![]() Little Silver DaggerA Story by Jake E. Sampson![]() A young budding journalist(Edwin Cross) is put through hell when he accepts an offer to interview notorious murderer Lloyd Stone. Living in the heart of frozen Russia, Edwin soon discovers that there![]()
The Edwin Cross Files Book I:
Little Silver Dagger
A Novella By: Jake Sampson
The black
leather glove slipped on effortlessly. The glow of the fire conjured shadows
that danced like puppets, while I drew a small black box from my coat pocket.
His face grew white, beads of sweat on his forehead. He stared into my eyes
until I finally opened the box; from inside, I drew a small scalpel and placed
it on to the coffee table. His eyes were now totally fixed on the blade, he
began to panic, not openly but his eyes widened and his breathing grew loud. I
waited a moment before I sat in the armchair opposite him. We had business to
discuss. No more than an hour later did our conversation end, and while blood
dripped onto the plush oak floor, I ignited the petrol soaked furniture and
calmly walked out into the cold snow covered night.
By the time I
had reached the road the house was an inferno, and the smell of ash and justice
were all too potent.
By the next
morning the police had begun investigating, after three hours they had found
nothing but a blackened silver scalpel with the initials E.J engraved into the
handle. My business was done, I had no need to hang around, and I was half way
to London when the story was published in the newspaper, the headline read:
“Family Of Four
Perish In Blaze, Police Begin Search For Suspect”
To my surprise
this did not send a cold anxious shiver up my spine, but a warming sense
of accomplishment and validation; my actions indeed, had consequence. This was
not my motivation for taking that particular life, but of course that is why
you’re here isn’t it? To find out what goes through my head when I kill a man?
Killing isn’t as simple or as brutish as most detectives claim, it is -in fact-
an art form; to end something that is so complex and so perfectly designed
requires skill, precision and motivation. No murder is simply a case of anger
or impulse, murder is carefully thought out and heartfelt, anything else
is either accidental or an act of sheer ignorance. Shortly after I arrived in London the police
found me, I was arrested on the 7th of January 1967 for the murder
of Jane Johnson, Lillian Johnson and Dr Edward Johnson. After three hearings I
was sentenced to Life in a maximum-security prison and released 17 years later
on parole. I moved out here in this icy desert and hid my self from the media
and society; I wanted to be left alone, and it seems even that was too much to
ask for.
Part I: Climbing The Ladder
November 5th
I’ve been
traveling now for over six hours, the droning hum of the plane’s engine has
created a void in my mind, I’m finding it hard to focus or concentrate for more
than a minute or so. There is near silence in the cabin; grey suited
businessmen and shady looking characters that have no intention of exchanging pleasantries
surround me. The laborious traveling to far off pockets of nothingness;
I keep forgetting why I put my self-trough this If I had known that I’d be
interviewing war veterans and former politicians then I would have thought
twice about journalism, if it can be called that. I feel like a maid dusting
the cobwebs off of an old book that no one wants to read.
I’ve had
hundreds of briefs placed on my desk in the past month, but my editor delivered
only one to me personally; the report was to be on a convicted serial killer,
he was charged with the murder of Dr Edward-James Johnson. Johnson himself was
accused of murder 8 months prior to his own but the charges were dropped. The
man who later killed Johnson -and who I am to interview- was Lloyd Stone, after
he served his sentence of 17 years he moved himself close to a remote village
outside of Moscow where he’s resided ever since, the village is called Lipino.
I’m due to
arrive in Moscow in just over an hour, the empty faces in the seats around me
stare lifelessly into their pagers and newspapers, not a sound from any of
I land at Sheremetyevo International Airport. As I climb out of the
small passenger plane the cold Russian wind plunges into my lungs and forces me
to cough violently. I can barely see 3ft in front of me; the snow and wind make
it impossible for me to make out the airport or the runway.
I’m due to meet
Stone’s former parole officer in 3 hours, he recommended we meet as soon as
possible once I landed, he would drive me from the airport to Stone’s log cabin
near Lipino. With the three hours I have to wait one and a half of which was
waiting for my luggage, I browse around the stores for warm clothing and a
place to review my notes on the Stone/Johnson case.
After reading
the case report for over an hour I began to feel nervous; Stone didn’t simply
murder Johnson, he had planned it. Johnson was killed by his own personalized
scalpel from his surgery and then set alight, Stone was sending a message, but
to who? Was it a warning to another enemy? Or was it simply a malicious attack
designed to invoke fear? All this should become apparent when I meet with Stone
It’s not long
before Stone's former parole officer entered the coffee shop, a man in his late
50’s fairly tall with short platinum hair, and week old stubble. His name was
Alec Samuels, he’d been in Interpol for 5 years before being assigned as
Stone’s personal parole officer, the title was for show, he was there to
make sure Stone kept to the conditions of his release by any means necessary.
“Ah, you must be
“Yes, you must
be Edwin? Nice to meet you”
He reached out
his hand and shook mine.
“Please, take a
seat. Can I get you a coffee?”
Alec chuckled to
“No, I don’t
want to rush you but we can’t wait. If we want to get to Lipino before the snow
blocks the roads, then we need to leave as soon as possible.”
“Oh, I see well
let’s get going.” I place my papers into my satchel and follow Alec out to his
Alec drove a
green Saab saloon car with pale leather seats and more importantly, heated.
We drove for half an hour in silence before Alec started convosation.
“You must be
I was taken
aback by Alec’s less than subtle outburst, but held my ground.
“For wanting to
speak to Stone?” My voice quivered slightly.
“Yes, the dust
had only just settled on the Stone/Johnson case, Stone’s a recluse and that’s
the only way he can live outside of prison.” There was an awkward pause.
“Stone needs to be buried, whether it be under the dust in his cabin or six
feet under the ground; and now you want to come along and dig it all out.”
Time stood still
in Alec’s car; I had already upset the balance. I didn’t reply to Alec, instead
stared out the window into the infinite white, and waited for my mind to decide
what the best response would be.
July 6th
I saw Amelia today,
she was worse than usual. I’ve waited so long to see her smile; she’s almost
out of time. The doctors say that the damage was so severe that she’ll need
corrective surgery every 6 months, otherwise her skin will keep tearing, and I
can’t bear to see her like this. But I have hope yet; I’m assured that the best
surgeon in the country will be performing Amelia’s procedures. I can only hope
that she’s not in pain for much longer. I love you my dearest Amelia.
“Lloyd, what are
you doing?” My mother was standing in the doorway.
“Nothing.” I
covered my journal with some of the scattered pieces of paper that lay on my
desk. “ I was doodling, how’s Dad?”
“He’s fine, he
misses you.”
“How long does
he have?”
My mother said
nothing; she placed her hand on my shoulder and wept.
“I’ll go down to
see him tomorrow, I’ll bring some flowers.”
“He’d like that
Lloyd. How’s Amelia?”
My father died
on the 5th of August 1965. Cancer ate at his body, and there was
nothing anyone could do.
My mother
grieved, and I sat motionless at my desk with the morphine running through my
body. The needle still in my arm. It dulls the pain and takes me to a state of
ignorance, I feel nothing and nothing matters. Amelia grows
weaker, her first procedure made no improvement on her condition, she wanted to
scream out in pain, but couldn’t force the words out of her scarred lips.
Nothing seems to work, she can’t go on like this, and every second is burning
hell to her. I need to find another way to ease her pain.
There was a
stern knock at the door followed by a loud voice.
“Lloyd, open
up!” It was my Uncle. He was drunk. “Open the door! Where’s your w***e of a
I got to my feet
and paced to the door, His voice was still echoing through the house. I open
the door violently and lunge out at my uncle hitting him on the nose, there is
a loud crack as the bone buckles.
“You little
s**t!” He clasps his face before swinging for my head futilely.
“What’s wrong
with you? My mother just lost her husband!”
“You f*****g
cocksucker, that’s why I’m here.” He chuckled to himself. “The early bird
catches the worm!”
Blood is now
pouring from his nose, my fists clench once again. As he swings for me for a
third time and misses I jab him in the jaw jolting his head, he recoils and
falls on the floor unconscious.
November 5th
It’s now dark,
the convosation in the car is at a minimum, Alec calmed down once he explained
that I need not disturb any ‘troubling issues’ that Stone may have. We later went on to discuss each others
hobbies, Alec is partial to antiques, in particular old glass paper weights, I
explained that my hobby was my current profession, to which Alec chuckled.
There were few
street lights and houses on the road, and the further we drove the less there
were, we were plunging into the remote and isolated, far from civilization and
far from the kind of places I was used to.
“Not much
further, we’ll get to the end of this road and have to walk the rest.”
“What? It’s
minus twenty degrees out there!”
“There’s no
other way, Lloyd’s offered to let us stay in his cabin till the morning, then
you can walk up when it’s only minus twelve.”
I could feel the
icy cold of Russia creep up my spine as we talked about it.
“Here we are.”
The car ground
to a halt, there was absolute darkness; I was hesitant to leave the confines of
the vehicle.
Stone was a
convicted murderer; the realization of that fact was sudden and most unwelcome.
Alec and I had been walking for no more than half an hour, my face was frozen
and my hands were numb.
“Not used to
these conditions are you?” Alec chuckled. “Trudging through snow with icy winds
skimming your cheeks raw?”
My shivering and
inability to answer were answer enough. We walked for another twenty minutes or
so before a faint glow emerged just up ahead.
“Welcome to the
home of a murderer”
I stopped in my
tracks, I had been researching this man for months, a man who maliciously
murdered a surgeon and then incinerated his entire family, and now I was going
to meet him.
We approached
the large log cabin; I was shivering relentlessly; whether it was due to the
cold, or the fact that in less than thirty-seconds I would be face to face with
a cold blooded killer.
“Just keep calm
and be assertive, he’ll respect that”
Alec knocked on
the oak door, there was a pause for a moment, and then the door opened to
reveal a small woman in her fifties, both Alec and I were shocked and confused.
“Hello? Is Lloyd
here?” Alec queried placing his hand on the cold frozen beam of the door.
She shook her
head but motioned for us to come in. As we gingerly walked into the cabin I
noticed almost immediately Lloyds collection of newspaper cutouts and framed
documents mounted all around the living room.
“Mr. Stone has
gone to collect fire wood, he is expecting you, don’t worry dears.” The woman
“I see, pardon
me for asking; but who are you?” Alec said as he took a seat by the fireplace.
The woman turned
towards me and motioned for me to sit down.
“My name is Mary
Woodrow I am Mr. Stone’s personal assistant, he required some help around the
cabin; cleaning, fetching groceries etcetera.”
There was a
collective mumble of approval. The fire was a blessing, and feeling had started
to return to my fingers. Alec had taken off his coat and folded it on his lap.
“Let me boil you
two a cup of tea, or perhaps something a little stronger?”
“Tea will be
fine for me Mrs. Woodrow”
“I’ll have a
large scotch if you have any.” Alec wore a large grin as he said this.
Mary nodded politely
and wandered off into the kitchen, the cabin was huge; there were two floors
and the living room was larger than my apartment. I looked over to Alec for
reassurance; he smiled and clapped his hands together.
“Damn, I’ve
forgotten my folder. I must have left it in your car.”
Alec did not
chuckle this time.
“What? You want
to walk all the way back to the car now?”
“I guess it
could wait till morning.” I sighed.
Mary emerged
from the kitchen with a tray carrying a teapot, three cups and a small glass of
whisky. She placed the tray onto the coffee table and poured two cups, handing
one to me and placing the other in her lap. Alec leaned across and grabbed the
glass of whiskey.
“So! How long
have you worked for Mr. Stone?”
“Oh not long,
you must be Edwin?” Mary said politely
“Yes, I’m here
to interview Mr. Stone. This is Alec, my editor arranged this through him.”
“Oh I see, Lloyd
very rarely has people visit, let alone stay the night." He’ll be glad to have some company”
We chatted with
Mary for an hour or so before I could no longer resist the urge.
“Mrs. Woodrow is
it ok to smoke in here? I haven’t had once since I landed in Moscow.”
“I’m sorry dear,
you’ll have to smoke outside; Mr. Stone does not like the smell.”
I had two
choices, chew my nails to a bloody mess or brave the sub zero winds; the choice
grew harder every second I delayed.
“I see, please
excuse me.” I forced a smile before zipping up my jacket and pulled a small
pack of cigarettes out of my pocket.
As I opened the
door I could feel my bones freeze and the frozen air fill my lungs. By some
miracle I managed to light my cigarette in those arctic conditions. The wind
began to pick up, I pulled my notepad out of my jacket pocket and began making
some notes; Stone has hired help. Bizarre collection of newspaper cutouts.
Suddenly a huge
gust of icy wind blew the pad out of my hand and a good four meters from the
house, I chased after it. I fumbled around trying to find it, my fear was that
it had been swallowed by the snow and would be lost until it thawed. After a
minute or so of frantic digging, I heard a voice from behind me, to this day,
thoughts of that moment chills me to my very core.
“You dig into
the snow, you’ll find more than you bargained for.” My heart froze
and my eyes pinned wide, part of me wanted to run far off into the darkness,
but I had to face him. As I stood up and turned around, standing in front of me
was a large man around 6ft 2 with a broad chest and large boulder like hands.
He was wearing a large trench coat and a white woolen hat. His face was worn
and unshaven, his hair a mixture of light brown and silver from what I could
“What were you
looking for?” The tall ice man murmured.
I hesitated for
a moment, and then forced a response.
“I…I lost my
notepad, the wind took it and uh…”
“We’ll find it
tomorrow when its light, have you been inside yet?”
“Oh, yes I met
Mrs. Woodrow, Alec is inside.”
“Good, well come
back inside and we’ll have a chat.”
My heart was
racing at a mile a minute; it was Lloyd Stone.
As Stone pushed
the oak door open, a wall of warmth blew over me.
“Well, now, Alec
Samuels? You come all the way out here just to say hello?”
Alec chuckled.
Stone took his coat off and hung it on the back of his armchair, and then
proceeded to sit. I was still shivering; I reluctantly removed my coat and sat
next to Mary. There was an awkward silence.
“You’d best
introduce yourself.” Stone said calmly
“Oh yes, my name
is Edwin Cross, I’m here to interview you and document what happened in ’67.”
“I see. Well,
then you’d best come into the study. Mary could you fix us up some supper, and
some for Alec too.”
Stone motioned
me to follow him, we walked down the corridor to another oak door, Stone pushed
it open and motioned me to come in. it was a reasonably large room with a desk
and a chair either side, there was loose papers scattered everywhere as well as
more newspaper cut-outs pinned to various corners of the room. Stone took a seat and offered me the one
“So, Edwin
Before you begin poking around my past, I’d like to ask you a few questions. Is
that ok with you?” Stone stared straight through me.
“Well, yes of
“Good” Stone
moved a few papers around on his desk and cleared a space, he handed me a wad
of paper. “You can use this for now, I noticed you haven’t got any folders with
you, and since your note pad was swallowed by the snow, it’ll have to do.”
“Thank you.”
“So, how old are
you Edwin?”
“Ah, I see. And
where are you from?”
“I was born and
raised in London. I don’t mean to be rude Mr. Stone but I only have until
tomorrow to finish the article.”
Stone remained
motionless for a moment before leaning back in his chair and smiled politely.
“Carry on Mr.
Cross, I’ll answer your questions.” Stone’s smile grew.
I readied my pen
and cleared my throat.
“I’d like to ask
you about the months leading up to the murder Of Dr. Edward Johnson, to which
you were found guilty of?”
Stone’s smile
dropped, he sat forward in his chair and looked remorsefully into the table.
“How precise of
you, It’s not an easy story to tell, nor is it an easy story to listen to but I
re-live those dreadful moments of my life over and over again; I see his face
and the face of my fiancée every time I close my eyes.” December 28th
The smell of
bleach and white washed floors lingered, she still hasn’t smiled. She is sat on
her own in hellish pain; she can’t move, she can’t speak. She is trapped. I
stand in the doorway; she knows I’m here.
“Mr. Stone?” A
soft voice from behind me. “My name is Dr. Johnson, do you have a moment?”
I had all the
time in the world, but I’d rather have spent it with her. He took me into the
corridor and told me her body wouldn’t accept the skin graphs and they didn’t
have the funding to keep her here. She was dying.
“How much time?”
My voice trembled.
“A month maybe
two, I am sorry. We will make her as comfortable as possible.”
dropped, I knew that she didn’t have much longer; part of me was ready, part of
me died. I sat with her for most of the week, I told her what Johnson had told
me. She was ready, the pain was unbearable and she wanted to leave. I made
three telephone calls by the end of the 8th day. I was slowly
letting go of the woman I loved.
Twenty-six days.
She had passed, quietly in the night. The pain had stopped. She was free.
Not long after I
had said my goodbye, three police officers entered the room.
“Mr. Stone?”
“We’re placing
you under arrest for the murder of Amelia Jones. Please come quietly.”
“What? Are you
out of you're f*****g mind?”
The officers
drew their batons and edged slowly towards me, as one swung for me I jabbed him
in the nose. The second went for a grapple, as he did so I raised my knee up
into his ribs forcing him to splutter blood. The third struck me with the baton
splitting my head. I shielded my head and lunged forward hitting the officer in
the chin. The other two officers grabbed either one of my arms and forced me to
the ground.
I was held in a cell
for forty-two hours before I was finally interviewed.
“Things don’t
look so good for you do they Mr. Stone?” A grey haired detective placed a small
folder onto the table. “Detective-Inspector Hurst. You’ve been a busy man;
Amelia left everything to you? How was she able to concede to this two days
before the accident?”
Rage; bitter and
“I have nothing
to say to you.” I held my temper.
Hurst’s face
contorted. He perched on the edge of the table and lit a cigarette.
“You f*****g
animal, you’re all the same; as soon as you’re cornered you stick your head in
the sand.”
His eyes fixed
on me.
“I didn’t kill
her.” I met his gaze.
Hurst sat in a
chair opposite me, his eyes now on his watch.
“You beat her,
you bullied her and you manipulated her; she was frightened and she tried to
kill herself in that car crash.” Hurst voice was vengeful and impatient. “You
made her sign everything over, and then forced her to breaking point; the
neighbors heard the shouting. Hell their testimony alone would be enough to put
you away”
Hurst rose to
his feet and began to pace the room; he stumped his cigarette out in ashtray
and walked behind me, unlocking the handcuffs.
“Tell you what-”
Before Hurst
could finish his sentence I kicked the chair out from under me and reached for
the ashtray. The blow was quick and Hurst fell instantly, blood pouring out
from his wound. I took his badge and gun stuffing them both into my pocket. I
didn’t have much time.
November 6th
Stone’s spoken
very openly about some of his ‘bad deeds’ almost as if he were confessing. As I
look out the window I can see the sun just begin to shine over the mountains in
the distance.
“Listen, Edwin.
Now that you’ve opened this…'File’ I suggest you spend more time here; you need
the full picture.”
I was taken
back, Stone looked as if he needed to tell the world everything.
“Well… I mean,
do you have a phone? I’ll need to phone head office.”
Stone smiled and
sat back in his chair.
“Sure, there’s
one in the kitchen.”
The living room
smelt of the night before; whiskey, log fire and cigar smoke. In the back of my
mind I can’t help but feel that my real question would bring an abrupt
and disappointing end to this visit.
Did he murder Amelia?
“Good morning
Mr. Cross” Mrs. Woodrow chirped. “I trust Mr. Stone answered your questions?”
“Oh well yes, so
far anyway; he asked I stay a while longer.”
“I see. Well,
I’m sure he’s appreciating the company” Mrs. Woodrow’s smile had disappeared and
she wandered back into the kitchen. Alec let out an
almighty yawn as he walked in to the living room.
“Whiskey.” He
“Pass me the
whiskey; from the counter there!” His voice lowered. “The best cure for a
hangover is more alcohol, my father taught me that. Besides I need to drive us
back to the airport.”
“Well, actually
Stone’s asked to stay a little while longer.”
Alec stared
aimlessly for a second or so and then walked back into his room, bottle in
The Kitchen was
the darkest room yet; snow and ice had blocked the windows entirely. Mrs.
Woodrow hovered by the stove toasting bread and simultaneously boiling water. I
scanned the room briefly before I found the wall-mounted phone next to the
larder. Dust had formed around the handset leaving only a distorted hand
imprint, the buttons creaked as I dialed.
Four rings.
“Hello, Tony
Howard’s office. How may I help?” A calm quaint voice queried.
“Hi, it’s Cross,
I need to put an extension on my deadline.”
There was a
small pause followed by a scuffle of papers.
“You might be in
luck, the boss is in a good mood, I’ll patch you through.”
“Hi, it’s Cross,
I need to extend the deadline for the Stone report; He seems to think there is more
to his story than we expected.”
“How much of an
“Hard to say,
three maybe four days?”
“Ok, but it
better be worth while or you’re on your last warning; we clear?”
“Yes sir, thank
“Don’t thank me
Dust dispersed
as I placed the handset back onto the wall, Mrs. Woodrow turned and smiled at
me for a moment, her eyes were locked onto mine.
“Please, don’t
go digging around” her smile now seemed somewhat disturbing. “Some things
should be left buried.”
Her hands were
shaking, I struggled for words as she walked past me, carrying Stone’s
breakfast and walked down the corridor. There was a bitter taste in my mouth;
something bad was going to come of this.
Part II: Cracks In The Skin
November 7th
A shot rang
through the cabin.
I leapt to my
feet and began to sprint down the cold wooden corridor. I could hear the scramble
of feet and the crashing of furniture. I reached Stone’s office; Alec had
scrambled there seconds before me.
“Jesus Christ!” Stone
I walked in to
see the crumpled body of Mrs. Woodrow with blood pouring from a large circular
wound in her temple; she was holding a pistol. Alec rushed to her side and
inspected her body. Time its self seemed to stop entirely, Stone stood
motionless aside from a single tear that trickled down his cheek.
“Should we phone
an ambulance?” I panted.
Both Alec and
Stone froze.
“N-no we can’t;
if we do they’ll think it was Lloyd.” Alec’s voice was barely audible.
“We can’t leave
her here.” My voice was trembling.
“Lloyd would be
arrested on site, as would we.”
“No! They have
forensics they’ll be able to tell she committed suicide.”
Stone broke his
silence. “They don’t
care, they would love to lock me up again. They’d jump at a chance like this” All three of us
stood suspended, unable to process any logical move, unable to think of
anything to say. We stood for what felt like hours. Alec decided to bury her
out in the woods; Stone wrapped her body in sheets and carried her on his shoulder.
It felt as
though we were sprinting, the red of the sun casting over the trees and ice.
Droplets of blood trailing behind us, there was a bitter-calm silence, not a
word was spoken.
The deed was
Alec had given
me piercing looks as we entered the cabin; his eyes cold, he placed his hand on
my shoulder and gestured towards the nearly empty bottle of whiskey.
“Perhaps now you
understand the real reason we drink ourselves stupid every night; death is no
easy companion.”
“What are we
going to do? Why did she do it?” my voice was almost spent.
Alec turned to
Stone who was now stood staring out of the window.
“Did she suffer
from anything? Any mental illness?”
Stone’s face was
pale and ridged.
“No; she didn’t”
Alec gestured
towards me.
“Go pack your
stuff, we’re leaving.”
Stone broke.
Before Alec had a chance to react, the metal ashtray collided with his jaw;
blood spattered across the room. Alec collapsed onto the floor. Stone’s gaze
traveled across the room to me.
“You brought
this on yourself” He murmured.
Stone pulled a
revolver from his pocket and took aim. Shots rang through the room; pieces of
furniture and glass shattered as bullets soared past me. I dropped to the floor
instinctively covering my head and hiding behind the sofa.
I could hear
Stone’s heavy footsteps moving slowly towards me; crushing pieces of glass. I
embraced my fate. Stone was now standing above me smoking revolver in-hand; he
pressed his boot onto my chest, compressing the air out of my lungs. Stone
raised the revolver and aimed for my head. This was it. He hadn’t rehabilitated
himself; he had simply buried his nature and I had dug it up.
Stone’s finger
began to squeeze the trigger when Alec hit him on the back of the head with the
mud-covered shovel. Stone barely faltered; he stumbled before taking aim at
Alec, the first two shots missed; Alec had taken cover on the floor.
“Run!” he cried.
Stone was now
clasping the wound on the back of his head. Seizing the opportunity I ran for
the front door, narrowly avoiding a stray shot from a dazed shooter. I swung
open the door and sprinted off into the snow ridden wilderness.
As I ran, I
could hear gunshots echoing from the house. I didn’t look back. I ran for what
felt like hours, I didn’t stop; my legs burnt and my lungs ached, but I did not
The sun was now
a burning shade of red, the sky and the mountains following suit. I finally
stopped; I stumbled for a moment before passing out onto the snow.
December 12th
surrounded me. I was crouched behind a dumpster in a dark wet alleyway. I could
feel the warm barrel of my revolver in my hand. I hadn’t killed anyone, just a
deterrent for now. I managed to grab Hurst’s briefcase filled with lies, off of
the table.
‘Lloyd shows
signs of aggressive behavior towards Amelia’
What filth,
someone had planted these seeds of evil.
I searched the
witness list in the folder. There were four names.
Mr. Daniel
Lawson Dr. Edward
Johnson Ms. Samantha
Carter Dr. Jacob Heart
All four had
issued statements; I was aggressive and domineering, all lies.
Now the police are hunting me down and I am crouched in a puddle waiting to
make my move.
They had all
been willing to testify against me; they had all lied and now I was being
hunted like a dog. The pain of her passing drove me into madness, and now they
had even accused me of murder. The list of supposed witnesses was no
coincidence; this is a sign. I know exactly what to do next.
January 6th
The blood was
now cold. I sat for hours staring at the mess that lay before me. For the first
time I felt absolutely nothing. No anger, no remorse for what I had done.
She had been
driving back from work when I hitched a ride with her; Ms. Samantha Carter
hadn’t been expecting me when she pulled over. By the time she had recognized
me, we were half way through the industrial estate. The knife went in clean no
mess no struggle, just a gentle push as it entered her chest, moments later
however the car was hurtling off of the road and into a lamppost.
As I watched the
fire from the car's engine spread, I could see Amelia’s face smiling down at
me; she deserved retribution. She deserved peace.
Fire, nature’s
The early hours
of the morning drew in before I awoke coiled in an old tarpaulin. The air was cold
and merciless. I could hear sirens in the distance. I had to move, their search
for me was futile, but they hadn’t given up. I would forever be hunted; I
needed to leave the country. All the other names on the list were either hiding
or moved into witness protection, but there was one name that had simply moved
to his stately mansion in the Alps.
I had £60
stashed under my mattress; it would get me across the channel and a room for a
few nights. Going home now however would mean assaulting more police
Worth It.
There was only
three officers posted outside my home, two of which were standing either side
of the front door, the third was walking towards the rear of the house.
As he walked out
of the streetlights glow and into the shadows, I pulled a wrench from my back
pocket. The officer struggled to switch his flashlight on.
“Jesus Christ,
not again”
The blow was
quick and direct, warm blood splashed my face and hands, the officer now a
crumpled heap.
They wanted a
killer and they were going to get one.
I opened the
backdoor to the kitchen, shadows painted across the floor. Everything remained
untouched, I grabbed a duffel bag out of the closet and filled it with the £60
and all the loose change I could find. My mind was set on one thing, getting to
Dr. Edward Johnson; he knew how much she meant to me.
My mind raced,
the light from the street crept through the blinds and illuminated one of the
pictures on the mantle; it was carnival two years ago, Amelia and I were so
blissfully happy, if only I had known.
I fled the house
and made my way into the darkness. My mission was clear.
November 8th
A sharp pain in
my chest woke me; my arms and legs were numb. As I opened my eyes I could see
pale blue sky and treetops. I began to shiver uncontrollably. I had been out
here for hours I needed medical attention.
At least Stone
hasn’t found me
My body was
overwhelmed with pain, everything burned. My attempts to ground my self were fruitless,
I could feel the frost collecting on my ears and nose; hypothermia was not a
welcome possibility. God only knows how far Stone had tracked me, I needed to
move and soon. Using all of my dwindled energy I managed to push myself out of
the snow; my bones were ice and my muscles frozen.
“The Village…” I
Of course,
Lipino was only a half our drive away, I could make it; I had to.
It took only a
minute of forced hobbling for me to realize that my feet were frozen, my toes
damn near shattered. The pain didn’t come but the sound of skin splitting was
all too apparent. The chances of me finding anyone out there were too slight to
even consider, the frozen forest was now all I could see for a mile in any
The forest
thickened as I wandered aimlessly, the pain had subsided and frostbite had
taken hold. Vague images floated around my mind; images of Mrs. Woodrow's
corpse and Stone's hulking Shadow towering over me.
blackened silhouette proceeded towards me; panic and desperation clouded my
vision before a large outstretched hand grabbed my shoulder. The icy forest
went dark and I fell into unconsciousness.
Darkness is absolute;
there is nothingness around me. An empty void. I wander through the nothing; an
old metallic filing cabinet now stands in front of me.
“Open it” my
internal monologue was now challenged by a second voice.
The cabinet
opened its self up to reveal a small black ledger. As I reached out to pick it
up, the file exploded into a flaming inferno that engulfed the cabinet and my
body, I writhed in pain for a moment or so when I heard another voice.
It was a gravely
voice that I did not recognize, he spoke in Russian.
“Холодный почти ™зяла его.”
I could not
“Что? где ™ы его нашли?”
A second Russian
replied; this voice was much younger, a child perhaps.
Suddenly I was
aware of my surroundings, I was regaining consciousness. I was warm, led on
something soft. I could hear the rustle of clothing and heavy-footed steps. My
body was completely numb, my face tight and fragile. My attempts to open my
eyes were futile; I was too weak.
What felt like
days past before I was able to open my eyes. The light was blinding, but as my
eyes adjusted a dusty cabin came into focus. There were snow-covered boots
piled up in the corner and large thick jackets hung next to the door. I was led
an old sofa in what appeared to be a flannel shirt and my underwear. As I tried
to sit up my body contorted and shooting pains ran up and down my torso. Suddenly
I was shivering uncontrollably. Violently I let out a loud agonizing scream and
realized my feet were bandaged all the way up to my shin. My eyes widened,
panic and the crushing realization that I have likely lost the majority of my
The door to the
cabin opened abruptly, a hulking bearded man covered head to toe in thick fur
coats steps into the room.
“Ты проснулся, хорошо. 'ы го™орите на русском?”
My mind went
blank, not only could I not speak Russian but the severity of my shivering made
it impossibly for me to speak at all. He stared intently at me.
“'ы могли бы умер, ™ы ™се еще страдает от переохлаждения”
I shook my head
and tried to steady my self.
“I-I’m s-sorry,
but I d-don’t speak Russian”
“No, Russian?”
barked the hulking mass of fur. “I know little English”
He handed me a
small flask filled with a grey-green viscous liquid.
Every fiber of
my being wanted to vomit violently; the liquid smelt like rotten cabbage. The Russian’s
stare was powerful and unbroken; I brought the mug up to my lips and attempted
to swallow. The taste to this day still puts my stomach in knots.
The Russian
grunted before leaving the room. I drank what I could but keeping it down was
going to be the real challenge. My body ached for sleep, my eyes now heavy. I
needed to rest for the first time in what felt like weeks.
December 28th
It had taken me
months, but I had tracked my REAL target, Dr Edward Johnson. The bitter winds
of the Alps calmed me.
As I waited in
the darkness not 20 meters from Johnson’s stately mansion, I lit my sixth
cigarette. I had been watching the mansion for 2 hours and had seen Johnson’s
butler come and go; collecting firewood and bringing in meat from the town
three miles or so from here.
I was dressed
for the occasion, black leather jacket with thick leather gloves. I was ready.
As I extinguished the sixth cigarette and prepared to light a seventh,
Johnson’s butler emerged from the mansion with is hand outstretched waving to
what looked like Johnson’s wife; he was headed home for the night. It was time
to act.
The butlers car
made its way down the snowy mountain road and out of sight, I emerged from the
snowy foliage and proceeded crouched. My feet were silent and my eyes sharp. The
house was dark, I peered through the windows only one room was lit, the
I made my way
round to the back of the house; I carefully cracked the lock to the rear
kitchen door and proceeded inside. I could hear Beethoven’s Moonlight sonata
emitting from the library. The corridors were long and dark, perfect. I
approached the doors to the library; the door was slightly ajar with light
seeping through the opening. I stood to attention and pushed the door open.
The black
leather glove slipped on effortlessly. The glow of the fire conjured shadows
that danced like puppets...
The broken jaw I
had given him muffled Johnson’s screams. The little silver dagger cut like it
was slicing through butter. Blood poured from the deep caverns I had carved.
His eyes widened as I pushed the scalpel into his chest, a twist here and there
made the experience all the more painful for dear Doctor Johnson.
There was a can
of petrol for the emergency generator sitting in the hall.
“How convenient”
I dragged the
can into the library.
“Now doctor,
we’re going to do a little empathy test”
Johnson’s eyes
were wide and his skin pale, he didn’t have long left, I had to be quick.
“I am going to
show you how much fire can hurt, do you understand? You’re going to suffer, as she
More muffled
gargling emitted from Johnson’s crushed jaw.
I opened the can
and proceeded to pour the flammable liquid on to Johnson, and around the
library, leading a trail into the hall and towards the front door. I said my
goodbye to the doctor and dropped my lit cigarette onto the end of the trail.
I was in Zurich
as the sun came up, my work complete. I felt as though time had slowed around
me and I was floating from city to city. I crossed the channel on an old
fishing boat that asked no questions. I hitchhiked back to London where I
rented a room at a cheap hotel and collapsed on the bed. Finally I could sleep.
Part III: Reassembly
November 15th
There is only,
A wave of cold
air awakens me, as I stare around the now familiar cabin I notice the front
door is ajar. My feet are still bandaged, however I muster enough energy to
stand on my heels. I hobble over to the door and peer out into the white icy wasteland;
there are two sets of footprints leading off for as far as I could see. I turn
to face inside once again.
I hopped back
into the cabin and sat back on the sofa.
“You awake” a
deep husky voice appeared from the doorway.
The voice
startled me somewhat forcing me to bang my feet on the small wooden table in
front of me.
“Ah god damn
The Russian
“You almost lost
foot, frost take toes” he chuckled some more. “Not All gone”
“My toes? But
“You walk soon,
might need stick”
The Russian
tossed an old wooden walking stick towards me.
November 27th
Walking was
painful but not impossible, I moved around the cabin frequently. My Russian
host spoke little English and his young Son spoke none at all. I’ve taken to
calling the hulking Russian ‘John the huntsman’, seemed appropriate.
The police must
be looking for me by now; I was only given a 4-day extension. They would
have expected Alec back at least, poor Alec. Stone was ruthless. I needed to
get back to London, and soon.
“How long until
you can take me to Lipino?”
John the
huntsman was cooking some form of animal on the fireplace.
“Lipino? Too
far” He pointed out to his rusty truck. “Won’t make it”
“How can I get
John stared at
me for a minute before chuckling.
“I don’t speak English
I hobbled back
over to my -all to- familiar sofa. Walking was out of the question for now.
“Where is the
nearest village?” I was getting desperate “Will they have a phone?”
John pricked his
“Yes, Da!” The
extent of my Russian vocabulary.
“Nearest phone
in Ramen’e” John smiled “We can take you”
Home, until now
it had been nothing but a faint oasis in the middle of this Russian winter. But
now I could see it clearly; my fiancée sat at her easel, I can see what she’s
working on; she paints the most wonderful landscapes. But this is something
else, it’s a portrait? No, it’s a room; with an old woman lying on the floor,
she’s covered in blood. It’s Mrs. Woodrow.
Then it came to
me, it came to me and the penny dropped. Mrs. Woodrow didn’t kill herself;
there was a tray next to her in the hall.
How could I not
have noticed, she would have been carrying it through the corridor, Stone must
have shot her? But then I remembered something from my file on Stone.
Stone’s retired
parole officer Alec Samuels will escort you, he will be armed...
Alec couldn’t
have killed her; he ran down the corridor to investigate, Stone must have
picked it up, but when?
“Of course.”
The whiskey,
Stone must have drugged him. Veteran drinkers like Alec don’t get as drunk as
that on their own.
Stone was right,
there’s more to this than we had first thought.
It was one thing
to lie in the comfort of a fire-heated cabin but John’s frozen truck was a
completely unbearable environment; my hands stuck to the frozen interior as we
cascaded through the white wilderness. John never smiled as we traveled to the
small town. It was then when I noticed that he’d lived an honest noble life,
and CHOSE to live out here, the very same icy hell that Stone was exiled to.
Within three
hours we arrived to the small white ghost town; I counted all of 3 people as we
John proceeded
to knock on one of the many small bungalows. A young man opened the door and
stared agape at the lumbering huntsman. Once we entered the young man’s humble
home, John shed his Giant fur coat and slumped onto the weathered armchair.
Our host was a
pale blonde haired man with slight evidence of facial hair sprouting from his
upper lip; he wore small glasses and a clean-checkered shirt.
“Hello, he said
you wanted to use the phone?” the young man turned to me.
I was taken
back; he spoke English? A smile broke out on my face.
“Yes, if it’s
not too much trouble?”
“No, not at all.
It’s through here.” he gestured into the kitchen.
There it was on
the wall, a beacon of hope in this cold frozen nightmare. I perched on a stool
to rest my still aching feet, placed the receiver to my head and stared at the
number pad. My mind froze.
Who do I call?
I could have
called the police; I could have even called my fiancée. But I had to know if
they were looking for me. I called the office.
“Hello, Tony
Howards Office”
“Hi, listen it’s
Cross. I need to know if you’ve called the police?”
There was a
slight pause and a rustle of clothes.
“Yes? It’s me.”
“Where are you?”
“I’m on the
Stone/Johnson case, listen has Tony called the police I need help”
“Edwin, Mr.
Howard said you’d finished your report and quit, we all wondered where you
Suddenly a dark
and sinister feeling erupted from my stomach; the endless thoughts,
possibilities and emotions running though me were too much to handle. I made an
attempt to speak but all that emerged was a whimper.
“Edwin, listen;
where are you exactly? Maybe there’s been a mix up?”
“Uhh, Could I
speak to him?” my voice quivered uncontrollably.
“Sure, one
I was on hold
for less than 10 seconds when there was an answer.
“Cross?” Howard
voice was low and sinister.
“Why didn’t you
call the police? I’ve been missing for god knows how long” I gritted my teeth
and tried to contain my anger.
“Look, tell me
exactly where you are and I’ll have someone pick you up? Ok?” Howard’s voice
had turned bittersweet.
“I can’t do
that, I can’t trust you.”
There was
another pause and shuffle of clothes.
“I’m your boss
Edwin, you can trust me”
Was I being
irrational? I felt so confused. On one hand Tony Howard could have covered up
my disappearance and tried to write me off? And the other didn’t bare thinking
about. I shook my head and took a deep breath.
“I’m in a town
called Ramen’e?” I had started to calm my self.
“All right, sit
tight and I’ll send someone to pick you up”
I dropped the
receiver into my lap and stared aimlessly into the floor. I had never been so
confused; I couldn’t tell fact from fiction. I was going slowly mad. The young
man had welcomed us to stay for a few days while Howard sent help. His name was
David, he and his father had lived in Ramen’e all their lives. David’s father
had passed away only 4 months ago and there stood a small memorial by the much-welcomed
“He hated the
winter” David reminisced. “He would always say that it’s amazing what is hidden
in the snow, it covers the country in a blanket that hides the things we don’t
need to see; the mud, dirt ands the secrets”
I sipped from a
small metal cup that David had provided me.
“Hmm...I’m sure
he was a wonderful man, what did he do for a living?”
“He was a
forester, he would tend to the trees in the woods, chop some down and sell them
for firewood.”
“Honorable life
for a man.” I forced a smile.
David grew
slightly uncomfortable.
“He used to tell
me horror stories about the woods; the things he’d find in the spring, things
that were hidden in the snow.”
I sat forward,
and placed the metal cup on the table.
“What did he
find out there?”
“Over the last
20 years he’d had these problems, in the spring he would go and tend to the
trees and help clear away any debris.”
David’s face
“He used to find
bodies, out in the snow.”
“Bodies?” my
attention was now fully focused on David.
“Da, he found
over a dozen, the police accused him on a number of occasions but there was no
evidence, they said that they had perished in the cold.”
John -who was
fast asleep on the couch- let out a loud snort.
I sat so far
forward I almost fell from my chair.
“Where did he
find the bodies?”
“Far out into
the woods, hours away.”
“Near Lipino?”
David paused and
looked away.
“Yes, how did
you know?”
“I...uh... it’s
nothing, I’m sorry.” I figured this poor soul didn’t need any more on his mind
to weigh him down.
“It’s ok, after
a while my father became used to it, but it saddened him.”
“I’m sure it
did, did your father or the police get close to catching anyone?”
“No, there was
no evidence to be found.”
The night drew
in and my eyes drew heavy. David excused him self and proceeded to wash up. My
mind was ready to burst at the seem, Stone had been killing all this time? I
shook my self out of it.
Not now.
A day passed,
David had cheered up somewhat. John wished me well and drove off out into the
wilderness. I was feeling better, although my feet were still sore. David had
lent me some of his clothes and a razor; I had not realized the length of my
scattered facial hair until now.
“What will you
do when you go back?”
“I...I don’t
know, there’s a lot of things I need to put right.”
David nodded.
“I’m going to
make some soup, are you hungry?”
“Uh…Not right
now, but thank you.”
David smiled and
proceeded to boil some water on the stove. Part of me felt the change in the wind;
I remember the bitter feeling in the back of my mind. I turned to face the
kitchen only to see David standing in the doorway. At first I didn’t notice but
seconds later my eyes opened. David’s throat had been cut his head ajar and a
thick black leather glove holding his neck up. The body dropped and standing
behind was a tall-blackened figure, his face was hidden by the shadow of the
door. But I knew who it was; he had found me.
“You are a
persistent little pig.” The voice ran shivers down my spine.
The large shadow
stepped forward to reveal my worst nightmare, Stone. He was calm but sinister.
“You’ve made
this very difficult for me Edwin.” Stone paced forward two more steps.
I opened my
mouth to speak but words failed to express the sheer panic I felt.
Stone brandished
a large blood covered hunting knife, and smiled eerily.
“H-how did you
find me?”
“I have my
sources, Edwin. But please, you’ve delayed this long enough.”
Stone proceeded
to step towards me. Stone was infinitely strong; I could never fight him off.
But he was older, and much slower than me. I dashed to the left and narrowly
avoided Stone’s boulder like fist. I ran over David’s body and towards the
kitchen. The sound of heavy footsteps drew closer. Stone lunged with the blade,
driving it into my shoulder. The pain forced my legs to give way, and I
collapsed by the stove. Stone was breathing heavily.
“You little
s**t, you’ve wasted enough of my time”
Stone pulled the
blade from my shoulder and Stood above me. His eyes were intense he stared into
my soul and prepared to end my existence. There was a knock on the front door.
This had bought me little time, the wound in my shoulder now driving me to
survive. Stone stood and peered out into the front room. As he did so I quickly
forced myself up and onto my feet and grabbed the now scolding pan. Stone
turned to face me; he raised his arms to shield himself from the copious amount
of boiling water I had thrown over him. Stone’s cry of pain was blood curdling,
he collapsed onto the floor and I ran. I burst through the back door and ran
round to the front of the house to ask whoever had knocked to help me. As I
turned the corner I saw two Russian policemen standing by the door.
“Excuse me sir,
we need you to come with us.”
The two officers
stared emotionless.
“I-I need help!”
my voice broke.
My vision
started to fade; the gash in my shoulder was emptying lethal amounts of blood
onto the cold floor. As I began to blackout a single thought circled in my
mind, perhaps I’ll be lucky enough to bleed to death; it was rash but it
would mean that the nightmare would end. I remember the sound of my head
hitting the floor and the world going dark.
January 7th 1967
London, what a
miserable hive of undeserving pigs. As I watch from my hostel room I see
hundreds of people going about their daily business, never knowing pain. I have
lost so much and gained so little; why do they deserve to be happy?
I had not had
much sleep, I had hidden in the back of a truck while I crossed the channel and
had little chance to rest. I had no plan, no direction, and no hope. I had
killed the man behind all of this, and yet the pain did not go away. I did not
feel at peace, there was more work to do, more souls that needed to feel what
I’ve felt.
A glance in the
mirror did not show the man I remembered. Instead there before me was an
unshaven ragged man with no emotion and no remorse. All that had made me human
was gone.
What little family
I had would never take me in. I was completely alone.
Three knocks,
three knocks on the door forced me to pull the revolver from my side and
scantily aim at the door.
“Sir? Are you in
there?” A soft female voice emerged from the other side.
The maid?
“Who is it?”
“Sir, it’s
house-keeping. Can I come in?”
I was tired, and
not thinking straight. I placed the pistol down and approached the door.
“Ok, briefly” my
voice was shaky.
The now nervous
woman entered the room and placed some fresh towels on the bed, scooping up the
old and brushing the revolver as she did so. She froze, her face now inline
with the revolver.
“W-what is
that?” She stared at me accusingly.
I panicked for a
moment but re-collected my thoughts and kept calm.
“It’s ok, it’s ok!
I’m an undercover policeman” I stuffed the revolver into my pocket. “It’s
nothing to worry about”
The maid stared
from me to my pocket and back again.
“Are you sure?
I-I don’t want any trouble”
“It’s ok, I’m
not going to hurt you, but you need to keep this between us, ok?”
The maid nodded
and hurried out of the room closing the door gently behind her. I needed to
keep as low profile as possible. My thoughts were becoming too much for me, I
pulled the large bottle of whiskey out of my draw and began to slurp
uncontrollably at its contents. It wasn’t long before I became more than a
little tipsy. I stared down at my revolver.
“Best put you to
I stumbled over
to the cabinet and placed the gun in the top draw. About an hour or so past
before I had fallen asleep, my dreams were filled with fire and pain. I woke
with a start. There was knocking on my door.
“Sir? I gave you
the dirty towels”
I fell out of
bed and wandered over to the door barely awake.
“All right, all
right” I opened the door and smiled. “Come on in, they’re where you left them”
The small frail
woman seemed scared. She edged slowly into the room, as she did so four police
officers appeared from the corridor and tackled me to the ground. They beat me
with every fiber of their being, using clubs and their bare hands; they broke
damn near every bone in my body. Blood oozed from my nose and mouth, as the
beating continued. They paused for a moment and cuffed my hands and legs. A
familiar figure entered the room.
“You’re losing
your touch.” Detective inspector Hurst boasted.
Words from my
mouth were substituted with blood and fragmented teeth.
“Now, I’ll admit
it took us a while but we f*****g got you.”
One of the
officers handed Hurst my revolver.
“You’re not well
Lloyd, you look a tad under the weather, be a shame if you resisted arrest”
Hurst smiled. “We’d have to act accordingly now wouldn’t we?”
My mouth was barely operable.
“You left quite
a mess at Johnson’s manor. We thought we’d never find you, now that you’d
finished your list.” Hurst motioned to the maid. “You slipped up when you let
this poor girl into your room.”
Hurst laughed
unusually loud.
“No, no. You
see, I could kill you; after what you’ve done I’d be given a medal. But
for someone like you death is no punishment, it’s a way out. And you are NOT
getting out of this. Stick him in the back of the van”
The pains from
the beatings were nothing compared to the utter realization that I would
forever suffer locked in a steel tomb.
The series of
interview that followed were pure hellish torture. The pain numbed after a
while, and the questions began.
“It’s been a
pleasure Mr. Stone but we are going to have to start getting some answers from
you.” Hurst was finally satisfied. “Can you tell us your account of
Amelia’s accident?”
I stared for a
moment, of course I could.
“We had
celebrated her birthday. She wanted to tell me something, there were a few
others around; she wanted to tell me in private.”
“That’s right,
then what happened?”
“I got
drunk...and angry; we had an argument. I was paranoid that she was cheating on
me with one of my friends, Derek Smalls.”
“And what else
Those horrid
images had returned.
“I got into a
fight with Derek, I broke both of his arms and in the commotion I struck
Hurst’s smile
“Carry on.”
“She was
distraught, she got into her car and drove away from the party, she said that
she can’t be around me anymore.”
Hurst placed his
hands onto my shoulders, gripping firmly.
“And that’s when
the accident occurred, isn’t it Lloyd?”
“Yes.” I began
to sob uncontrollably. “You were
violent from a young age Mr. Stone; continuous fighting at school. Lashing out
at your father and uncle...This won’t look good in court.” Hurst tightened his
grip further. “You killed her, I want you to remember that.”
I did remember,
for 17 years locked in my coffin like cell. I had been broken, prison was one
thing; I had spent a week or so in a minimum security before. But this was
something else. HM Prison, Belmarsh; for class A prisoners, the very worst. It
was solitary hell. No visitors, one meal a day and the beatings that would
break any man’s soul. A couple of the prisoners were killed during these
‘disciplinary sessions’. I saw her face every day...every day for 17 years.
Part IV: Set In Stone
December 8th
A solitary light
flickered above me, a dwindling bulb of light that barely illuminated the table
I was chained too. I couldn’t make out the room I was in, nor where I had been
taken too.
I was stripped
bare. My feet un-bandaged. They were a bloodied mess; only 6 toes remained in
total. The wound on my shoulder had been stitched up.
Was I in some
Russian hospital? Why was I chained to this cold metal table?
I remained calm
for the most part, there was no sign of a door; perhaps I was in prison?
An hour past
when a loud slide of metal erupted in the room, suddenly a rectangle of light
appeared. Through it two shadows entered the room, they approached the table
and switched the light beams on the ceiling on. The room was revealed to be
some kind of make shift operating theater, tools and other equipment hanging
from wall racks. One of the shadows was Stone, still blistered from the pan of
boiling water; the other wasn’t someone I recognized.
“W-What the f**k
is going on Stone?”
Stone said nothing;
he motioned for the other man to leave.
“This is the
last room you will see. I am going to explain to you Edwin, why exactly you are
here, in due time.” Stone’s rage was
beyond emotion.
“What the f**k
are you doing?”
“Now, now Edwin.
Have some manners.” Stone sat in a chair next to the table. “This was not how I
planned on ending things.”
My mind raced.
“What do you
mean, end things?”
Stone smiled.
“I’m an old man
Edwin, I’ve seen things that would turn your mind to madness. I’ve lived
through moments of my life that felt utterly hopeless; I have experienced too
much for an old mind to bare.”
Stone rose to
his feet and paced up to one of the tool racks.
“I spent along
time searching for a ‘lesser known’ publication company. I had hundreds of newspapers
and magazines sent to my house. And then...I found yours.”
“You found US?”
“Oh yes.” Stone’s
smile widened. “I needed some way of luring him out...”
“Alec Samuels.
You see Edwin; I had a revelation of sorts. I couldn’t leave this world with
any loose ends; I still had business to complete. There were people who
deserved punishment for what they had done to me. I managed to lure a few
retired policemen here, using our mutual colleague, Mr. Howard.”
Rage now filled
my mind; I had been set up.
“Mr. Howard
offered them a chance to come to my ‘funeral’ and say a few words about my life,
nothing too flattering I can tell you. Unfortunately Detective-inspector Hurst
died of a heart attack two or three years ago. As for the others, over the
years I picked them off one by one; dumping them wherever I could.”
Stone removed
what looked like some kind of ’bladed’ cattle prod from the rack. He smiled for
a moment and wandered back over to the table.
“Pain is simply
your brain interpreting electrical signals. But pain ‘over the years’ has
evolved into something more; when a pet you once loved dies; we feel this
convoluted sense of ‘pain’. We feel compelled to cry, we yearn for them, we
mourn them.”
Stone switched
on the device.
“I mourned, I
felt the pain of her passing.”
Stone thrust the
spiked device into my leg forcing me to scream in agony, the electrical current
running through my body contorted my muscles.
“W-Why didn’t
you just f*****g kill me?” I screamed.
Stone removed
the device.
“After I killed
Alec, you became the last name on my list, the last lose end. I felt you
deserved a more significant send off.”
Blood now seeped
from the wound in my leg.
“Those men in
Ramen’e, they weren’t police officers were they?”
Stone chuckled.
“No, they
were...admirers; I made quite a name for my self once I was sentenced. A cult
following, if you will.”
Stone Stood and
paced over to the rack. He stared at the rack for a moment before picking up a
sharp misshapen blade.
“And Mrs.
Woodrow? W-was she on your list?”
“Of course, she
was aware of what I had planned; She needed to be silenced.”
The room smelt
of sweat and blood, Stone’s face was cold and calculative. The large metal door
slid open to reveal the two thugs.
“Ah, there you
are.” Stone motioned towards a brown box on the table. “I want you to send
Howard the package.”
“Yes sir.” The
thug grabbed the box and walked gingerly out of the room.
“As for you, I
want you to pay attention; this is important.” Stone plunged the blade into the
already bleeding wound in my leg.
My blood shot
cries were unheard; I screamed knowing that his face would be the last thing I
“Edwin, this has
been fun. But now I need to end this.”
I could barely
make out Stone’s final speech over my cries of pain. After a twist of the
blade, Stone removed the knife and lined the knife up with my throat.
“Good night, Mr.
As Stone
prepared to end the seemingly endless torture, a third thug I didn’t recognize
entered the room.
Stone stopped
and straightened up.
“I found the
journalist’s folders.” The thug lifted up my bound folders. “There’s something
else in here.”
Of course the
folders I’d left in Alec’s car
“What is it?”
The thug lifted
a small black folder and handed it to Stone. It was Dr. Johnson’s notes on
Amelia, that I hadn’t gotten round to reading. Stone snatched the folder and
opened them, as he read his face grew ever pale, his eyes fixated. For a moment
Stone’s face contorted before a single tear tumbled down his cheek. A midst the
pain I felt and the anger I could no longer control, I felt sorry for Stone. If
I had known what secrets were hidden in that folder, I would have never
attempted to dig up Stone’s past.
Stone turned to
face me.
“You knew about
this?” Tears now trickling down his face.
My attempts to
deny Stones accusation were fruitless; the agony I faced allowed nothing more
than a withered scream. I had not known at the time what forced him to do it,
perhaps it was the realization of what could have been, and perhaps it was
regret. To this day I will never know.
“Amelia, my
darling.” Stone’s final sentiment.
Stone placed the
knife against his throat, looked into my eyes and drew the blade across. A
crimson waterfall cascaded from Stones neck, his eyes rolled back and he
collapsed onto the floor. Stone’s followers both screamed in shock and ran from
the bloodied mess that was, Lloyd Patrick Stone.
A loose chain
allowed me to slip through out of my metal restraints, my right leg now
completely immobile. I crawled over too Stone’s bleeding corpse, and flipped
open Dr. Johnson’s notes.
Amelia Cohen:
suicide resulted in 3rd degree burns.
89 percent of
her body suffers from burn related scarring.
She requested
that her lover ‘Lloyd Stone’ be kept in the dark about her condition.
She has refused
skin graphs.
is 5 months pregnant, unfortunately the baby perished due to stress caused from
the accident.
has requested that we overdose the morphine to allow her to die. Although it is
illegal, I feel compelled to help.
has a history of violence with Lloyd, as a precaution we (as a medical team)
have decided to testify against Mr. Stone. Removing any potential threat to
Amelia’s immediate family.
As I
read the ledger of ultimate secrets I felt -only a percentage- of Stone’s pain;
he had never known what it was that Amelia had wanted to say to him. He would
never know the life he could have had.
As I
lay on the cold concrete floor, I began to piece together all of the little
clues Stone had left behind. After an hour or so I had managed to crawl free of
the disused warehouse, and onto the frozen road. It wasn’t long before someone
spotted me and took me to the nearest hospital. The police asked more questions
then I had energy for; questions that needed no answer, questions that I would
never hope to hear again.
flight back to London was a calm and peaceful journey, for the first time in my
life I felt a great sense of purpose; I had unraveled the secrets to a case
that has been long forgotten. I made notes all the way back to Heathrow; what
had happened, what could have happened. I was home.
6th 2000
office is a calmer place; Tony Howard was nowhere to be found. With the ever-growing
fame that emerged from the various news interviews I had done and the story
that had unfolded, I was appointed as the new Editor of the Liberty Publication
Company (L.P.C). I was asked frequently over the past two years whether I
regretted going to Russia, I can honestly say; I would never be the same, and I
would never take anything back.
had held a memorial service for the victims of Lloyd Stone: Alec Samuels, David
Bezrodny, Dr. Edward Johnson, Amelia Cohen and child. They were innocent souls
trapped in a guilty world.
wept every night for the next 10 years.
Cross, developed a keen attraction to the mysterious and unknown, changing the
L.P.C’s direction to investigation. Using his new position to reveal secrets
lost in time. The damage to his leg will leave him with a limp indefinitely. Edwin
Married his fiancée Maggie, and had two children: Jonathan and Emily. Stone’s
log cabin was demolished to reveal a series of corpses hidden under the house;
all of which were on his ‘list’. Edwin never revealed Amelia’s secret to the
world. She was at rest, and now peace filled his soul.
10th 1984
I am
released of this steel tomb; free to wander as I please, free to smell the air
I have missed for so long. I was trapped in a tomb build on lies and pain. I am
no wiser, nor am I stronger; I am simply tired. I cannot bear to sleep, and
cannot bear to wake. I shall rest for an eternity, for now and forever. I no
longer seek the comfort of people I am lost and wish to be hidden. Goodnight my
Amelia I will be with you. For now and always, in my heart.
© 2013 Jake E. SampsonAuthor's Note
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Added on August 31, 2013 Last Updated on August 31, 2013 Tags: Murder, Mystery, Suspense, Psycological, Fiction Author