![]() Grace Chapter 3A Chapter by JaimeLorie![]() Grace's wedding night.![]() Chapter 3 Grace
sat in a chair at the small table and watched Jacob as he lit some wood on fire
in the middle of the floor. “I noticed that you don’t have any clothes in here.
Where are your things?” Grace asked him. “They
are still at my parent’s house. You and I will go get my things tomorrow and
bring them here.” “So
you haven’t been living here, then?” “No,
I was waiting for you. Now we can make this our home, together.” Some
relief was felt by Grace with what he told her. At the very least, there were things
that he would be bringing to make this place somewhere they could live. She was
sure that she could get him to build a privy outside, so that she wouldn’t have
to go all the way to the forest to do her business. “I
brought some bread from my parent’s house and a little bit of dried meat. Are you
hungry?” He asked her. “I’ll
take a little bit of the bread. I have never eaten any meat. That was only for my
father.” “No
meat? How have you survived?” He asked her in disbelief. She
shrugged her shoulders and looked away. He went and dug through a bag and came up
with the bread, pulling off a chunk and giving it to her. It was a dark bread and
tasted salty. “I’ll
get some water from the stream. I’ll be right back,” he told her. Grace
chewed the hard bread as she looked around the room. The fire light made it look
kind of cozy. Her eyes fell on the bed made out of straw. A knot began to form in
her stomach, as the reality of what would surely happen later, began to dance into
her brain. It was a drunken dance that wobbled to and fro. It made her dizzy and
sick. Grace
had grown up on a farm, she knew how mating went. It was usually fast and the female
avoided it every time. Grace and her sister had talked about it some, not a lot.
They heard strange noises one night and found their mother and father in the kitchen.
Her mother was bent over the table, face first and her father moved behind her.
Both were making weird noises and the girls ran back to their room and vowed never
to talk about what they saw. Grace’s
eyes moved from the straw bed, to the table that she was sitting at. Would he be
using the table or the straw bed? She looked at the dirt floor, would he push her
to the dirt and mount her, like a bull mounts a cow? Would he kiss her? Would he
look at her naked body? Would she have to look at his naked body? The sight of a naked man is a sight that her
eyes had never seen. She had seen male animals, so she had an idea of what
there was to see, but not a real, human man. The sound of his boots, as he walked
up to the open door of the hut, stopped her thoughts, abruptly. He handed her a
silver cup, full of cold, clear water. After taking a sip and finding that it tasted
better than any water she had ever drank before, she let herself smile up at
him. “This
is really good,” she told him. “Ya,
the water here is excellent. It’s one of the reasons that I chose this area of my
family’s land to build on. I used to ride me horse around, looking for the perfect
spot to live and take a wife and raise a family. This was it for me. The forest
is close enough to hunt, there is fresh, delicious water to drink and bathe in.
The ocean is but a little ways from here and I can catch fish there. We can smoke
the meats and use them throughout the year.” Grace
began to see a soft side of him and it relieved some of her fears. Maybe the place
was not nice, but together they could make it nice. Maybe he wouldn’t be mean. Maybe
they would get along better than her parents did. Maybe he wouldn’t feel like he
needed to punish her. She remembered what her mother had told her sister about keeping
her husband satisfied. Jacob
sat cross legged on the dirt floor, next to the fire and pulled out the bread and
dried meat from his bag. Then he pulled out a small blanket and laid it next to
him. He patted it as he looked at Grace. She stood up from the chair and went to
sit next to him on the blanket. They sat in silence as Jacob ate his dinner. Grace
stared at the fire and let her imagination make shapes out of the flames. “We
have a long day tomorrow, Grace. It has been a long one today, as well. We should
be getting to bed. I want to leave at daybreak.” Standing
up and holding his hand out, Jacob looked down at her with a small smile on his
plump lips. She took it and he lifted her up, then led her to the straw bed. They
stood together, holding hands, looking down at the bed. “I’ll
go get the other blanket from the wagon, to cover us up with. We can lay on that
one there, so the straw doesn’t scratch us,” he told her, then left. Grace
pulled her dress up over her head, leaving the thin cotton slip that she wore underneath
it, on. The process of undressing flowed on with the removal of her shoes, then
she laid down on the lumpy straw bed. Jacob came back into the room and spread the
blanket out, covering her with it. He sat down on the bed and pulled his boots off,
then stood and dropped his pants, revealing a lack of undergarments. His back was
to Grace and she could not help but to look at him, as he pulled his shirt up over
his head. His
shoulders had a spattering of the light freckles that peppered his face and arms,
but his back was an alabaster white. Her eyes traveled down his tightly muscled
back to the top of his slightly plump rear end. The tops of his thighs were large,
compared to the rest of his build. Broad, but thin shoulders and his muscular thighs
showed promise of the dream man that Grace had envisioned as her husband. Jacob
lowered himself onto the bed and moved his body underneath the blanket that covered
Grace. “Do you always sleep in your underclothes, Grace?” “No,”
she replied. “Then
you shouldn’t here.” “I
would need to change into my night gown and I’m not really sure how to do that.” “I
have just undressed in front of you. Do you not feel like you can get undressed
in front of me?” “I
guess I can. If that is what you want,” Grace told him with a tremble in her voice. Jacob
turned to her and held his head up with his hand, as he looked down at her. His
green eyes looked into hers and he smiled down at her. Grace looked up at him nervously.
The gentle touch of his hand caressing her smooth cheek made Grace’s stomach
clench. “You’re
really beautiful. Your skin is so soft,” he told her. Grace
closed her eyes, as he stroked her cheek. His hand moved to the side of her neck,
flowing smoothly over it, then up to touch her hair. Hot breath came from his
parted lips, then he inhaled the flowery scent that had toyed with his senses
from the first moment that he had stood close to her, as the preacher said the
words that made them one. “Undress
for me, Grace,” he whispered in her ear. Grace
remembered what her mother had said about doing whatever your husband asked you
to in his bed, to avoid any beatings. Starting things off with him, in a bad way
was not something that she wanted to do. It could be the difference between having
a pretty happy life and a pretty bad life, so she stood up and did what he asked
her to. Panties
hit the floor and a lump began to form in her throat, then she pulled the cotton
slip up over her head and got back underneath the blanket, quickly. Jacob lifted
the blanket up a little and peeked underneath it, then took his hand, running it
along her side. A chill ran through her body making her shiver. In a deliberate
motion, he moved his body closer to hers. “Cold?”
He asked her. She
wasn’t cold, she was scared. “I guess,” she whispered. “I
know that you’re afraid, Grace. It’s natural to be afraid of what is about to happen.
I won’t hurt you. It might hurt a little at first, but then it won’t. Some girls
actually come to like it, I’ve been told.” Grace
began to shake, as she realized that there would be no getting out of this. It was
going to happen. He just told her that it was. Closing her eyes, she prayed that
it wouldn’t take long. It never took the animals on the farm long. She
felt him lean over her, his warm breath heated her face, then soft, plump lips touched
hers. Fear of what was going to happen shook her body even harder. His hand moved
to just behind her shoulder and he pushed his body up, without taking his lips off
of hers. It became evident to her that he was holding himself up over her. She
squeezed her eyes closed even harder and thought the words, ‘this will be over
soon’ over and over in her mind. A knee was felt, pushing at her legs to open,
then everything went black.
opened her eyes to find herself in complete darkness. The fire had gone out, leaving
it pitch black. A stickiness between her legs made her shudder at the thought
of what she would find there, once the sun came up. Deep breathing could be
heard next to her, letting her know that he was asleep. Having passed out when
it started, she was unaware of how long it really took. Glad that it was over
with, she let herself relax. Next time would be a little better, she told
herself. Finding
herself wide awake and unable to go back to sleep, she let her mind wonder
about what her life would be like. Would this be a nightly occurrence? Would
she get over her fear? She would be going to meet his family in a few hours, how
would they treat her? How many people are in his family? Are they nice people? Jacob’s
breathing changed and he turned over and threw his arm over her, holding her
down. It felt uncomfortable and she tried to shift out from under his arm,
without waking him up. A loud clap of thunder crashed and the sound of rain,
falling hard on the thatch roof, rang in the air. Grace stiffened as Jacob
moved closer to her. “It’s
just a storm, don’t worry, Grace. I’m here.” “I’m
okay,” she replied. He
turned over on his back and pulled her up onto his chest, then wrapped his arms
around her, protectively. The sound of his heart beating filled her head, as
she lay on his chest. The thumping of it, kept her from falling back to sleep.
His breathing fell back into a regular rhythm as he fell right back to sleep. * The
sound of thunder in the distance brought Grace into a state of consciousness.
Somehow she had fallen back asleep. Looking over, she saw that her husband was
no longer in their straw bed. Then the door opened and in he walked, dressed
and carrying a pail. “Good
morning, sleepyhead. I brought ya some water to clean yourself up with. I
guessed you might not be up to taking a bath in the pond with me, just yet,” he
told her. Holding
the blanket to cover her and blushing fiercely, she sat up. “Thank you, that
was thoughtful of ya,” she managed to choke out. He
sat the pail down, next to the bed and sat down next to her. Long fingers
reached out and touched her cheek, rubbing it as he looked at her. With his other hand he brushed her hair back,
then leaned over and kissed her cheek. Grace
tensed up, thinking that he might be going to go at it again. The tension in
her body made him lean back away from her, then he laughed. “Grace,
I’ll not be messing about with you this morning. You don’t have to worry ‘bout
that right now. I’ll give you some privacy. Don’t take too long, I want to get
going. We can eat breakfast with me parents, if we get there in time.” Grace
hurried as she washed herself, finding that she was disgusted by the mess that
his attention to her had left. The dried blood was worrying to her and she
hoped that nothing was permanently damaged. Dressed and hair brushed and braided,
she walked out and found her husband, brushing his horse’s mane. “I’m
ready,” she told him. A
smile took over his kiss swollen lips as he turned to look at her. “You look
very pretty, Grace. My brothers are going to be so jealous, they have trolls for
wives.” “I’m
glad that my appearance pleases you,” she said shyly. Walking
up to her and taking her hand into his, he led her to the side of the wagon.
The touch of his hands on her waist sent a flurry of butterflies through her
stomach, as he lifted her up, placing her on the seat of the wagon, then he
climbed up next to her. Their legs touched, Jacob’s eyes went to them, placing
his hand on Grace’s knee, rubbing it gently. Grace’s butterflies flew higher in
her stomach, threating to fly right out of her mouth. Jacob’s
eyes lifted nervously to hers. “You know, Grace. I’ve yet to hear you speak my
name. You do remember what it is, don’t ya?” The butterflies slowed their beating wings as
Grace saw the look in his eyes and realized that he was just as new to this as
she was. “I remember it, Jacob Muldoon.” “I
like the way it sounds, coming out of your mouth, Mrs. Muldoon.” © 2015 JaimeLorieAuthor's Note
Added on February 24, 2015 Last Updated on February 24, 2015 Tags: historical, romance, Irish, 1800's, Grace Author![]() JaimeLorieNormanna, TXAboutI have always loved to tell stories and when I started having children, I found that I was pretty good at making up stories to tell them as I put them in bed. I started college, a little bit later th.. more..Writing