![]() 3 Train ThoughtsA Poem by James![]() A collection of thoughts on trains and their environment![]() Train Thoughts 1 After years of mental masturbation to the end of skewed perceptions, I tired of my closed minded and self-enraptured pursuit and wondered what it would be like once again to be human. Though I remained limitingly homo sapien I had found my mentality fractured. Though the pieces of my once all together self remained, the smithereens into which they had been smashed meant they couldn't suggest even a minor semblance of the reality I once knew. The world I inhabited now was merely theoretical, the only guise of reality was uncontrollable emotions, whether they be fear or lust or anger or such. The strange thing with being an inhabitant on such a landscape is you never fully believe the realm in which you exist, but, at the same time are assured of its parallel path to the life you lead. To be human was, of course, a phrase I alluded to to suggest conformity. Not conformity those in student riots addicted to sub cultures adulterate and mislead themselves in, rather the 'I meet people', 'I have a job', 'I wake at a certain time', 'To ride public transport getting drunk is a self-deprecating pursuit.' Theme of thought Public transport had always been a love of mine. Living in London my young self became exposed and imbibed with a drunken cocktail of experiences, entertainments an ex-curricular socializing. Through my life since then, this heady narcotic (for all my time inhabiting this intoxicating virus of a city) has been used in combination with various other substances I abused. Affecting my heightened (or lowered) state with a nuanced abandon, churlishly goading me with fake truths. On a return to sobriety, the reality was offensive, garish in its truth. Bright honest fear of others and pride of perception bullied my slowly recovering psyche. It was as to one who had lived the past 7 years with earphones sellotaped to their ears playing a loop of white noise, having them suddenly torn out and the detail and information they now had to process sending them into conniptions. The media with which I had sedated myself indoors had me on a flawed TV logic, a pornographic perspective, a rappers morals. Confused, self-defeating, poisonously idealistic. To be near people was a stimulus I could not tolerate the effects of. Questions arose from eye contact, mirrors of myself, slaloming in their irises. My feelings ranged from anger at their misconceptions to paralyzing embarrassment at probable truths I had sought to evade. Bossy language deafened me with unexplainable minute gestures; honesty fled my imagination as the reality of my lack of understanding daunted me. Why did it seem women on the train always stood with their behind facing me, why men their front. Were they presenting, was I a receptacle with which to collect sexual posturing? I suppose my love of the tube came from its somehow undefinable nature. A place of more than merely human husks going somewhere, to do something. But rather where people unveiled themselves, a parade of insecurities, perversions and self conceptions projected. I loved the microcosm of humanity it held, even in the pretence the candour of reserve screamed tortuous tales of a society at once confused, determined. I try to remember my unpolluted mind and think back to before every object suggested a million interpretations. But I wouldn't be able to truthfully say as to whether I felt like this or not. But I feel it was this mesh of vulnerable truths that had first allured me, of which I had now become yet another reflective surface, projecting an endless image with the other mirrors around me, we would stare deep into without comprehension of the time, waste and folly. Train Thoughts 2 There are times when being on a crowded train can provide a brief glimpse of serenity. The close packed heavy, humid, human aroma'd capsule of travel provides, conversely, a sliver of private reflection. A dose of unadulterated silence in the close confines of shared experience. To proffer the ideal of silence in the cacophonous undulating clicka-clunch, cougha chug could seem ignorant. Ignorance, as often remarked, can be bliss. In this semi deafening monotony of staid faces and dull demeanours, we are offered a moment of reflection. A mirroring of the times. An opportunity to reflect on oneself in the humanity of restraint. A glance can be cast, unrequited. Eyes dancing along the solemn profiles, in perfunctory study of one to another to another. Halted briefly by another gazing in. A comma in the prose of identity inspected. Comfortable in its brevity. The eternal vacuum of interaction can provide solace from the very same equation of people in another venue. This is an environment sterilized by its filth. A perfect balance of contamination. Splutters, sniffs and coughs shared as secret promises. Honest tokens of confession, splurted out disarmingly. Sworn to secrecy for an afford of intimacy with people we'll never know. The unspoken etiquette was sacrosanct. Knowing disencounters and telling uninvolvement. A diet of the reticent, mixed with closed eyed false meditators and anxious extroverts. I, drunk, enjoyed as a voyeur. Snacking at a buffet of human experience. Sampling their despair, enjoyment and fear in equal quantities. Not for sustenance, rather for the pleasure delivered to the palette. How the personalities danced on my tongue. Frivolities of the necessary. Indulgence of the pertinent. It aided me nought I was benefitted by the communion, a sly theft of their attendance acquired I toyed with. Pretending it was mine, alluring in its illicitness. Without it I was not less, rather less aware. What the awareness brought was comfort, the assuage of the disenchanted accompanying my merry disappointment. To dance would be to mislead, so I casually and cautiously sipped from the rim. Soothing sips of a truth convoluted and uninterested in my state. To ponder the others life was to pervert and destroy the illusion. I closed my mind and travelled safely, without judgement, with comfort of the unknown. Train Thoughts 3 Having been inducted once again into the pic n mix nature of civilization, I once again became allured by others perceptions. Living without others becomes more of a tangible exercise in manifesting consciousness than actually existing. It becomes theoretical. My theory was flawed and however admirable became to my detriment. It wasn’t sourced from a love of self or a core belief, it was rather a genesis grown from my insecurities, being that that was its birth I deemed it flawed in its conception. Conceptions though are all perfect in their existence when viewed from the perspective that an idea being born doesn’t need to have any value or use in implementation. While alone, conceptions bred and emerged, with a viral ferocity. Growing mysteriously, a mixture between synthetically and organically, like bubbles at the start of a bath. The proliference of ideas born all had a core, and that core was purpose. ‘Is the song worth writing if music itself is a luxurious pursuit of selfish base’, ‘Is to watch TV impure as by definition, it is purposed to an end divergent from the well-being of humans’, ‘Is to feel not enough as without actions and discipline, it is worth is nought?’ Being purposed was to believe. Believe in your worth and how it should be spent. Believe in your morals and that it was implicit with beliefs that they should be exercised. Where these dual purposes became convergent was at a point where you had to consider whether you believed in what you did because of others, or because of yourself. I couldn’t deduce the apex of my purpose, its axis, its fulcrum. Was I offering the lady on the train my seat because I wanted her journey to be better and more comfortable, or because I felt my own social responsibility and therein moral esteem could arise from it? Is my purpose to be good, based on empathy or pride? Did I look at others as less than me comparatively as a result of my own actions? The truth in such a case offered itself as irrelevant; the action was truth, its motivation perversion. To help even if for the wrong reason was of more worth to the needy individual than a good thought unenacted. The purity of purpose was a pursuit of aspiration. Not it’s flawed conception or genesis. I for one became beleaguered with the industrious rigmarole that sapped my energy to death. Exhausting me with its own perverse ideals, in aspiration of its own nefarious goals, complicit with this society of self concern. © 2013 JamesAuthor's Note
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