(Perfect for dancing)

(Perfect for dancing)

A Poem by Jack...


(perfect for dancing)


my mind spinning in kaleidoscopic directions

and dancing in the streets

collecting traffic light colors

in an ever changing constant sheen of red


staring as crowded sidewalks corner me

in an alley by the way,

scanning every frowning face

and candy store window…for those dark eyes


tapping my toes to the sounds

calling from second floor balconies

draped with confetti grins and waving hellos

in a paraded cupped hand stance


walk / don’t walk lights flash

in syncopated beat with this moment

as I see your reflection in revolving door glass

and my heart spins in your movements


crossing guards jump, cardboard stop signs firmly in hand

white lines on black asphalt beckon

as this two way street, (perfect for dancing)

leads you straight to my arms



© 2014 Jack...

Author's Note

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Perfect indeed, an intertwined piece that never lets go, well done.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so very much my friend.
I'm new here but my goodness you guys are all amazing at writing poetry. This poem is perfect for dancing Jack, you've really done a lot of justice here and made this poem stick out from the crowd. Nice! (-;

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much Kimmie and welcome to WC. I hope you enjoy yourself here. I appreciate you stopping b.. read more
Today is my first day of reviewing in a month my friend, so I'm essentially limited to concise statements right now until I get my bearings back. This is an awesome piece...it has a stream-of-conscious feel to it, yet every line and image carries razor-sharp precision. Great work.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so very much my friend. Happy you are back in the fold.
walk / don’t walk lights flash
in syncopated beat with this moment
as I see your reflection in revolving door glass
and my heart spins in your movements

Wonderful metaphor and imagery in this romantic write.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so very much Pryde. I appreciate you always.
Dancing in the city...how lovely...

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much Marie.
Another good free verse. The most hardest to crack and interpret, for my level.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much Neil. Happy you enjoyed this one.
Very uplifting poem! So romantic and light. Nice Wrtie

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so much Eileen...happy you stopped by.
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This is romantic poem filled with vivid images from beginning to end. You impress me with your imagination, this is a fine piece of poetry with a character all its own.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so very much my friend. I am happy you enjoyed this dance with me.
This is just lovely. The rhythm of the piece stays in step with your wonderful imagery:

walk / don’t walk lights flash
in syncopated beat with this moment
as I see your reflection in revolving door glass
and my heart spins in your movements

crossing guards jump, cardboard stop signs firmly in hand
white lines on black asphalt beckon
as this two way street, (perfect for dancing)
leads you straight to my arms

It is a very romantic piece.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so very much Anne. You are always so kind to me.
I adore this sheen'd red dance of yours. You know I tend to lead or I"d ask you to dance. ;-)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

When someone beautiful is moving in front of me I tend to follow...lead on my friend. Thank you so .. read more

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23 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on January 3, 2014
Last Updated on January 3, 2014



San Antonio, TX

Not much to tell about me, I am just Jack, I am a poet, a writer, a musician, a painter, a builder and a dreamer. I live in south Texas but am originally from New Jersey and miss it more and more all .. more..


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