

A Story by Jade (insanity)


Lala walked down the empty path. Glancing in every direction, she took cautious steps. A low chuckle sounds from the brush. Lala froze. It sounds again and she starts walking faster than before—nearly running.
             A shadow steps out of the darkness. Lala let out a small yelp as it advances toward her. The shadow chuckled darkly—sending chills down her back and making her shiver. It reached for Lala. She screamed and jumped back. When it reached again, she tried to run. But the shadow was too fast. It grabbed her by the waist.
            “What do you want from me?” she screamed, thrashing.
            “Come with me!” hissed the shadow. It sounds like a man, Lala thought. “No!” Lala broke from the man’s grasp and she ran.
            Tears streamed down her face. She ran all the way to her empty house.
            As she lay in her bed, she thought about calling her boyfriend. She clutched her phone. Finally, she dialed his number.
            “Hello?” answered an unfamiliar, male voice. “Um, is Jake there?” Lala asked hesitantly. “He doesn’t want to talk right now. His girlfriend is here.”
            Lala’s vision blurred after hearing that. “Okay. Tell him Lala will talk to him later.” And she hung up.
            She grabbed her bag and ran out of her house. She ran all the way to Jake’s house.
            Three knocks on the door and Jake’s brother, Laurence, opened it. “Um…Lala. Hey.”
            She shoved passed him and walked to the living room. Her eyes burned with unshed tears. Jake and Mandy—some popular blonde—were kissing on the couch.
            “Hey Jake. It was nice of you to call.” Lala was being sarcastic.
            “Oh…um…hey, baby,” he muttered.
            “Don’t baby me! You are sitting there making-out with Mandy Anderson! How can you call me baby?” she yelled.
            “Whoa! Calm down, Lala. It’s—”
            “Not what it looks like?” she finished for him. “Whatever! Don’t call me anymore and don’t expect any from me!” She stomped out.
            She went back to the empty path where she saw the shadow. She yelled, “Come and get me!” and slid to the ground.
Apparently, Lala had fallen asleep. When she woke up, she was in a dark room. Lala looked around alarmingly.
            “Finally,” muttered a female sitting in the corner. Her blonde hair was wild. Her green eyes were focused on Lala.
            “Excuse me?” Lala demanded. “Don’t get defensive. You have been asleep for, like, fourteen hours.” She shrugged.
            “Oh. Where am I? Who are you?” Questions poured from her mouth before she could stop them.
            “You are at the place where many things happen. Not all are good, though.”
            “Who are you?” Lala repeated.
            “Oh. I’m Kali. You are Lala, right?”
            “Yeah. I am Lala.”
            “Okay. So let me show you where you will be staying.”
            Kali headed to the door and waited for Lala. They walked down a long hallway to a room with double doors. When Kali pushed the doors open, a room with books everywhere was shown. “This is the library,” muttered Kali as she advanced to the room beside the library. 
            When the door opened, Lala noted it was a dark room. The curtains in front of the window were black, the bedspread on the queen-sized bed was black, the pillows were white with black on them, and all of the furniture was dark wood.
            “It is so dark,” Lala mumbled. “I know. Isn’t it awesome? I wanted this room, but my mom said I needed the purple and black one. Okay, so if you need anything, someone will be in the library. And if you run into Sage could you ask him to show you around the building? I have running to do. Thanks. Bye!” And Kali ran off.
            Lala sighs and walks down the hall. “Who are you?” asked a guys voice. Lala gasped and turned swinging. Something caught her wrist. “Are you Sage?” Lala asked. “Yes. Who are you?”
            “I am Lala. Kali said for me to ask you to show me around because she has some running to do.”
            “I can’t right now. Ask Spike. He is in the kitchen.” Sage walked off.
            In the kitchen, a guy with dark hair was standing in front off the stove. Lala could smell burning. “Are you Spike?” Lala inquired.
            The guy spun with a knife in his hand. Lala made a small yelp and ducked as the knife goes by her head.
            “What the hell was that for?” she muttered, standing back up. “You sneaked up on me. Yes, by the way, I am Spike. You are the girl I found on that path. Lala, right?” Spike turned back to the stove.
            His dark hair was kind of long—down to his chin. He had baby blue eyes and was kind of tall, but not too tall. He wasn’t really, really buff, but you could tell he worked out.
            Lala stared at her shoes. “So, what do you want?” Spike muttered.
            “Kali said I needed to ask Sage to show me around, but when I found him, he said for me to ask you.”
            “Of course.” He threw the knife he was holding into the sink. “Fine, I am not getting much progress done here anyway.”
            They walked all through the building. Lala was amazed.
            “Thanks. That was…interesting,” she mumbled.
            “Don’t worry about Sage. He can be quite an…you know what? Never mind that. So where did they say you sleep?”
            Lala showed him to the dark room. “Bet Kali had a fit,” muttered Spike.
            “Can I go back to my house?” Lala needed her clothes and was in desperate need to listen to music.
            “Um…” Spike hesitated.
            “Okay, but I need to come with you. Once you get here you shouldn’t go back, it could be dangerous. We are lucky you are still alive.”
            Lala glared at him. How dare he. “Well I’m sorry if my life has been an inconvenience to you. You people are the ones that wanted me here in the first place.”
            He just stared at her. “So what is it you need?” he inquired.
            “Music, clothes, and my stuff.”
            He just shrugged. They walked down the hallway.
            “Spike!” yelled the other brother. Spike turns.
            “What are you doing?” Sage approached them. He looked Lala up and down.
            “Lala needs some things from her house. I am going to take her. She very well can’t go alone.” Spike sounded matter-of-fact.
            “You shouldn’t go alone. You two I mean. You two shouldn’t go alone. Let me come.” He grabbed his coat and stood beside Spike.
            “Look. Let me go alone. I will be fine!” Lala didn’t want to whole crew to go.
            “No,” Spike said firmly. He reminded Lala of her brother. He was always too cautious. Her eyes fill up with unshed tears.
             “I didn’t mean to make you cry. I just meant—”
            “It’s not that. I need to go alone. Please.” She walked down the hall and out of the door.
            It took her just a few minuets to get to her house. As she walked through the door, a figure stood in her kitchen.
            “Baby, please forgive me. I love you. Please.” Jake stood there with his arms crossed. He looked too relaxed to mean what her said.
            She laughed. “Yeah and I am the Faerie Queen.”
            He acted as if to laugh, but, instead, grabbed Lala in a chokehold. “Jake! Let go!” she gasped. He laughed.
            She tried to yell but nothing came from her throat. She spotted a knife on the table, barely in her reach. She grabbed it and stabbed it into his arm. He yelled in pain and jerked his arm back.
            “Lala?” She heard Spike’s voice. Jake threw himself at her. “No!” She fell as he landed on top of her. She heard something crack and sharp pain spread up her arm.    
            She screamed as Jake grabbed the knife on the floor. It made contact with her shoulder. She screamed impossibly louder.
            “Lala what’s—” Spike stopped when he saw the knife in her arm and Jake.
            Lala jerked up her knee—she was just short enough. He yelled.
            All of a sudden, the weight of Jake was gone. Lala looked around. Jake lay in the floor, unconscious.
            “Lala, are you okay?” She was crying. It was stupid, really. She didn’t care about him, but she was scared.
            “Yeah.” She couldn’t bring her voice over a whisper. “Need help?”
            Lala held up her hands and he took them, gently helping her to her feet.
            “Who was that?” Spike asks as Lala gets together her things. She totally forgot her arm for the moment, though it was throbbing like hell. “My ex boyfriend. He claimed he loved me. I laughed and he tried to choke me but there was a knife on the table so I stabbed his arm. Then he got really pissed and threw himself at me. He stabbed my arm and I kneed him in the groin. Then, he was just…gone. Unconscious on my kitchen floor.”
            “Spike!” Sage yelled. Spike was out of the room and into the kitchen.
            Lala followed. She couldn’t believe what she saw. Something was coming out of Jake! That something was dark. “What the hell is that thing?” Lala wonders aloud. “A spirit. It must have possessed your ex. Looks like we have some cleaning up to do.”
            Lala somehow recognized the thing. It was familiar to her. Then it clicked. It was the thing that killed her brother. Her vision turned red and blacked out. “Lala!” Spike tried to throw himself at her but it was too late. The thing had gotten to her first.
            “YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!” she screamed. The thing chuckled. “It’s not a spirit. It is something way worse. Along the lines of something demonic.” She new exactly what it was.
            It tried to choke her, as Jake did. “Oh no. Not again.” She punched it. Again and again, she hit it. It hit her back, but she stayed unfazed. Eventually, Spike and Sage grabbed it and got a knife and killed it.
            Lala covered her eyes and ears. She could tell that killing it was not easy. When cold hands grabbed Lala, she swung. Her hand made contact with something hard. “Damn it! What was that for?” Spike let go of her and rubbed his jaw. “ I didn’t know it was you.”
            “We are leaving. Come on.”
            “My bags.” She headed back to her room but was grabbed by the arm and was drug out. “OW! I think that arm is broken!” She was starting to feel it. There was a hole where the knife caught her. I will not cry. I will not cry. I’m gonna cry. Lala thought. Just as the thought, tears spilled onto her cheek.
            “Are you okay?” Sage asked her. She nodded. “Why do you want me?” she wondered hesitantly. “I don’t?” Sage looked confused. “Then why am I here?”
            Comprehension crossed his features. “Oh…No. We want you. We need you. You are the missing puzzle piece. We have been one short forever.” Though he said these words, Lala felt useless.
            She stroked her long, dark hair. When they got back, she went to her new room. A knock sounded on the door.
            “Can I come in?” Spike requested.
            She sighed. “I don’t care.”
            The door opened slowly. He poked his head in. “Hey. Are you okay?”
            “Do I look okay?”
            “No. You have got to have questions.”
            “A lot.”
            He came in and sat down in the lounge chair in the corner of her dark room. “Shoot.”
            “Why am I here? What is the purpose? How did you kill that thing?”
            “You are here because we need you. I don’t see how you are supposed to be here. A human! I mean, we are human but as much as you. You would be useless in a—”
            “Useless? Thanks. Make me feel worse. Get out.” Lala felt even worse.    
            “But—” he tried to object.
            “Out!” She stood and grabbed his ear, leading him out of the door.   
            “Lala!” She recognized Kali’s voice. She sounded urgent. Lala ran from her room and to the library.
            A woman lay on the floor, bleeding. “What happened?”
            “I don’t know. Help me get her to the infirmary. I tried to get Sage and Spike but I couldn’t find them.”
            “Look, hold…my jacket on the wound to slow the bleeding. I will be right back.” Lala threw her jacket to Kali and ran to find Sage and Spike.
            As she suspected, they were in the weight room. She was out of breath by the time she got to them.
            “What’s wrong?” Sage inquired. “Some woman in the library is bleeding pretty badly. Kali is freaking out.”
            “Mom!” Sage ran passed her, knocking her to the floor when he shoved to get around her.
            Spike held his hand out to her. She took it. When she was on her feet, she was being drug. Spike still had her hand. She smiled.
            Though, she wouldn’t admit it, Spike was kind of cute. His hair went in his eyes, which were a beautiful baby blue. He was wearing a solid black tee that complimented the fact that he worked out, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of combat boots.
            When in the library, Sage picked up his mom and carried her out the door. Lala sighed, feeling useless.
            Spike heard. “What’s wrong?”
            “I’m useless. I just get in the way. I am not mad at Sage for shoving me, by no means, but it made me feel worse.”
            A loud ringing surrounded them. Lala cover her ears. She hated loud noises.
            “The bell.”
            Spike walked out of the room with Lala right behind him. He opened the door slowly. Lala laughed at who was behind it.
            “Lala, baby! I knew I would find you! We need to talk.” Jake came in and caught Lala in a vice tight grasp.
            “Baby, I am so sorry. Please take me back.” He tightened his grip.
            “No! Now let go, you are hurting me!” But he just tightened even more. Lala noticed Spike staring, looking confused.
            He met her gaze. She mouthed, “Please help me,” and gasped from her lack of breath and the ache in her chest.
            Spike came up behind Jake and hit him in the back of his head with his elbow. Lala fell toward the floor, as Jake lay—once again—unconscious. Before she could hit the floor, a pair of warm hands caught her.
            They stand there with her gasping for breath in Spike’s grasp. It was hard to get her breathing straight because with each breath, her chest ached.
            “Are you okay?”
            “No.” She was silently crying and she was thankful that you couldn’t tell from her voice.
Spike held Lala in his arms—though he barely knew her, and that fact made him smile. He glanced down at her. Her dark, auburn hair was covering her emerald green eyes.
            Her ex is a…jerk, he thought.
            Lala goes rigid. Spike looks at her. Her eyes are looking at him but were unfocused. “Lala?” He gets no response.
            He shakes her lightly--still, nothing. All of a sudden, her eyes are focused and filled with tears.
            “What’s wrong?” Spike was alarmed.
            “So many were dead. People, they were all dead. It was horrible. Spike, I don’t know what happened.” 

© 2009 Jade (insanity)

Author's Note

Jade (insanity)
Tell me what you think.

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Is that the ending? I wanna know what happens next! :O

Okay, so it was fast-paced, and a little confusing in some parts. But, I like it, and wanna know what happens next!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 26, 2009
Last Updated on May 27, 2009


Jade (insanity)
Jade (insanity)

You're beautiful. It's society that's fucked.

Be a girl with a mind, A b***h with an attitude, And a lady with class. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. If you can't do anything about it, laugh like hell. I like to cuddle. Smar.. more..
