Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Jade (insanity)

Buzz! Buzz! My alarm clock went off at precisely 6:30. Ugh, school for every teenager is a nightmare. I hit the alarm clock so it would shut up.

        I slowly sat up in my bed. I tried to smooth my jet-black hair, but it was not going to smooth out without a brush. Just then, I heard my older brothers alarm clock go off. He smacked it so hard I could here his hand hit. It sounded like it died. Maybe it did.

I could hear him cursing as he walked down the hall. He tapped on my door once before swinging it open, with enough force to make it slam into the wall. "What is your problem, Bubba?" I asked, annoyed. "I was up until four freaking a.m. What do you expect me to act like?" he growled smartly. "I don't know. But don't throw a fit and break my door. Now, out so I can get ready." I order him.

I looked in my closet for something to wear. I smiled as I pulled out a black and blue corset that has at least 'three finger straps'. We could only wear shirts that had straps were at least three fingers wide. Then, I found the skirt to match. It was, also, black and blue and went down barely to my index finger.

I grabbed my brush off my black dresser and brushed through my hair. It was so straight. My mom wanted to go get it curled but I told her that she could not touch my hair until I wanted it cut. My hair has grown out to about the small of my back. My side bang was covering my left eye. I need a haircut...soon.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After I finished brushing them, I went to the kitchen where Bubba sat on the counter. "You do know we have chairs, right?" I asked. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I just don't like them, shorty."

"My name is Anna, jerk. Besides, everyone is short compared to you, freak. Not just me." I muttered. He was starting to get on my nerves. He was only a year older than me. And I am a midget compared to him. I sighed. "What are you wearing?" he asked skeptically. "What does it look like I am wearing?"

"I don’t know, but you better go change. You are not leaving the house looking like that. Go change." Just then the bus pulled up. "Oh looky there, time to go. Lets go." I walked out and climb into the truck before he could say anything else. Bubba scowled at me and I smiled innocently.

When we got to school, we went to the cafeteria. He sat with his senior buddies and I sat alone--as usual. I pulled out the book I was reading and started to read. I heard someone whistle and then say, "Ouch!" I looked up and saw Bubba was standing up with his friend, Chris, in front of him. "What was that for, Paul?" Chris asked Bubba. "That is my little sister!" Bubba shouted. "Well, I'm sorry!" Chris had his hands in the air and was stepping away from the table. Bubba took off his coat and walked over to me. He laid the coat over my shoulders and said, "If I catch you with this off, I will dig a hole for the first guy that gives you a double take. Do you understand?" He said slowly. I sighed. "Yes."

I grabbed my backpack and book and walked out--leaving his coat on the table in the cafeteria. "Oh look, here comes Goth Girl,” a snob in my math class said. "Oh look, there is The Snob Crew." I mumbled, smiled and walked on. The one who talked to me came up behind me and said, "Running away?"

"Leave me alone, Eric," I said through gritted teeth. "Aw, don't be that way. Maybe we could be friends this year," he whispered. "I said leave me alone. What part of that do you not understand?"

"All of it."

"Right, what a stupid question. Why am I expecting a smart answer from you?" I started to walk off when he grabbed my arm. "What do you want?!" I shouted. "Anna, can't we be friends?" he said. "NO! Now let go of me!" I tried to pull free but that wasn’t happening. I lifted my books up and ‘hit him on the head. He jumped back, startled, jerking my arm along with it. Which made me drop my books. "Great."

"You hit my head, you freak! That hurt!" he shouted. "I told you to let go of my arm and you didn’t. What was I supposed to do?!" I picked up my books and went back to the cafeteria. I felt better with Bubba close by. I looked at my arm; it was hurting a little bit. He has messed with me since we were little. He was a snobby rich kid who got everything he wanted while I had to live with my eighteen-year-old brother.

I went to sit with Bubba. "What's wrong?" he asked, alarmed. "Nothing," I said. "You are lying. I know you are."

"Just some kids messing with me." Like on cue, Eric and his buddies walked into the cafeteria. I slid closer to Bubba. "Anna, what is wrong? Who messed with you?" Bubba asked. "Nothing," I said.

Eric walked over to stand beside me. He grabbed my arm again. I stood up, my hand balled up into a fist. "Let go of me!" I shouted at him. "No. Hitting me in the head hurt, shorty!" he shouted right back. "That hurts! Let go!" I was infuriated. I grabbed his wrist and twisted as hard as I could. He yelled. Then principal came into the cafeteria looking out of breath. "What's going on?!"

Eric let go of my arm and I let go of his wrist. He glared at me with pure hatred. The principal stood there, speechless. "I asked a question!'' he finally said. "Anna here just lost her temper, Mr. Laurent." Eric blamed it on me! I can't believe him! "Is this true, Ms. Anna?" I had been in his office so much this year--he doesn’t like me. "No, sir, it's not. I was on my way to the gym when Eric harassed me. I'm sorry it was at an inconvenience to you," I said smartly. I couldn’t help but make a smart remark out of it.

"Listen to me, young lady, you will not speak to me like that." He gritted his teeth. "I'm sorry, I am going to be late for English. I hope we meet up again. It has been so fun." I smiled and went to my English class. It passed quickly. We are studying poetry. I love poetry--so sweet, with rhythm.

When the bell rang, I almost ran out of class. But to no one's surprise, Eric was at my locker. "What the freak is your problem? I will say it slowly. Leave. Me. Alone!" I rolled my eyes. "Aw, but messing with you is so much fun. You fight back," he said. "Look, I want you to leave me the hell alone! Ok? ALONE! So go away!" I said, moving him aside so I could get to my locker.

He turned me to look at him. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I shouted. He stepped back from me. "Your...your...your eyes!" he said, backing away further. "What?" I gasped, startled.  I ran to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. My eyes were onyx. All black. What is happening? My eyes are supposed to be navy blue. I touched my irises. I felt the same, except for the fact that I am beyond murderously enraged. Speaking figuratively, of course.

I decided to use my eyes as an advantage. "Run," I told Eric, glaring at him with eyes ready to kill. He gasped, turned, and ran. I laughed. It was a shrill, high laugh of delight. Then the bell rang. I grabbed my books and ran to class.

"Nice of you to join us, Ms. Lee." Mr. Barnes, my biology teacher, glared at me. I looked at my feet as I took my seat. The preppy crew that was always mean to me laughed. I looked up and scowled. They gasped and shut up. I laughed without humor.

When class was over, I ran out of the room. I wanted to know if my eyes were back to normal. As I walked down the halls, hugging my books, I saw feet right in front of mine. The feet wore black combat boots. I glanced up. I hadn’t ever seen him here before. "I'm sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going," I stuttered a little bit.

 He looked down at me. "You are fine. I didn't mean to run into you." He smiled, flashing beautifully white and straight teeth. His hair was glossy black and his eyes were an emerald green. He wore a black THREE DAYS GRACE shirt and black jeans. "No, it's my fault. I was irritated and wasn't watching where I was going. I am sorry," I said.

"It's fine. I do that too."

"Thanks. For forgiving me, I mean."

"No problem." He smiled again. I looked at my feet.

"So, what is your name?" he asked.

"Anna. You?" I suddenly wished I had a better name.

"Anna? I like it. My name is Alexander," he said.

As soon as he said his name, an all too familiar voice called, "Alexander, come on, man." Eric. My body burned with rage. I turned around to face him. His hands went up in an instant. "What, Goth Girl?" he asked. "Nothing." I turned to Alexander said, "I have to go, nice meeting you," and walked off.

I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped and turned. Eric, Alexander, and the rest of his crew were behind me. "Would you stop stalking me?" I asked, irritated. "Aw, babe, I am not stalking you. It isn't stalking when the person enjoys it," he said.

He walked closer. I clutched my books even tighter. "I'll break your nose this time. Stay away from me," I warned. He laughed and stepped slightly closer. I backed up and said, "Eric, I don’t want to break your nose. Leave me alone."

"Don't be that way, babe."

"Don’t call me that! I am not your babe!" I shouted.

"Sure you are. You just don't know it." He smiled and leaned in. I jerked my knee up as hard and fast as I could. His eyes widened and he crouched over, heaving. I ran. "Anna!" I heard him yell from down the hall. I had no choice. Hitting him with my books obviously didn't work, so I went for the groin. But, don't worry, I usually save hitting people there as a last resort.

"Anna!" he kept yelling. I could here the sounds his footsteps made as he tried to run after me.


© 2009 Jade (insanity)

Author's Note

Jade (insanity)
Please tell me if you see any mistakes.

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Added on September 4, 2009


Jade (insanity)
Jade (insanity)

You're beautiful. It's society that's fucked.

Be a girl with a mind, A b***h with an attitude, And a lady with class. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. If you can't do anything about it, laugh like hell. I like to cuddle. Smar.. more..
