A Poem by jackiemet
i realize that being in love & feeling like this is one of the most amazing feelings that someone can ever feel & all, but far too often you see & hear people letting their relationship status or whether on not someone wants to be with them dictate their every move & their every choice. yes, it's amazing to fully be with another human being, but sometimes, it can be just as amazing to be with yourself, to only do you, & figure out who & what kinds of things you want out of life. think of the things you could accomplish for yourself if you just went with the flow, did your own thing, & allowed everything to fall where it may. pushing yourself into situations with other people just because you want to be in love will never make you truly happy. pushing yourself to the best possible person you can be will. you truly are the only person who can make yourself 100% happy. take advantage of that s**t.
© 2014 jackiemet
A splendid uplifting poem...:).................
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 Review
Added on September 30, 2014
Last Updated on September 30, 2014
Tags: status, women, men, money, love, morals, sex, random, generation, hate, boyfriend, girlfriend, standards, hot