

A Story by Jansen Duncan

The country is lost, and America needs to open her eyes to find her way.

Color. In other words, beauty. There are infinite shades and tints, and still we look over the meaning of it. The meaning of color. No, I didn't google the definition. This is simply what color means to me. Beauty. 
I've been hurting, I've been confused, and I've just been lost in my own thoughts. As I sit at my computer desk, I don't know exactly what to say, but I trust God will tell me what's best. This isn't a message to politicians, this isn't a letter to civilians, this isn't a letter to "higher" or "lower" power people. This is a letter to America. We make up the population of America, we ARE America. We have a free life. We get to worship who we want, talk about what we want, marry who we want, party when we want. This 1st world life is great, but I know, yes I know for a fact, that this isn't the greatest country in the world. 
I'm content with the situations I am in now, and I love my life. When I was in elementary school life was so care-free, but now that I understand how this country works I can't just sit here and watch America fall to it's knees, and scream this prayer,
"FATHER, GIVE THEM LOVE, I'M TIRED OF SEEING HATRED, I'M TIRED OF SEEING RIOTS AND RALLIES, I'M TIRED OF SEEING LITTLE ONES INSPIRED BY THE WRONG DOINGS OF THEIR SOCIETY BECAUSE THEY ARE TOLD THAT IT IS RIGHT. I'm just tired now and I want to be loved, and not hated. I feel so alone and I hurt for those who don't understand that hatred is branded in those whose happiness has been deflated. The people here are lost, they need your light." America opens her eyes and attempts to get off her knees, but can't. She is kicked back down by those who feed on sorrow and attention. America weeps because of her affliction.
Where's the love? Where is the love? I've met missionaries, and they know where the love is, and it isn't here. I thought we were the UNITED states, but it turns out we are still as segregated as those who were living 120 years ago. It's not because of the law. The laws are not what segregates the people, we are what segregates the people. We segregate each other because much like the little ones today, this generation along with older generations were told it was okay to treat others who are different poorly. Society tells us to be ourselves only until the limit is reached and it is not accepted anymore. Society tells us that the emos can't be with the gangsters, and the old can't be with the young, and Christians can't talk to atheists. Society is now telling us that black can't be with blue. It just isn't accepted. 
See, some people are trying to make a change. (https://youtu.be/2oE8MhOxZgQ) (https://youtu.be/q0qD2K2RWkc). It hurts me to think that some people can't be color blind, and that they have to see color so they can stay away. It hurts me to think that the some see a police badge and really just see a criminal in disguise. It hurts me to think that the black community has been affected by the unfortunate misbehavior of some officers that take advantage of their authority. Riots and Rallies are not going to help selfish people realize that #BlackLivesMatter. This will take love. Love others and accept that #AllLivesMatter. My friends and I were once bullied by one kid in our school, and our mothers simply stated this. "Kill him with your kindness, love him because he doesn't know any better, and accept him because he makes mistakes just like we do." It came with time, but I haven't heard from him in over a year, and I haven't had an earful of his blatantly rude comments. Bad things happen to people everywhere. Police arrest innocent people everyday, and unknowingly do so. 
Today, there are two main problems in this country at this moment. There are the people who don't listen to the law, and there is the law that doesn't listen to the people. Each party has a different story. Each side has different witnesses. Everyone who has seen police brutality and injustice toward innocent civilians are scarred because they simply don't understand that it's time for us to take a stand. 
Instead of seeing a man with a bright future they see a thug that is probably familiar with mugshots. They see their skin color and and judge. They see the tattoos, piercings, and clothes that they don't recognize with and consider them criminals. They don't read between the lines and see that their future is bright. One mistake is made so they had to take his life. Whatever was in the victims pocket was more important than doing what the officer said, and as his hand lowered below his chest a bullet was released  from the barrel of a gun. That night the officer goes home and suffocates himself in the memories of seeing the poor mans horrified face as he heard the noise of a gun being fired in front of him. He didn't know he was unarmed. He just wanted to protect himself. 
(Did you notice that the color of the mans skin wasn't used in that whole paragraph above?)
Eyes, they are a blessing and they are a curse. They are beautiful, and delicate. Eyes are so much more than just visualizing things around you. They tell you what is wrong and what's right, they tell you when to fight for what is right.  Maybe we should worry about our own eyes, children's eyes, and and watch how other lives are made up of lies from the past and the present. I'm not calling your grandparents and ancestors liars, but we are all that's left and we're liable of our own country's future. We watch our neighbors fall into an abyss and we sit and watch. We watch the people we hate have horrible days and we mutter a fake, friendly "hey." and walk away. I'm tired of the hate. The human eye witnesses billions of examples of undisciplined actions, so the monkey see, monkey do affect starts here. Soon we become the ape. We become the influence to others, and as they watch us they suppose that what we do is right when it's not. 
Children, along with adults are watching these Black Lives Matter rallies and they believe what you are doing is right! They believe that turning your back to the people who want to protect you is something that is right! Riots and Rallies only hurt the people who hurt you, and that hurts me, along with everyone else who loves both the black community and the law enforcement. I can't bear watching the news, watching the rallies, watching the police be bashed because they are trained to be a cautious officer. 
It's on the news, on social media, it's in our homes. WE GET IT. YOU DISAGREE. People have hurt you and the people around you. Saying all cops are bad is like saying all black people are criminals! I'm sick of hypocrites hating because someone was hospitalized simply because they didn't listen to the law. My eyes burn from the tears I have held back. My eyes ache from seeing the murders. My eyes ache from the hatred. My eyes ache.
I can't get rid of it. Every T.V. channel, radio station, news paper, magazine. If I shield my eyes, I might as well go blind and forget the beautiful sights I see everyday throughout the hate. Colors are beauty, and yes that means even skin color. Look past the past and notice what's going on now. We are hurting each other and it's nobody's fault but our own. Gandhi was right, an eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind and we lost sight long ago. We see the TV screen, but do we see what is happening outside our own home? We see our phone screen, but do we see what is INSIDE of our own home? We are a broken country, and we need to locate our eyes and look for love. We witness hate everyday, and we've learned to copy what we see. I'm tired of seeing what I see, and I'm sure others are too. Color is beauty, and it isn't mean't to be a clue to stereotype. End the racism. 
Little eyes, big eyes, blind eyes, we all see this. I'm tired of watching, and so are many others. OUR eyes are drowning in an overflowing reservoir of pain because of watching this war. I'll be the first to say. I'm NOT sorry for making a change.

© 2016 Jansen Duncan

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Added on July 19, 2016
Last Updated on July 19, 2016
Tags: All Lives Matter, Eyes, America, Merica, Popular