The tale of james

The tale of james

A Poem by The Midnight Writer

A short story/poem that I wrote about a dream that I had.


The Tale of James

Once upon a time,

there was a man.

He was half angel, half demon;

but he was all slave.

He served god for all eternity,

but then came the war between the god of heaven,

and the devil of hell.

He was torn between the two sides,

so he ran away from it all.

He ran to earth.

He lived on earth for many centuries while the war raged on.

While on earth, he helped people, and made the world a better place,

but it was not to last.

The people of earth became dependent of the mans magical ways

and wanted the power for themselves.

They tried to kill him,

and in a great battle between the man and the army of people,

many people were killed.

At the end of the battle, the man had seen the horror that he had done.

So he returned to the heaven that he had once called home,

as refuge from his sorrow of destroying his own people.

But when he returned, he saw the outcome of the war that he had fled.

Ruins! Ruins everywhere!

Everything he had called home once was now in ruins.

He searched far and wide in the kingdom for a sole survivor,

but he didn't find anyone.

He made his way up to the castle where his king had lived;

and he found his kings dying body.

The kind was soon to die so he spoke quickly.

“Take care of my daughter” The king said.

Just after the man accepted the king's dying wish, the kind perished.

The man went to the locked room in the top of the tallest tower.

There he found the king's daughter.

She was only 57 years old when he found her,

yet she was still just a baby.

She was beautiful, with her amazing blueish-green eyes;

the golden locks of smooth and soft hair that shone in every angle of light.

Her fair tones skin that was ever smooth.

She was absolutely perfect.

The man respected the kings dying wish and took the little girl into his arms,

stepped onto the balcony,

opened his glorious angel wings,

and flew off towards the earth.

On his way down to earth,

the man noticed that the people of the earth had now rebuilt their civilizations and forgot all about their hero that had destroyed them.

The man came across a large island on the middle of the ocean,

on this island he decided to make a new home for himself and the princess.

The man used some of his mighty angelic powers to create mountains and valleys,

rivers and springs,

jungles and plains,

all sort of land to help him and the princess prosper.

He also made great walls that surrounded the island that had all kinds of signs and symbols and warnings for any mortal that may seek to enter.

Over time, the man worked the fields and mined the mines,

slaving away every day for the glory of the princess,

who, in time was growing older and older.

She was now in the body of a child, of about 5 or 6 years in age.

She had luscious, golden shimmering hair that ran from her head to her hips.

Her beauty was stunning to the man when he came home from his work one day.

They prospered there for a long while, until

The girls hair grew too long for the man to keep up with.

The man decided that he needed some help,

after all, he was a man, not that of a women.

So he went out beyond his walls and off of the island to find a female helper.

After about a month of searching, he found the one he had been searching for.

Her name was Amira.

He befriended Amira and brought her back to the island and she loved it there.

The princess had a female helper to be with and the man soon fell in love with the helper as well.

After about 4 years of working on the island,

Amira told the man how she no longer wanted to be flown on and off the island at dusk and dawn,

about how she wanted to stay and live with the man.

The man did not know of it at the time, but Amira loved him.

Not soon after, the man and Amira were married.

They also later discovered about how Amira could not have children,

but it bothered her not,

for she had treated and cared for the princess as her own daughter.

After a long time of living on the island,

the man started to grow old,

he was afraid of being old at first but then became curious about how he could suddenly start ageing.

Was it the amount of time he spent on earth making him mortal?

Was it the fact that he had fallen in love with a mortal?

He did not know, nor did he ever find out.

One day, when sitting on the porch of his new home, rocking in a large swing with his wife beside him, he stared at the blue sky and said.

“I wish to never die, to be young forever with my family.”

Just then, as if by hell-spun miracle, the man died in the arms of his wife.

No one knows what became of the wife or the daughter.

Some say that the daughter tried to use her angelic powers to bring the man back,

or to sink the island into the sea and kill her sorrows along with the island.

Others say that the wife searched out into the mortal world to find a witch and learned magic to keep her sorrows away.

All that is known is that one day,

the island was there and the sky’s were blue in the morning and black at night,

and the next, the sky was a beautiful sea of colors from morning till next.

This is the story of a man who never forgot.

This is the tale of James.

© 2015 The Midnight Writer

My Review

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A powerful and entertaining story. I like the journey to the good ending with a family and love known. I like the history given making the character come alive and strong. I enjoyed the complete story. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 18, 2015
Last Updated on June 18, 2015


The Midnight Writer
The Midnight Writer

perrysburg, OH

I am a young write who wished to be able to write for unknown audiences that may find my works well written and pleasureful. more..
