![]() Very Important ProblemA Chapter by Jasmine10 Costume Ideas that
I could go to Chelsea’s party in; 1. I could do what all
the popular people do: dress like a s**t and put on some form of animal ears
and claim to be an animal, 2. The obvious one - go
in a short white dress, white heels, fling on some wings and go as an angel, 3. I could go as a
school girl - you know, tight short skirt, school shirt and tie - but that’s also been done to death. 4. Go as some type of
Disney character for a laugh, but I’m not popular so no one would find it funny. 5. I’d say cheerleader, but those costumes are
always super expensive, 6. Maybe soldier -
shorts, camouflaged top, trainers and military face paint, 7. I would say 118 dude
- you know, red shorts, white top with the words “118” sprawled across the
middle, but then I’d have to do it with
someone or I would look like a saddo, and if I did it with someone then I would
have to wear the same as them, and that’s just awkward because you know that everyone will be talking
about who looks better. 8. I could do the easy
thing - go in a nice dress, throw on a plastic tiara and tell everyone that I’m a princess 9. I could go as a witch
but I’m not a big fan of the warts and spots and
broomsticks And my 10th costume idea: 10. I could just not go -
because I don’t know if I can be
bothered to find a costume You know, when I imagined being a teenager, I imagined what
my friends would be like. I imagined
having that perfect best friend; the one that I told all of my secrets to, the
one that I swapped clothes with, started a band with, and became famous
with. It would be me and her against the
world and whenever she came to my house we’d never be able to stop talking. Somebody should have
warned me how much reality would suck. It’s been a week since we got our invites, so
we’re lying on my bedroom floor brainstorming
costume ideas. It’s the usual set up, no one’s really talking. I’m sitting crossed legged on the floor looking up Halloween
costume ideas on the internet, Macy’s lying on the floor next to me stroking Socks, Brooke is
lying on my bed daydreaming and Kelly is sitting on my swivel chair
texting. It’s funny, for ‘best friends’ we never really talk that much. “Maybe I could go as Minnie Mouse!” Brooke’s suggesting, breaking the awkward silence, “I’m serious, think about it, I could text Becki and ask if I
could wear that cute short black spotty skater skirt that she wore to Stacie’s end of summer party, because she can’t wear it to two parties in a row and I
could pair it with my red halter neck top that I bought last month, and buy a
Minnie Mouse headband online!” Ok, she’s right.
That actually sounds kind of cute.
“And you could pair it with my bright red
wedges!” Macy’s suggested, popping a bubble from the bubble gum in her
mouth, “Kel, you okay? You haven’t told us any ideas.” See, neither have I,
but this is what happens. People care
about Kelly more than they’ve ever cared about me.
And it’s not like Kelly even
cares " she’s rolling her eyes like it’s a chore to actually talk to us. “Yeah, sorry, been texting Megan about the
party.” “Anything interesting?” “Well actually, Chelsea’s chosen her 5 V.I.P’s.
This year it’s Liz Witts her best
friend out of school, Ariana and Lucy, her best friends in school, Megan and… Me!
So it looks like you guys can’t come and get ready at mine before the party, sorry.” And now she’s back to her phone. Like it doesn’t even matter that she’s just blown us off. Oh yeah - another interesting
thing about Chelsea’s party - the
V.I.P. Section. Every year she chooses 5 girls and 5 boys who
get ready at her house. The girls get
their hair and make-up done by professionals, and get outfits bought for
them. They’re literally like bridesmaids. When Chelsea makes her big entrance they
follow behind her, each one escorted by a boy.
Megan is always a V.I.P. But
Chelsea has hardly ever spoken to Kelly and as far as Kelly talking to Chelsea,
well; I’ve never seen it happen. It probably makes me
a bad person if I say this, but I’m kind of glad that she’s blown us off. This
way I spend less time with her, and hopefully Macy and Brooke will finally pick
me over her. It looks like it’s happening though, because Brooke and Macy
are exchanging puzzled looks. “Okay, then what are you going as?” Macy’s asked, a false smile plastered on her face. “Oh, Megan said that V.I.P’s have to keep their costumes secret so
that they can surprise everyone on the night, and so no one steals the idea. But I know what it is and you guys are gonna
love the whole idea and concept!” And now she’s smiling her “I’m doing you a favour” smile. She really
shouldn’t have.
Macy’s showing her signs
of pre-rant: lips pursed, red cheeks, squinted eyes, furrowed brow… She’s about to erupt. “Well, that’s fine Kel. Mel, Mace,
you can come to mine and get ready!” And Brooke managed to
stop it. Urgh, Brooke. As much as I love her pacifist ways, for
once, just once, I want Kelly to know that she can’t get away with everything. “K, good.
I’m so sorry guys! I really wish that I could have you guys round,
but I can’t turn down the offer
to be a V.I.P. And then show up to her
party with you guys! That would just be
rude! I’m gonna go get some water, does anybody want anything?” Yeah, there is a lot
I want. I want Kelly to either remove
herself from my life, I want Macy and Brooke to see Kelly the way that I see
her. I want a flat stomach, long hair,
thighs that don’t jiggle when I walk
and a smaller forehead. “Melissa..?
Do you want anything or not?” “I’m fine.” *** One thing I really
hate about the feminine species as a whole is the bitchiness. I’m not gonna lie and try and act like I have never bitched
about anybody, but over the years, I have learnt to keep my views to myself,
because the second I express them, I wind up in a world of trouble. I mean, as soon as
Kelly left my room at the sleepover, Macy and Brooke went into full b***h
mode. All I heard was; “She’s so selfish”, “She’s sucking up to Megan”, “Remember when that happened with”, “Like when we went shopping in” over and over again, and you know what? I didn’t join in. Ever. I was incredible proud of myself, I managed
to maintain self-control in a situation where I could have really
participated. Now Macy and Brooke have
nothing to blame me for in that conversation and I got to listen to all their
problems with Kelly, which actually made me happy. And now I’m hoping that Macy and Brooke will actually
carry out their threats and not talk to Kelly. Macy and I our
sitting " sorry " shivering our butts off outside in our usual spot. She hasn’t stopped talking about her costume calamity since I sat
down. She’s gone into a vast amount of detail and I could literally
tell you everything about the situation. Basically, she went
shopping with her mum after she left my house on Sunday and she found this
really cute top (It was white and lacy) so she bought it and she wanted to wear
it for Chelsea’s so she thought that
she would be an angel or a fairy so she went to the party shop to get some
wings and as it’s just over a month
until Halloween the only ones that they had were black and black angel wings
really didn’t go with her white
lacy top. “Why don’t you just ditch the angel idea and go as something else that’s white and lacy?” I can hear Becki and
Allison giggling behind us due to the fact they just made Macy and I jump with
their random suggestion. “So this is where you guys hide in the
morning!” Becki’s exclaimed, walking over to the steps and sitting next to
Macy, “We were bored in the classroom by ourselves
so we walked around the grounds and thought that we’d try and find you guys! We brought you presents!” Now Allison’s perching herself next to me, squashing
Macy and I in the middle. I can smell
the syrup and pancakes aroma wafting from the paper plates that they’re holding, and they’re offering us a plate each. I’m supposed to be on a diet this week, but oh well, I guess I’ll start tomorrow, can’t turn down free pancakes. “We were gonna bring bacon, but then we didn’t know if you liked bacon, and everybody
likes pancakes” Allison’s explaining, “Where’s Kelly?” “With your bestest friend Megan most
probably” Macy’s answered, rolling her eyes “Have you heard? Megan is a V.I.P now!” Ouch. You could hear the scorn in Becki’s voice as she said that. Who cares?
I may as well join in; © 2015 Jasmine |
Added on July 9, 2015 Last Updated on July 9, 2015 AuthorJasmineLondon, Lewisham, United KingdomAboutYoung writer who's an aspiring author and writes a satirical teen blog. more..Writing