A Magical Moment

A Magical Moment

A Poem by jane kelley

A Magical Moment

If a magical moment could happen
and the spirits were by my side
you would come for me on a white stallion
and into the heavens we would ride

Twinkling stars in our path would guide us
and the moon would give us a smile
just being so close to you
I would be in paradise for awhile

We could fly through the night to Egypt
embracing in the desert heat
take a tour of the ancient pyramids
and wonder about the secrets they keep

In the morning we would arrive in Kansas
just to smell the sunflowers there
the prairies singing sweet breezes
and the wind would blow through our hair

Then you would take me to the ocean
so that in the water we could wade
we would spend the night there kissing
and our worries and troubles would fade

Our journey leads us into the twilight
rich with gold and purples and blues
our hearts melting into each other
a lavender rhapsody for two

I really do believe in magic
in fairies and Peter Pan
and I would believe in you
if you would only take my hand

Someday this dream will come true
because I truly believe
you are my magical eternal love
just turn around and you’ll find me

jane kelley
© 5/1/14

© 2014 jane kelley

My Review

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All of your work I have read is positive, uplifting, and well written. I admire a writer that can work with rhyme schemes, that is something I cannot do.
I see my friend Maria Rose has visited and and reviewed, I suggested she check your work out, as I know she loves the romantic poems as well.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Maybe I have. Maybe I have not. I shall never tell. Or maybe I haven't had the time to write it. ; ).. read more
jane kelley

10 Years Ago

now you're being Canadian... LOL

10 Years Ago

Knowing your previous experiences with obstreperous Canadians, I shall endeavour (note extraneous U .. read more
I really do believe in magic
in fairies and Peter Pan
and I would believe in you
if you would only take my hand.

Definely I end my journey at the bank of Yamuna, Near the TAJMAHAL.
This was a fabulous poetry. Great one my friend, so romantic and have a sweet desire to be one....

Posted 10 Years Ago

jane kelley

10 Years Ago

thank you very much.. I really appreciate you reading it.. and I've really always believed in Peter .. read more
Someday this dream will come true
because I truly believe
you are my magical eternal love
just turn around and you’ll find me.. Jane your words are so beautifully written and so magical
maria rose

Posted 10 Years Ago

maria  ( rose)

10 Years Ago

Your welcome and I sure will,,Good Luck!! :)
maria  ( rose)

10 Years Ago

just post the link again because it didn't show up...
jane kelley

10 Years Ago

Check out my entry http://tlng.me/1jlINXD and vote for me on Tallenge

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3 Reviews
Added on May 12, 2014
Last Updated on May 12, 2014


jane kelley
jane kelley

Conroe, TX

I'm 66 yrs.. began writing when I was 53. I have a writing group on FB.. wordsfromtheheart&soul-awritershaven I write mostly romantic poetry, some religious, some fantasy.. I have 14 grandchildren .. more..
