I am mostly a fiction writer and admire your ability to say so much in four lines. It would have taken me so much longer to express the very same emotion.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you so very much my friend. I appreciate your kindness.
That Is : If she would only reply with four little words...
" Your place or Mine"
But I'm afraid that won't happen today Jack
Nope.. She's got the case of "Rainbows"
And what she needs is against the wall....
Thanks Connie. I don't quite understand, but I still like it.
11 Years Ago
I get it now.... :)
11 Years Ago
LMAO...... I didn't think you saw what she did, but I knew you would LMAO No wonder you adore her so.. read moreLMAO...... I didn't think you saw what she did, but I knew you would LMAO No wonder you adore her so much.
Lol! Your, I think, totally Mad at love! Even since a day I joined the site, am reading such kinda pieces. Whao! What a new age writers! This poem's sweet, simple and a bit sluty. I've figured out even am still figuring out that today's folks love reading, writing, listening n hearing such kinda love words that make their days as you make my day...n they don't care of love even though they know that they'll get hurt by love someday but no! they never learn the lesson ..they always go after the love making the love and of course falling into the world of pain but love's really beautiful cus, the few even only one moment's enough to make love to live the whole life with love then whether love brings tears or not, gives pain or not.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thanks for stopping by today. I appreciate your visit.
Not much to tell about me, I am just Jack, I am a poet, a writer, a musician, a painter, a builder and a dreamer. I live in south Texas but am originally from New Jersey and miss it more and more all .. more..