A Chapter by Jade (insanity)


I gazed out of my window as we sped down the road. We had to move from our hometown. I loved it there and I was going to miss it terribly. All of my friends were back in Orlando, Florida. I had the best friends there; I was really going to miss them. I had no friends here. Here, as in Darke County, Ohio.
         We drove down the streets. Street after endless street. My nine-year-old sister, Ivy, was whining about how her legs were asleep from sitting so long. I loved her, I really did, but she annoys the hell out of me. I sighed.
         My brother, Jagger, was a year older than me--eight-teen. He sat in the very back of my mom's minivan. I called him Bubba, despite his name. I started calling him that when I was three and it just stuck.
         His dark brown hair was in disarray atop his head. His emerald eyes were staring out of the window. His eyelashes were so long and they curled perfectly. It made me jealous. My eyelashes were long and straight. I laughed once without humor.
         "When are we going to be there?" Ivy whined. "In just a few minuets, honey. I know you have been in the car a while and I am sorry. We're almost there," my mother, Claris, soothed her. 
          A few minuets later, we were parked in front of a huge, white house. I sighed and grabbed my bag. I stepped out of the car holding four different bags. Most of them were my clothes.
         The moving truck pulled up behind the van. A bearded man stepped down from the tall truck. "Thank you so much for your services." Mom smiled at the man. "Yeah, well, I only did it for my pay check," the man spoke rudely. "Of course, of course. How silly of me." My mother stepped to the back of the truck.
         An hour or two and the truck were unloaded. "The rest of your things should get here later today or tomorrow. I am almost certain, though, that it will come today; noting how early you were," Truck Man muttered to my mother and father. "Okay. Thank you again." They waved as the truck sped down the road.
         Most of the furniture was here, at the house. I wondered idly how it was supposed to go upstairs. I walked upstairs to the room my parents called mine. 
         I could see why, too. The walls were black and the ceiling red. The carpet was, also, red. The color was beautiful--a blood red, the color of my nails. The room was marvelous. It was so much bigger than the one back at my old home.
         I went back downstairs and my sister was spinning in random circles. "Ivy, be careful. You might fall," I warned her. Though, it was a worthless effort, she totally ignored me. "Fine then," I muttered.
         I followed voices into the kitchen. My parents and brother were in there discussing where to put all of the furniture. "Hey, Elsie. Did you like your room?" my dad, Calvin, asked. "Yeah, thanks." I bit my lip and looked around the kitchen.
         The white tile floor shone with the white walls. The stainless steel refrigerator sits in the back corner. The stove was across from it. Wooden and glass cabinet doors hung above white tile cabinets that matched the floor. It was a huge kitchen. There was an island counter in the middle of it.
"The house is beautiful. So open and light...and big," I muttered to no one in particular. "I know. Don't you like it?" Dad responded.
I glanced at Bubba. He was leaning against the refrigerator, arms crossed. "Like your room Bubba?" I inquired. "Yes."
         I sighed at his attitude. "Els, take your things to your room. I will start bringing the bed upstairs," Dad demanded. I walked out of the kitchen and grabbed most of my bags. I would have to make two trips. 
         By nightfall all of our things were in the house. The furniture was where it was supposed to be. Most of the boxes were unpacked, all but a few. I went to my new room and started to organize everything. I hung most of my clothes up in my closet--which was very roomy.
          Everything was organized within about two hours. Well, almost everything. I had a few more things to get. I would get them tomorrow.
         I suddenly remembered tomorrow was Monday. Great it’s going to be Monday, a weekday--a school day. I jumped onto my solid black comforter. I wanted to scream. Scream so loud that the world would hear.
         I turned on my radio and listened to my Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack. I closed my eyes and dreamed I was in my own imaginary world. Where faeries and werewolves and vampires and other creatures wandered around.
         I sighed and sat up. I went to my closet and got a pair of black shorts and a black tank top that said, 'Beware. I bite.' across the top.
I plugged my cell phone up and lay in my bed, listening as Sally's Song played. I slowly drifted to unconsciousness.
         I was waked the next morning by an alarm clock screaming. I groaned and sat up, smacking my alarm clock so it would shut up. I pulled the covers off of me and stood up. I stretched as I did so. 
         I slipped into the bathroom. I stripped my clothes and got into the shower.
         After I was done showering, I ran to my room. I looked in my closet for something to wear.
         I chose a black schoolgirl shirt and a red and black plaid skirt that went barely above my knuckle of my middle finger. It was fluffy! I spun in a circle and watched as the material swirled around me.
         My shoes were converses. I loved converses. They were black and the thread was red. Matched. Awesome.
         I brushed through my hair. It was about shoulder length and was layered. I had a side bang that was to my chin along with a small part of it on the other side of my face. I put my hair up in pigtails. The pigtails were short and cute looking.
         I went downstairs and Bubba and Ivy were in the kitchen. "We have to take the bus. My car hasn't gotten here yet," Bubba wearied. "Don't we sound cheery!" I mumbled sarcastically. He rolled his eyes at me. "Bye! I love you!" Ivy yelled as she walked out to the bus stop.
         "I'm waiting outside. Bye." I walked outside. I sat on the porch swing and waited for the bus.
         Bubba ran outside as the bus pulled up. I walked at my own pace. "What are your names'?" asked the bus driver. "I am Jagger Pierce," Bubba answered. "And you?" she asked, looking at me. "I am Elsie Pierce."
            We went to the back and sat down three spots from the very back. I clutched my Edward Scissor Hands backpack. I tried to ignore the stares I got. I bit my lip, trying not to say anything. When the bus stopped at the high school, I felt suddenly anxious.
            I stepped off of the bus and paused as Bubba followed a group of kids getting off of the bus. "Where do we go?" I wondered aloud, glaring at the school. "Office, I think." He headed toward the building.
             I sighed and pursued after him. The office was just like any other school office. Tiled floor, white walls, at least two desks, a few places to sit down.
            "Can I help you two?" asked a woman standing behind the largest desk. "We are new in town." Bubba ogled at the wall. "Okay. Come right over here." She stood behind the desk.
            She showed us our classes and pointed on a school map where to go. Before the bell rang, people were allowed to go to three places--gym, cafeteria, or library. We went to the cafeteria.
         The cafeteria was very crowded. As we walked in, people turned their heads to stare at us. It made me very uncomfortable.
         Bubba and I sat at the only empty table. "Awk-ward," I muttered to myself. Bubba shot me a sideways glance.
         I jumped when the bell rang.
My first two three classes passed quickly--biology, English, history. I glanced at my schedule. Lunch was my next block.
I sighed and walked to the cafeteria. Again, it was loaded with people. I sat at an empty table in the back-left corner of the cafeteria. I bought a bag of Doritos and a bottle of water.
After I was done eating, I got out the real Shakespeare version of Romeo and Juliet and started to read.
         There was a tap on my shoulder and the clearing of a throat. "Excuse me. This is our table," a girl miffed, her voice coming from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder.
         Four people were standing behind me. Three were girls and the last one a boy. He looked uncomfortable.
I said nothing. I got my book and my bag and started to walk off. A hand on my shoulder stopped me. "Excuse me?" I objected, turning to face the girl with long blonde hair.
"Don't ever sit there again. Do you understand?" she demanded. I glared at the hand, still on my shoulder. "Please, get your hand off me." I grasped her wrist and pushed it away.
She looked astonished. "How dare--," she started, but I was already walking away.
I walked to the gym. Only the students who had class were in there. I ran up the bleachers and sat up at the very top. I pulled out my book and started to read again. 
My last class was math. I hated math. It's so...numeric. It gives me a headache. I sighed. 
The chair beside me screeched as it was pulled back on the floor. I looked up and saw the guy from that group of girls taking his seat.
He had glossy, dark brown hair. His eyes were like no others. They were a dark blue-- kind of indigo. They were..."Beautiful," I said aloud. "Excuse me?" He saw me staring before I could look away.
The blood rushed to my face. "Oh, um, I was just looking at your eyes. I haven't ever seen any like them. They're beautiful," I muttered.
"Oh. Thanks, I think." 
"Your welcome, I think." I smiled.  
"Yours are quite unique, too. A very beautiful and pronounced green." He looked into my eyes. I didn't think there was anything unique about my eyes. They were an emerald color with a blue and silver ring in them.
 "With a tint of blue and silver," he mumbled.
 "So, what's your name?" I asked.  
"Alec. Yours?"
"Elsie. It's weird, I know." I sighed.  
"It's not weird; it's unique."
He smiled back at me, finally. He seemed to be in a quite good mood. Better than in the cafeteria.
"Thanks," I muttered. I gazed up at him. He was taller than me sitting down, I couldn't imagine how tall he really was. He looked over to me. 
"What?" He asked self-consciously--noticing my staring.
"Nothing, your just really tall."
"Oh," he muttered. He was looking away from me now. I sighed.
I stared out the window. All of a sudden, I saw a flicker of movement. It was too swift for me to tell exactly what it was.
I gasped aloud. "What is it?" Alec followed my gaze. "Something is over there."
"What?" he gasped. "Don't make me repeat it, please," I said, "I didn't like sounding insane the first time."
I sighed and stared down at my notebook. Out of the corner of my eye I saw more movements.
I raised my hand. "Yes?” Mr. M asked. No one could pronounce his last name. It was Italian.
"May I use the restroom?" I tried to look as if I really had to go. He sighed. "You are disrupting my class." He sighed again.
I jumped up and down in my seat, as if I really had to use the restroom. "Fine. Go ahead."
I nearly ran out of the room. I heard people snickering as I passed them, but I barely paid any attention.
The closest door was the one in the janitor’s office. I had to come in here to get a stack of paper towels for my biology teacher.
I ran out of the door. I saw a flicker in my peripheral vision. I turned and saw... fireflies? How could that be? There weren't fireflies during the day. I walked over to the sparkling lights. There were so many of them.
I reached out to touch one, but when I tried, something bit me! I yelped and jerked my hand back. I stared at the little creature.
As I stared at it, I noticed the flutter of little wings. I held out my finger. The creature perched on it.
It had beautiful eyes. I noticed they were purple! I stared closer and realized it was a tiny little girl. Her slender body weaving as her wings fluttered. Her hair was, like her eyes, purple. The dress on her was purple, too. I couldn't make out the color of her wings. They were moving with incredible speed.
She laughed a high and shrill laugh and flew off. 
Just as she was out of my sight, Alec burst through the door. "What are you doing out here?"
"I saw something out here. I really did. I think it was a faerie." He just stared at me as if I were insane. I sighed.
I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. He followed me to the side of the building. "Do you see them?" I asked, staring at the bright little lights. This time, I noticed, the lights were different colors. Some were blue, green, yellow, and purple.
"See what?"
"The faeries."
"Are you okay? Did you hit your head on a tree limb?" He lightly tapped my forehead. I smacked his hand away. "No, I didn't."
“You don’t?” I whispered in utter disappointment. Maybe I was insane. I sighed.
Then I heard him gasp. I looked over at him. He had his finger in his mouth and was scowling. “What?” I acted as if I didn’t know why his finger was in his mouth.
“Something bit my finger. I think I believe you now.”
See! I told you there were faeries!” I shook my head in exasperation.
“I can’t believe it. I don’t see anything, though.”
“You know you shouldn’t necessarily not believe in something you can’t see.”
He sighed. “Can you talk to them?”
“Maybe.” I thought for a minuet. Could I? It was worth a try.
"Hello. Do you have a name?" I was talking to the little faerie.
The little girl nodded. "What is it?"
She didn't answer. She just laughed and batted her eyelashes.
"Please, tell me your name?" I sighed when the little faerie shook her head.
"I'll tell you mine."
She seemed to think a minuet, then nodded. "My name is Elsie Pierce." Alec glanced at me.
"And mine is Faine," said the girl in a high and shrill voice. She sounded like she was singing.
I heard Alec gasp. "What?" I wondered.
"I see them. There are so many of them. They look like colorful fireflies."
"I told you! I'm not crazy, now am I?" I muttered.
"Look, we'll come back out later. The teacher is gonna get worried or irritated if we don't come back soon."
We walked through the halls quietly. I sang to myself. "Coin operated boy. Sitting on the shelf. He is just a toy. But I turn him on. And he comes to life."
"What?" Alexander asks. "Oh. I'm just singing. This song is stuck in my head." He just says, "Oh." and keeps walking. I sighed.



© 2009 Jade (insanity)

Author's Note

Jade (insanity)
Please tell me any grammar or spelling errors you see.

My Review

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Just to let you know, it's okay to keep it unpublished if you are working on it. :P :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

Nice. :D

Posted 15 Years Ago

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Woo-hoo! anxious! Lolz, I like this... Are you going to add more? Not that it needs more. ^o^

Posted 15 Years Ago

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By saying, could be better, I mean...
You should put more emotion into her leaving all her friends. Because we all know losing all of our friends when we move SUCKS EGGS!
Also, more descriptive words at the end. When she was scared. Instead of scared you should say, "When the bus finally stopped at the high school, I stiffened in fright." Or maybe I'm overreacting. I just don't like the word scared. :P
I really enjoy this though!! :D

Good Write ^___^

Posted 15 Years Ago

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'It was a huge kitchen. There was and island counter in the middle of it.'
I think you meant to put an island counter. :)
I like it. Could be much better if you ask me. I would include parts where she puts on make-up. cause I bet she wears it. :D

Posted 15 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on April 20, 2009
Last Updated on May 11, 2009


Jade (insanity)
Jade (insanity)

You're beautiful. It's society that's fucked.

Be a girl with a mind, A b***h with an attitude, And a lady with class. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. If you can't do anything about it, laugh like hell. I like to cuddle. Smar.. more..
