, now hes complimented my outfit and I have said absolutely nothing.  I feel really bad, hes making an effort to make conversation and Im being really awkward.  Im such an awkward person.  I really need to work on my personality.  I need to say something.  Ill just say thank you!!

Thank you!!

That came out in an abnormally high voice - but at least it came out.  That was actually easier than I thought it would be.  Ok, now I can lower my voice and speak some more.

You look really cool!  I like the whole royal theme, its really cool!  And I like your crown, its really...


Hes got an adorably cheeky smile on his face.  Why did I babble like that?  Why do I feel the need to be so weird around people?  I swear, I am in major need of fixing.  Just keep cool.  Hes joking around.  All I need to do is smile and lie.  Smile and lie.

Actually, I was going to say nice!  Youre crown is really nice!

It worked!  Hes laughing!  Yay!  It actually worked.  I made casual conversation with a cute guy.  Wow.  I really need to get out more.  Oh well, I still find it an achievement!

Of course you were!  So, are you thirsty or hungry or anything?  Cause I might get some of that un-natural looking lemonade.  You want some?

OMG.  OMG.  Wow.  Wow.  Fhdjksjfhds.  He just asked to buy me a drink.  And I didnt hint or anything.  Hjdfksdjfhs.  I.  Actually.  Cant.  Believe.  That.  He.  Just.  Wow.  OMG.  Yes.  Ahjsdkajhds.  What do I do now? 

Oh yeah.  Answering him would be a good place to start. 

Actually, yeah... Um, Im kinda thirsty, I might get some lemonade too.

I think Im getting better at this.  I actually answered that in a calm, cool and collected manner...  Ish.  Anyways, we are actually walking over to the bar together.  Right now, I actually love Becki.  This is just perfect.  And I still have 2 minutes left of this 10 minute challenge thing.

Ok, hes gone to go and get me a drink while I sit at the bar.  Looks like Im not the only one doing well with this challenge; Sams talking to Allison again, Brookes at the bar with this new boy (tall with bright red spiky hair), however she hasnt got a drink yet, Macys sitting awkwardly drinking lemonade next to the tall blonde from earlier and Beckis sitting with her drink in one hand, making out with one of the boys in the pale blue tuxedos that had pulled Chelseas motorbike in. 

Eep!  Dannys coming back, and hes carrying two plastic cups filled with the bubble gum pink fizzy liquid.  I should say something to him,

Do you need me to pay you back for that drink?

Please say no.  Please say no.  Please say no.  Please say

No, of course not

OMG.  He is actually perfect.

So Melanie, Can I maybe have your number?

Yes.  Yes.  Of course he can.  I cant believe he just asked that.  WOW.  Now I feel special.  Really special.  OMG, I must be grinning like an idiot.  I feel like Im grinning like an idiot.  Urgh �" I keep doing this.  I need to answer him when he asks me stuff!  He looks so confused.

Um, yeah sure, why dont I put in your phone? 

Hes handed me his phone.  This is actually happening.  A guy just bought me a drink and asked for my number.  Yes, it may seem like nothing to most people, but Im shy, awkward, short and I dont exactly have the best figure... so this is a big step for me.  And its all happening n...

Hi Danny!  Havent seen you in a while! Urgh.  Did Allison really have to come and interrupt now?   Shes looking at the 2 of us and tilting her head to one side, Aww!  You two look really cute together!  Anyways, Danny I need to borrow Melanie for a while, your friend Lewis is over their sucking Beckis face, why dont the two of you go and hang out? 

And now Im being pulled away.  No.  No no no no no.  NO.  Why now?  Seriously?  Now Im back to sitting where we were siting before we left for the challenging.

Alright everybody, status report!  Becki, we all saw you with your tongue shoved down Lewis Milanns throat so we dont need to know the details, lets move on to Macy, how did it go for you?

Macys sighing, looking kind of bored more than anything else, He bought me a drink, but he was the most boring, awkward, annoying boy I have ever met!  He didnt want to talk, he just wanted to savour the moment and sit next to each other in silence!  And when I asked him about himself he told me that he doesnt like to exchange information until he knows someone properly!  Thanks for pushing me towards him Becki!

Becki still looks proud of herself though, Sorry Macy, but I am a good matchmaker!  Take Melanie for example! And now the focus is on me again. You and Danny looked like you were having fun!  What happened there?

Ok, Im not gonna lie, I actually like being the centre of attention.  I mean, it doesnt happen very often.  I tend to be a wall flower most of the time, so the occasional focus on me is good.  Everyones looking at me expecting a good story though, and mine really isnt very interesting.

Um, he said he liked my outfit, but thats really all that happened.  He did buy me a drink though!

Which I didnt drink.  My untouched glass of lemonade is still sitting on the bar.

You guys look so cute together!  What about you Brooke?

Brookes sighed, I didnt get a drink.  I got nowhere with Matt the short one, but Toby, the red spiky haired one asked if I wanted to go to the cinema with him next Saturday!

Allisons nodding her head in approval and turning back to Becki, Okay everybody did well!  Becki, time for your challenge.  What is it?

I can tell Im not gonna like this.  Beckis got a really malicious smile on her face. 

Girls, its time to kiss and tell! Allison - youve got to kiss Sam, Brooke - youve got to kiss Toby, Melanie - youve got to kiss Danny and Macy - Im gonna set you up with my friend Keith and you have to kiss him!

No.  I cant do that.  Ive never kissed a guy and Ive just met Danny, getting him to kiss me would make me desperate.  And a slag.  I actually cant.  And Beckis looking directly at me with a smirk on her face,


Ive just met Danny...

Dont worry!  I realised that!  I have a plan! Beckis answered.

What is she doing?  Shes gulping down the last of her drink like her life depends on it.  Seriously �" shes draining every last drop from that little plastic cup, and now shes standing on a bar stool and clearing her throat. 


Oh dear. 

This should be interesting.

© 2015 Jasmine

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Added on July 9, 2015
Last Updated on July 9, 2015



London, Lewisham, United Kingdom

Young writer who's an aspiring author and writes a satirical teen blog. more..
