The Stones You CarryA Poem by Jacqueline CorrineThis is a poem about emotions. It is about how someone feels when they have to let go and forgive. It's not easy, but it's necessary and better for you. This is about anger and healing.Some people don't know the difference between pain and hurt Understanding who matters and what life is worth while Looking in the mirror and not seeing the who you were And there you went, just flying on by with solidity and bite Forgotten and worn and walking slow, no strife, no fight Passion and dreams crushed like roses beneath a hard palm Full of anger, no room to let the sores balm but somewhere inside You have to remember to let go of the flaming hot bricks you carry Or they will no doubt burn holes in your hands and the only thing you Shall build are blisters on your soul, scorned and weary, bury your tears Pray on the hurt and know God is here with a ray of light presented As a gift, but first, you have to release those stones you hold in your fist.
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