![]() ConfusedA Chapter by Jasmine Saints“Hi, Honey! Who’s this?” “Hey, Reagan. This is Rain. Rain, this is Reagan.” My girlfriend has the worst timing, ever. “I have
to get going. It was nice meeting you, Reagan. Bye, Sunny.” Rain didn’t sound
as preppy as she did just seconds before. I wanted to see if she would want to
meet up at this exact spot again the next day. I wish I had her phone number, email, something more than just her name. If only I finished my damn sentence. I would’ve continued rambling on and on about what could have been but I just realized that Reagan was here, expecting an explanation. “You have some explaining to do, Grey. Who was she? Why
does she call you Sunny? Are you cheating on me? Were you on a date with her?” Reagan
seemed furious. Even though we’ve only been dating for a month, I guess I
should clear things up with her. Here
goes nothing. “Well I ju�"“ she didn’t let me finish my damn sentence,
again. It drives me insane every time
she does this which is quite often I may add. “HOW
COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!” Jo began bawling her eyes
out. “I’m
sorry. I won’t talk to her again. I love you.” I kissed her cheek, in hopes
that she would stop crying. It seemed to work since she hugged me tightly
shortly after. The thing with Reagan is that she gets jealous easily. What
pisses me off is that I may not be able to talk to ANY girl but she is allowed
to talk to any guy because if I show the slightest sign of jealousy, all hell
will break loose. You’re
probably wondering why I’m even with a girl like her, let alone the fact that I
was even able to get a girlfriend. It
was freshman year of high school when I first laid eyes on her. Reagan was
adored by all the guys at Gartner High and all the girls wanted to be her
friend. I, for one, did not see what was so great about Reagan McKinley which
is what caught her interest in me. I was the only guy in the entire school who
hasn’t tried to “get at her.” She found me intriguing and had convinced me to
be her boyfriend. Yeah, it was a stupid story but hey, at least it wasn’t that
cliché “love at first sight” kind of bullshit. Well, to me it isn’t. I walked Reagan
home shortly after. She made me promise to her that I would never, ever, talk
to Rain again. I simply agreed because what are the odds of me finding her
again? I mean, this is New York City we’re talking about. Plus, I don’t even
have her number or knew her last name. Just as I
thought all hope was gone, I spotted a girl who looked familiar. Rain. As I was about to approach her, I
was struck by overbearing thoughts. Should I go talk to her? What if that isn’t even her? She
probably thinks I’m some player who wants to get into her pants or something.
Why do I even care about her? I mean, I just met her. What the hell is all of
this I’m even feeling? That’s it, I’m going to talk to her and get everything
straightened out. As I was
approaching the girl, she began talking to herself outloud. “Ugh, where is he?!
He better be here soon because I don’t want to seem like a freak to fellow New
Yorkers, too.” I was
going to comfort her when a boy came up to her running. “Hey, sorry I’m late
Lalaine. I lost track of time,” the guy said. “It’s alright, Zeke. Let’s go, shall we?” she
grabbed his hand and the two left. Who was I kidding? Why
would she even like me? Eh, at least I don’t have to think about this situation
I headed home and just slept through the day, hoping that I will forget
whatever happened today. © 2015 Jasmine Saints |
Added on December 20, 2015 Last Updated on December 20, 2015 |