![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by Capt Decker![]() a black hole is discovered by Jupiter's mining moon community. Mequinide fuels plans to extort the material within. But Decker Fuels promises with navy support that they will never get through.![]() the power it takes to breach the atmosphere of earth is 25,000 mph. this speed is called escape velocity. escape velocity is the speed at which the sum of an object's kinetic energy and its gravitational potential energy is equal to zero. In this equation atmospheric friction, or air drag, is not taken into account. A rocket moving out of a gravity well does not actually need to attain escape velocity to do so, but could achieve the same result at any speed with a suitable mode of propulsion and sufficient fuel. this ideal fuel couldn't be found on earth though. so in the year 2068 an effort was made by earth to find what kinds of resources may be found in the galaxy. that's when they found Carbon Lithium plasma's under the surface of Jupiter's moon. it was discovered to burn slowly and maintain a constant intensity for a long period of time. so the new space race began, space mining organizations started to make names for themselves. these organizations started taking liquid oxygen and hydrogen fueled ships out to this moon and mine for what will be shortly known as carthium. carthium mining grew and grew. then in 2077 a new breed of ships for space travel came out. these ships didn't need external launching tanks or secondary rockets. they were compact and came with new engines designed to burn carthium fuel. in the first few years of theyre production the shipping time for fuel grew extraordinarily. organizations made more ships and the demand for fuel became more. but it was easy to supply that demand with these ships. in 2090 two major mining organizations, Decker Fuels and Mequinide, had bought out the rest and went into extreme compitition with one another. Decker Fuels became navy sponsored and started getting escorted vessels and finer developed ships. Mequinide had to keep up competition. but there struggle eventually turned neutral, this continued for 15 years when finally somthing happened... Marh 3rd, 2105, mequinide drilling station 416 on the south face of the moon. it was like any other day. a couple workers in space suits were making there way across the face of the moon towards their station air lock. suddenly one worker stops, the other kept walking. "come on dan, lets get back, they dont pay us to dance around out here" said the one worker as he opened the outer air lock looking back at dan. "what the hell do you suppose that is?" said dan as he looked up towards the stars. the other worker took a few steps out and looked up in the direction he pointed. unless you looked hard enough it seemed like it was just a star among the sky. it was pulsating though and changed a purple color before their eyes. little did these men know, they found a tearing passage through space. it was a new growing black hole. Starting that day though Mequinide tried to keep the hole a secret while it slowlty grew. one month later it was a solid 60 foot wide hole. Mequinide C.E.O, Oliver Mequise, had to make a decision. He decided to tell the world in a press conference at the world senate hearing. he wanted to appeal to the hundreds of men and women that ruled earth that he would send a crew to explore what the black hole led too. it was going to be his companys last chance on saving themselves from bankruptcy. John Decker, C.E.O of Decker Fuels, was in attendence at the conference hoping that the senate wont make the mistake of giving him free access. Oliver Mequise took the stand,"One Month ago a couple of my workers found a small black hole. it has grown and is a threat to our solar system now." the room was stirred into a slight panic. "i plan to send a small ship of my workers to investigate through the hole and what its origin may be," Mequise said while on stage next to him was the crew. they stood up as he read their names."among the crew will be Capt. Henry Long, Christopher Moss, and Samuel Lynch. Along with my crew will be two of the Navys Finest Seals. Capt. Roger Gash and Lt. Mark Bates. They will fly the Ship, Assendence, through the black hole and return hopefully from a three day mission exploring what may be on the other side." as Oliver Mequise finished the senate exploded with questions. then the chancellor pounded his gaffle demanding order, chancellor Fullhammer stood at his bench. "the senate will not allow you access, i am appointing the galactic navy to quarintine the black hole," chancellor Fullhammer exclaimed as he sat back down. Oliver stepped down and walked back stage. then the crew he introduced got up and followed him. another man came to the mic from off stage and addressed the room. "Mr. Mequise will not take any questions on the matter currently," the man said as he too stepped off. John Decker remained in his seat as the conference was disbursing. Decker then got up and went up back stage. he went down the hall and found Oliver Mequise in a room with all of the Men he intruduced and chancellor Fullhammer. Decker couldnt fully understand them so he scooted in closer. chancellor Fullhammer was talking to the crew,"the senate wont vote to allow you access to the black hole. so unfortunatly i cant help you Mequis, the senate doesnt even care about the fact you found a couple old retired navy seals. Youll have to handle the navy on your own." "im not worried about the navy, its john decker, you know very well he would like to see me go out of business." mequis said frustrated. "well i dont have the power to protect you from decker, you know that Mequis" the chancellor replied. Capt. Henry Long interrupted, "whats the chance well be coming back from this one?" "i dont know, i wish i could tell you all what to expect", Oliver Mequise explained as he sipped his coffee."tomorrow you all will embark on the greatest journey to the unknown since the discovery of the new world." little did Mequis know though was that the World Senate had one of their most loyal contractors in the hallway, listening... "you know the World Senate has the Galactic Navy all over the breach Mequis," John decker exclaimed as he bursted through the door."You may have fooled chancellor to think you have everything under control with your two little seals over there. but im not fooled, both of these men are retired." "How about you worry about the sake of your own company Decker." Mequis barked back at him. "I just wanna make sure you understand that the Navy has assigned their best Captains to make sure you dont get through that Black Hole." Decker replied. Mequis looked up from his coffee," Your son gonna be up there?" "You know damn well he will be, with his finest crew too." Decker replied with confidence. "He may have been top off his class two years ago, that doesnt make him capable of stopping our ships captain." Oliver Mequis said as he looked over at his Ship Captain." Capt. Henry Long, six year veteran, he even shipped some of the first loads of Carthium from Jupiters Moon." "I have confidence in my boy, he's one of a kind" Decker said as he left with pride. Mequis looked back at his crew,"well, ill meet you all at the base tomorrow. you all still have a choice..." Mequis paused, looked down at his coffee,"I'm gonna retire if this doesnt work out, this game is getting old on me. You all are the last chance for this company." Mequis finished and walked out the door. © 2015 Capt Decker |
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