Chatper 2

Chatper 2

A Chapter by jade162

 The next morning, Eliana was awoken by the sound of Adimar's persisting barks outside her window. What..? She questioned herself with a soft, tired groan. Saturday's weren't always her favorite days, but it was nice to sleep in occasionally. "Hold on.." She sighed to herself in a murmur as though the wolf would be able to hear her from outside while crawling out of bed. 
    When she did get outside she was greeted with the sight of Adimar almost bouncing with his barks, however at the mere sight of her he instantly stopped and perked his ear with his tail apparently happily swaying behind his rump. "Come on, it's six in the morning.." She sighed towards Adimar who approached her gladly with a small trot in his step. Crouching down so she could easily pet the large animal, Eliana gently rubbed her fingers against the top of his head between Adimar's ears. The wolf almost seemed to purr with the soft rumble that came from his chest while his gray eyes remained closed, and his cone shaped ears angled slightly backwards. "Wait here, and I'll bring you breakfast. No more barking,"
     Only about ten minutes later she returned to the small front porch to set down two bowls. One held water, typically, and the other held what already cooked meat that she could find from leftovers in the fridge. Sorry.. I don't keep any dog kibble on me.. She mentally sighed as she sat on the one step of the porch while still in her night gown, watching Adimar eat.
       Although she didn't say it out loud, Eliana was quite curious as to why Adimar continued returning. Was it for food? Affection? Maybe searching for a home? Or was it something more? Could he have been sent by someone?
       Adimar drew her attention away as he rather affectionately rubbed against her leg with that same rumbling purr. If only she knew..
        Eliana simply sighed softly and gave the large wolf a gentle pet before she stood up, taking the bowls with her back inside. Just as she closed the front door, she was reminded of what lunch she was supposed to be having with Koreu. Almost instantly, her stomach began to flutter at the reminder of him. Those eyes..

        Eliana arrived at the library five minutes to twelve and took a seat upon a small metal bench that was just behind the sidewalk that ran in front of the building. While looking down towards her small purse that she nervously fiddled with Eliana tapped her heel against the cement, silently contemplating how lunch could turn out. Just a friendly lunch. She reassured herself. Taking a deep breath, Eliana closed her eyes. Lord, please forgive me for any sins that I have made. Slowly her hands shifted together until her fingers intertwined to almost naturally go into a praying position. Protect me as you will. Hold me in your arms, prevent sin from finding its way into my heart. Her thoughts ended with a deep breath.
        "Are you alright?" Koreu's voice sounded.
    Eliana immediately opened her eyes while quickly tearing her hands apart, suddenly very conscious of how she'd been holding them.
         "Yes!" She paused before repeating. "Yes, thank you. I hope you haven't been standing there long," Eliana stated with an embarrassed flush. 
        "I just got here, actually. I figured we could walk to the diner I had in mind," 
     "That sounds perfect." Eliana stood from where she'd been sitting with a small nod towards Koreu. I shouldn't be ashamed of praying.. Forgive me, Lord.. She briefly thought to herself, before her attention was stolen away when Koreu had taken her hand into his own. Looking down towards where she felt the touch Eliana watched while he entwined their fingers together before curling the thin limbs over the back of her hand. With slight hesitance she did much the same with her own fingers curling over the back of Koreu's hand before she looked up towards him in time to see him smiling down at her.
        Koreu began their walk while he held Eliana's hand, mainly looking forward though occasionally glancing over towards her. "You look tense." He stated casually.
        "No," She defended while quickly looking to Koreu again, who gave a soft chuckle.
        "Alright, no need to get defensive about it." He paused. "What's your favorite food?"

        Their conversation went on like this quite simply until they finally arrived to the small diner. It appeared surprisingly homely with its small and easygoing style, with very few people sitting at the booths and counter within the double doors. 

        Politely, Koreu pushed open the door with the sound of a bell's ring before he held it open.
        Pulling her hand away from Koreu's while moving to walk in past him, it seemed for a moment as if time slowed while her eyes met his directly. She'd been avoiding it for some time. In that moment when their eyes met she felt as though her heart had skipped a beat, while her shoulder brushed against his chest. Quickly she discovered that it was nothing less than muscular from that simple bump. Eliana was quick to breathe in a mere whisper, "Sorry."
        "Don't worry about it." Koreu brushed it off with another smile towards Eliana. He brought a hand up and set his palm against the small of her back to guide her towards the nearest booth near the window, until she took a seat while he sat across from her. 
        Ignoring the need to shrug Koreu's hand away from her back Eliana instead briefly glanced back towards him, and found herself returning his smile with a soft one of her own. It was so.. Enticing.. 
      "So.. Let me guess," Koreu began with a cheeky grin that was enough to make her stomach flutter. "You want.." He glanced over the menus that had already been set at the table, recalling information from the conversation they'd had on the way there. "A strawberry smoothie, fries, and chicken tenders."
      An obviously entertained look crossed Eliana's face while she watched and listened to Koreu before a grin spread over her lips. "Exactly right!" She laughed with a small shake of her head. "How'd you know?" She then questioned in a coy manner that was sarcastic just the same. 
        "Well of course!" Koreu replied just as a waiter strolled over to their booth.
        "What can I get you two?"
       "A large strawberry smoothie, medium fries, and chicken tenders for her. For myself, I'll have a large banana smoothie, a deluxe hamburger, and large fries."
      "I'll be right back with your smoothies," The waiter dismissed, a smile constantly over his lips before he turned and left.
        Eliana strangely didn't find herself minding that Koreu had ordered for her, rather found it rather sweet and again smiled towards him after the waiter left. "Thank you."
        "My pleasure." Koreu softly chuckled, shaking his head slightly. Beneath the table he allowed his shoed foot to rub against the side of Eliana's. "How's it been so far, then?"
        "Oh.. I've enjoyed myself," She confirmed. Despite the urge to pull her foot away, she refrained herself from doing so. Just lunch.. Just lunch.. "What about yourself?"
     "I think it'd be impossible not to enjoy myself, spending time with someone as beautiful as yourself."
        Maybe more than lunch.. It couldn't be. Perhaps she prayed too much. In her mind, it was comfort. No, it's not. Just a friendly lunch. It wasn't allowed to be anything more, as far as she was concerned. Holding hands was a friendly gesture, not a romantic one. Right? "T-Thank you." She managed to get out, refusing to let her eyes meet Koreu's directly. His already charming smile only grew.
        "You're very welcome."
        "Here are your smoothies," The waiter interrupted, perhaps thankfully if not but to Eliana.
        "Thank you," Koreu was the first to speak. He shifted the strawberry smoothie over towards her while keeping his own before him, thanking the waiter politely once more when given two straws, before the man left. "Here." Koreu casually stuck one of the straws that he'd taken out of the thin white paper wrapper, and plucked it into Eliana's smoothie glass.
        Hesitantly she took the remaining straw and slowly pulled the thin paper covering off of it, before letting the straw sink into Koreu's smoothie in return. 
        "Why thank you," He stated in a near playful, teasing manner towards Eliana, who shyly smiled towards him. 
        "So.." She began, taking a deep breath. This can't be sinning.. It feels so right..  "Are you married?"
        "Would I be here if I was?"
        "No girlfriend..?" She hesitantly asked her next question, almost grimacing while she did. Please say no.
        "Of course not."
        Worrying over nothing.. She assured herself, and with a smile shook her head towards Koreu once more. "I didn't think so."
        "Deluxe hamburger, fries, and chicken tenders here," The waiter piped up for the third time, setting down each item on its designated plate in turn. "Anything else?"
        "Nothing I can think of." Koreu rose a brow at Eliana.
        "Nothing right now, I don't think," She confirmed, watching as the waiter then nodded and headed on his way. Similar to the way a bird would peck at its food, Eliana picked up one of her fries between her middle finger and thumb and lifted it to her mouth. There, she gently blew against it. A shiver ran down her spine while Koreu seemed to keep his eyes locked upon her as she did this until she finally had to turn her head to the side just enough to break the eye contact.
        Koreu took a sip from his smoothie. "Taste good?"
        "Surprisingly so," She replied, nodding slightly in agreement. With her gaze still averted, she nibbled at another fry that was held delicately between her slender fingers. It was easy to feel Koreu's foot rubbing slightly higher past her ankle, just above it. Without thinking she pulled her legs away this time, only afterwards realizing with what abruptness that she'd done the action with. "I.. I'm sorry," 
        "No need to apologize." Koreu soothed with a small shake of his head. 
        I haven't sinned.. Desperation filled her that this hope as true.

        For the rest of lunch Eliana remained relatively quiet until they had finished their meals. Helping her up from her seat, Koreu gently took her smaller hand into his own.
        "I hope it wasn't too bad."        
        "No, not at all." She assured.
        "Would you mind if I walked you home?" He questioned while leading her towards the door.
        "I.. I'd be glad to have your company." Eliana agreed, offering a small smile towards Koreu who seemed to return it. With entwined hands, Eliana turned them in the right direction before they began the walk to her small home.

        Eliana glanced up towards Koreu while his even steps matched her own, his gaze directed forward. The outline of his jaw was obvious as her gaze glanced about the side of his face that she could see. A brush of her shoulder against his arm here, and a gentle touch of a hip there occurred while they walked. Feeling as though time could've paused, Eliana gazed up towards the man she walked beside. What was this that she was feeling? It was foreign; alien. 
        "Do I have something on my jaw?" Koreu suddenly spoke, his deep voice pulling her from thoughts while a soft flush was quick to come to her cheeks as she instantly caught the teasing tone. 
        "Oh.. No, of course not," 
        "No? Well, good, because I think you do.." 
        Not having noticed that they'd come to her house, Eliana was caught by surprise when Koreu suddenly stopped just before the step to the small porch with her back towards the front door, and his chest less than an inch from hers. Just a goodbye.. Just a goodbye.. 
        Gazing down at Eliana, Koreu brought up a hand to gently let his thumb trail across her jaw bone up to her chin.
        Just a goodbye.. Just a.. 
        Koreu interrupted her thoughts when he craned his neck, and pressed his lips against her own.
        She could feel his lips moving against her own to increase the depth of the kiss while her head was tilted slightly due to the hold that he had on her chin, although gentle. It seemed over all too soon, and she was left breathless while staring up at Koreu. 
        "Goodbye now," 
        "Bye.." She almost whispered, her fingertips brushing over her lips from where his had been pressed. 
        She's mine.

        As Eliana crawled into bed that night her gaze fell upon the white rose that laid in her window sill. A new one. This one however, upon its delicate white pedals held a few tainted places that looked as though blood had stained the color. Frowning slightly at this, she tilted her head slightly. After rolling the stem between her fingers for some time she voted that she was far past tired. Please, Lord, forgive me for my sins.. I know I have sinned this day.. I shall not break your law again, Lord..

        Pain erupted through her body sharply, causing her to tense and abruptly open her eyes. When she did she was greeted with the sight of a man's figure wearing all black though no face was to be seen, much like the shadow she'd seen at the church. In the figure's hand was a tightly grasped knife that may have very well been considered a butcher's knife. Before she could utter a sound the sharp blade was stabbed into her stomach with blood quickly oozing. With widened eyes, Eliana tried to cry out though not a sound would leave her. Roughly the blade was then yanked out with a choke of pain from her. Her hands were quick to go to her stomach, covering the wound as she clutched at her stomach while tears pooled heavily in her eyes. "Wait-" The figure stepped closer and stabbed the blade into her shoulder, knocking her back against the bed where she still laid painfully. A scream of pain escaped her while the knife was like a pin against the bed. A needle was drawn from somewhere below the bed that was past her vision, which was harshly stabbed into her chest just below her collar bone. Easily this drew another scream from her as her body shook from shock. Despite her pleading, the shadowed figure continued. It seemed like an eternity that this went on, pain engulfing her mind until she felt as though it were enough to simply kill her. Death would've been better than living through the pain at that point. It was just before she was pushed past this point that she jolted upright in her bed. 

        Breathing heavily with a hand over her heart and the other arm across her stomach, tremors went through her body with a cold sweat covering her forehead and down her spine. Her breaths trembled as she stared at the far wall of the bedroom while her heart thumped in her chest aggressively. Why? She questioned herself desperately. Slowly she ran her fingers back through her hair at the sides of her head with a brief closing of her eyes. Nightmares aren't real..

© 2014 jade162

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Added on October 8, 2014
Last Updated on October 8, 2014



I adore writing as a whole, and I highly enjoy doing it. I'd love if anyone read and gave feedback on what I've written here- Honest feedback. I'm not always very confident, and I'd like to know if I'.. more..

Little Bits Little Bits

A Story by jade162

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by jade162