Come one come all
welcome to the transitory times
Hold onto your seat
nothing is permantly affixed on this ride
everyone gets off at the next light
to let a whole new group on board
don't get too used to that man across the aisle
the one with the lovely sparkly eyes and
that wicked smile
he is just a phase
now he's gone
don't hold onto that desk job
you may not retire from there
its called downsizing baby
its a bottom line affair
the workers are expendable
it the dollar that counts
don't count your eggs in the pension plan basket
they might break
don't be getting sick
so that your company insurance has to pay
they will find away to get rid of your job
transitory people transitory times
transitory love affairs
through the internet lines
you didn't like that date
he/she wasn't hot enough for you.
just get online
another site and you can
start anew
after all its spring and summer right behind
get ready for the winter of your life
we living in chameleon times.