My mind is a neon sign
Buzzing off and on
With brilliance.
No need to insult my intelligence
I am speaking from my heart
Not my mind.
No reason to thumb out a message
That twists through corked love
The hole is still there
From the last screw.
Just pop it out
Pound it flat
Hang it on the wall
Tap out a bulletin
And stick it to me.
Go ahead and pretend
It’s all in my head
As you giggle and watch
A moving picture
You see in two dimensions
Because I didn’t provide
The special glasses
Or pop the corn.
Or butter it up.
Truth is…
I’m not bright enough
for you to read clearly
from a distance.
I’m not so transparent
That I fail to blush
When you make light.
My picture is not pretty enough
To hold your attention
With subtitles.
Between you and me,
I’d rather it be the ocean.
Because that I can change.