Navy is what the man is thinking and Wine is the woman is thinking, the italic is what both are thinking.
She doesn't understand .....
My life has changed
My needs are varied like the winds of time...
Taking my heart to new beginnings..
Different desires....
The past lies buried in the ground ....
He doesn't understand....
Life has changed me
Together, alone, in this prison we call home...
Fantasies have become my only escape..
Always exhausted....
My heart dreams of days gone by....
She doesn't understand....
Frustration abounds...
I am locked into suburban boredom
My mind is dulled and my passion doused
A sensual frozen waste...
My soul is frozen and bound ....
He doesn't understand...
The magic is gone...
A special touch, a loving look, our favorite song...
Could make so much difference....
Passion renew...
The future looks dim unless I get through to him...
She doesn't understand....
Her kisses infrequent and cold
The touch like winter and snow
I need the fire igniting again .. my body aroused
Tired and lonely
My heart screams for love....
He doesn't understand....
Loneliness lurks...
I need him to hold me, not scold me
Imprisoned by duty's chains...
Vague memories of young love...
Vanished like a dream lost in the night... We don't understand...
What happened to us
We're living the life of our parents...
Doing what we said we would never do
You in one corner, me in another...
Where has the magic gone?
I feel as if I have reviewed this, anyway I will push on. A good collaboration, the content is a sad state of affairs. So many are in this rut that is why this is a topical subject that many will relate to. Where has the magic gone? The catch cry of couples everywhere and I guess working on keeping the magic alive is an everyday excursion. I like the way you have put this together Bren, the different colored stanzas depicting different characters...all in all a good effort. Great message...
Helen :-)))))))
Did you re-enter this? I don't see me down below (okay, that's just kinky when I say it) but this feels so familiar....anyways, great job on the writing.! You truly have your finger on the pulse ("Psst, Brenda, watch out for Phil's telling where they've been!") of a relationship that has seen better days...
Wonderful expose' on the frailty of a relaitonship and the tension created by the lack of communication. Great work. Somehow it seemed familiar to me as well, but that could have been because of the form and style.
Really honest work. I think I read this before... I must have neglected to review it. I am sorry. This is a work which defines the crossroads of every relationship or not... whether to become the moving party in a failing relationship. Truly fine work.
I feel as if I have reviewed this, anyway I will push on. A good collaboration, the content is a sad state of affairs. So many are in this rut that is why this is a topical subject that many will relate to. Where has the magic gone? The catch cry of couples everywhere and I guess working on keeping the magic alive is an everyday excursion. I like the way you have put this together Bren, the different colored stanzas depicting different characters...all in all a good effort. Great message...
Helen :-)))))))
Welcome Glitter
Hi, I'm Phil and I live in Kent in the UK in a little village called Upnor which is right on the River Medway.
Hi, I'm Brenda and I live in Georgia in the USA in a small town called .. more..