Memorys are never forgottten
I find myself here once again,
Recalling the times from now and then
All the memories, so sad and dismal
Of you hurting me and being brutfall
I hate you dad for what you did
Shouting and screaming as I hid
As you searched the whole entire house
I stayed hidden quiet as a mouse
You finally saw me all curled up
As i let out a small hiccup
As I looked up it was no surprise
That i saw the evil in your eyes
I wondered “today what will it be”
It turned out to be your hand simply
With one hefty swipe down to my face
A silet tear i shed in disgrace
So many scars I have from those days
Have them on my body, I will always
I was your daughter, your only child
How could you do that to a child
Those memories haunt me everyday
In nightmares, daydreams, throughout the day
You are always there in my mind
Wherever I go, you I find